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Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. DNL posted a post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    The Blitz-zard! - The Walls of Arkursa Chronicles of the Urtican, Chapter Two: Ruin. Time and cold have taken their toll on our cities and people. Our sleep was long and the world was cruel. The teeth of time have slowly devoured homes and lives. The frigid winds too have slowly devolved much of our former greatness. But not all is lost. The wall of our nation still stand. Our ancestors toil was not in vain for the walls they built continue to live on. Our future shows promise. We will rebuild what once was great. We will fortify our cities once again. We will rise up and make our ancestors proud. We live on... Read the rest of the story here: The Chronicles of the Urtican ]Eilonwy77, http://www.flickr.com/photos/nannanz/8385518926/in/photostream/]Nannan Z., http://www.flickr.com/photos/68922418@N00/8384428935/]-Pendragon-, http://www.flickr.com/photos/mcdenbesten/8385511070/]'Ecclesiastes, , , , , ]Si-MOCs, ]Blake's Baericks, http://www.flickr.com/photos/legocy/8384461589/]Siercon and Coral Check out the for all our pictures, tutorials, discussions and more!
  2. DNL replied to DNL's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    I have edited one of the pictures to make it look like a scene from the movie: (Click for big) You might be able to buy all the parts to build this on bricklink, excluding the minifigs, for £500, but if lego were to sell this as a set it would cost many times that. I used many thousands of bricks to build it. I mean ten whole days of consecutive building. It took two months from start to finish to build this.
  3. DNL replied to DNL's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Thanks for all the nice comments! deskp, 1. august according to the store i made this for. I'm not sure about other stores. vlai23, that's awesome! and congrats on winning. Brinstar: quite a while. About ten days of building i guess.
  4. I built this model as a promotional display for a store in Oslo. If you live nearby or visit Oslo you should check it out! The store is called outland and is located next to the main street of Oslo. This is also probably the last MOC you'll see from me the coming months. I will have little time to build and no access to my bricks.
  5. DNL posted a post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    As you may have noticed i haven't built anything for a while, but now I have finally made a new MOC, the Irruini Manor: More and bigger pictures here, or click the pictures to go to flickr.
  6. I used almost all my castle bricks for my medieval city, so i decided to build something futuristic. BC-EC-019 Brain controlled industrial machine by Daniel Z "DNL", on Flickr "In the near future brain controlled machines will become normal. These machines are more agile and practical than their predecessors because they don't need a cabin and special safety features for their operator." (Click picture for more)
  7. DNL posted a post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    It has been a while since i posted (and build) my last MOC, but i have finally taken pictures of my medieval city that was part of the Lowlug castle layout at Fanwelt in germany a few months ago. Prhean by Daniel Z "DNL", on Flickr Prhean by Daniel Z "DNL", on Flickr More pics
  8. DNL posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    It has been a while since i posted my last MOC. Thats because i'm working on a large medieval city with surrounding landscape that will be shown at Fanwelt in Cologne, Germany the November. In the mean time i have also built this MOC: A New Life by Daniel Z 'DNL', on Flickr After the world oil production reached it's peak because no profitable new oil fields were found the entirely oil dependent global economy collapsed. Few of the world's billions of people survived the following famine caused by the shortage of fuel for agricultural machines, pesticides and transport, and the resource based wars that ravaged the planet. The survivors now live in small societies and groups, and their way of life has changed drastically. This particular group of survivors has changed a rural house into a self sufficient farm growing everything they need. More photos
  9. Captain Green Hair and me built this tractor at the eurobricks event in Billund using only pieces of 8958 granite grinder and 7684 Pig Farm & Tractor When the pig farmer found out zombies are horrified of fresh greens he built an all terrain tractor with a carrot canon to keep his farm and pigs from being destroyed and eaten. More pictures on flickr
  10. I think i will be entering this contest. I have been wanting to make a LEGO set MOC for a while now, and since I won't need to use that many pieces i can easily build something without sorting all my unsorted mocs and loose pieces, which currently cover my whole building table and part of my floor... It's a pity there weren't any of the PoP sets in Billund while I was at the event, but it will also be fun to improvise with the parts that i have. At least i do have some new half-arches and tan bricks from the grand emporium.
  11. I had a really great time at the event, it was very nice to meet the people from the forum in real life, and the presentations and tour at the lego group were very interesting. Fortunately there weren't too many people at the park, so there was hardly any waiting time at the attractions, and it wasn't crowded. I will definitely try to come again next year, and if if anyone considers going next time you definitely should, you won't regret it! I didn't take any photos because i couldn't find my compact camera, but it looks like there are plenty of photos by other attendees.
  12. In a few hours I'll be taking the bus to the train station from where i will take a train to Oslo. We expect to leave Oslo 12.00, and if the vulcano didn't increase traffic too much I'll meet you all this evening
  13. I'm going to fanwelt and i will take a medieval city with surrounding landscape with me, which will be added to Lowlug's collaborative castle layout. My part will be around 200x150 studs. I can't wait
  14. DNL replied to Ras 74's post in a topic in LEGO Events and User Groups
    I would like one of those badges, the color doesn't really matter. If you want me to send some 1x8 bricks to you they will probably be gray, i'm not sure if i have three good looking 1x8 bricks in any other color i like
  15. DNL replied to DNL's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Thanks! I first tought of using dark blue, but i don't ave any dark blue 1x1 round bricks. The sand green pieces were laying on my desk (i used them as cucombers in a previous MOC) so i just grabbed those. The slopes are simply attached sideways to the main 1 brick broad middle spine using technic bricks with pins, and each new layer of slopes is one plate furter away from the middle than the one underneath it.
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