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DJ Bricks

Eurobricks Counts
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Everything posted by DJ Bricks

  1. I have no problem believing Rhodey will be siding with Cap. He has a different belief from Tony.
  2. Harley's been done four times then hammer truck funhouse arkham Jokerland
  3. I echo this PLEASE!!!!!!! unless it's a Disney party!, then you better apologize quick.
  4. Like i said. Marvel is pissed at Fox. Not only for the FF but that they had to fight to use QS and SW and got the short end of the stick. I highly doubt they'd want to promote even loosley another X-Men movie. This is also why as soon as the movie was announced, Deadpool was announced to die.
  5. Is this abrickmario loves Disney!, because you're used poor grammer in the past for past jokes!!! If not normal sized pics please!!
  6. I highly doubt we are going X-Men sets comic or not. Considering how pissed at Fox Marvel studios is. No FF toys or comics. No new Mutant character. wolverine's dead. Deadpool going to die.
  7. It's supposed to be silver and dark grey almost black. Lego's is the Mark 2. It also has the the FF 446 that the real one does. It also matches the print on the Iron Patriot. It is the Mark 2. Even if it doesn't match completely. There has been no movie scene with the armour , so all we have to go on is comic(who can draw it and color it however they like) and other toy companies going off the same thing Lego does.
  8. Disney showed the scene at an event. The containment unit is to hold the Hulk, but he breaks out. It the forms the Hulk Buster.
  9. That and they had the own mini comic con a few months ago to announce Phase 3's line up. All they would have to show is som Cap and Doc Strange footage, which wouldn't be worth it. I'm sure Lego will be there with their own Marvel stuff.
  10. It's a retailer exclusive. Same thing happned to the Brainiac attack. A little odd that the comic does show Thor and Hawkeye getting the scepter out of nowhere.
  11. We got a Hydra Henchman in comic book form last year. They are not new
  12. hulk is the best for me. Worst new Thor. I think they designed him right before they went to lunch. No accurate hairpiece, or leg printing. Arms being metallic are nice but to dark.
  13. mark 1 is Puppets tangles in strings. prime is the no strings on me. Ultimate seems to be the EW cover version.
  14. Well, back when the set were released, the was a competition between these and the SpongeBob sets. Which ever sold better would be brought on for a full theme. SB won, as that had a few seasons and a huge fan based under its belt. Avatar was just starting out and in its mid first season, I believe , and an iffy fan base. Would I have liked more, yes! Iroh, Azula, Toph, for starters! But with SB and Now TMNT with MB, I think all nick shows fall under that belt.
  15. Yeah, an angry one. I think he looks good, the look in the movie isn't really much to go on. I like that the got the sequence pattern of the Under Armor type shirt. That's an awesome detail!
  16. Just take the clipped on canister. Looks enough like the comic version without that.
  17. Well 73024 was skipped also 76023 Tumbler 76025 GL
  18. Because of the stupid Ryan Ryenolds movie. Seriously, after that movie went sour, toy companies were afraid of his selling abilties due to most of his sitting on shelves, not being sold.
  19. I just watch MichaelMGF video and he has a close-up of Mifigure section of the Ant-Man box. yellow jacket has a different head and there is mechanical printing in the mouth area of Pym's head.
  20. Not usually, but yeah some times. I'm if these are final, which I hope not, I'm fine with the Stormtrooper for Darren. I'm fine with generic Ezra for Paul Rudd. What I am not fine with is Gandalf's for Pym. 1. Ian and Michael don't look anything alike 2. As such Michael doesn't have 60 wrinkles all over his face like sir Ian. 3. Pym has a frickin goatee!!! It seams lego got lazy with the human faces this wave. Clone head and a LotR elves head for Rhino and Sandy?!!
  21. No Cho is apparently a Asian Dr/friend of Stark in the film. Also I can't seem to find which version Rhino is based on!!!???
  22. I really hope the minifigures in the Ant-Man set are really preliminary. Just watched the brick shows video. Yellowjacket has the 2012 Stormtrooper head Scott has Ezra Bridge's And Hank has Gandalf's(seriously Do Douglas and McKellan look anything alike, Ian has about a thousand more wrinkles, plus Michael has a goatee for the film)
  23. There is no hair pieces for them. They would be some where on the display if there were.
  24. Marketing my friend. Way to insure purchases.
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