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  1. Finally finished my classic Ghost Rider. Super happy with how he turned out.
  2. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard if you took out the tool cabinet. Let me know if you do it!
  3. I wouldn't say mine is well written or photographed, but I enjoy text/photo reviews more than videos as well. Mostly because I can consume them at my own speed and not wait for someone to try to remember a word for 30 seconds or whatever. Which happens to everyone, it just doesn't make for a compelling use of my time.
  4. Nah, you're not stupid. You're just up on your X-Men comics! That's a good thing.
  5. Thanks for the review! It looks pretty nice and I've always liked Ghostbusters. Now if only someone would make a version of this, post it to Lego Ideas and get it approved: http://www.tomopop.com/ul/10955-toys-of-yesterday-ghostbusters/FearsomeFlushComp1a-550x.jpg
  6. I'd love to see everyone you listed, but Sprite IS Kitty Pryde (though I guess there's a modern character who took the name). Thunderbird is kind of obscure but I don't think the Giant Size X-Men team is complete without him, not that we will ever see him! Sunfire is essential too. I'd love Bishop, Cable, Gambit, Domino, Warpath, Sunfire, Rogue and Jubilee. The X-Men are probably my favorite superhero team as well. My pleasure.
  7. Thanks. I'm sure someone else will come up with something way better, but that's what I found and used.
  8. Hope so! I'd love a Thunderbird and a Banshee as well. Agreed. It is small but it's a well designed Blackbird and a fun sentinel with great minifigs. I'm pretty happy.
  9. As requested, here are some more photos. Here are some more angles on the Blackbird: Here's a pic of the bottom and what it looks like with some improvised landing gear: Here's Storm from the side and the back: Here are some Wolverine comparisons and a pic of the older Wolverine with the new mask: Here are some Magneto comparisons. Did I miss anything?
  10. My pleasure. That hair piece would have worked well, I agree. It's actually a better choice, but this one is a close second and it looks pretty close to how he looked in New Mutants around the time. I'm just happy that we got a white hairpiece in the first place!
  11. Sure, I'll get you covered on that when I get home from work. I agree that he could have had printed boots, but it's styled after a specific Cyclops costume. As daniel gourhan22 said, it's a pretty simple costume and I think they did a good job. It also matches up well era-wise with these Wolverine, Magneto and Storm costumes. Sure, gotta agree there. But that's easy to mod. I would have liked red canopy glass too if we're being honest. Hey, no problem. I love a majority of Claremont's run too so I really like these costumes. Glad you're all enjoying it. I'll be posting the requested pics this evening.
  12. I'll take that pic for you tomorrow. It doesn't, which is kind of a drawback. The underside has nothing on it so it doesn't look ugly. No weird technic pieces or overlapping plates or odd colors-- but no landing gear either. It'd be super easy to just put 3 wheels on it though. I might steal them from the recent Batcopter and take a pic for you.
  13. I can take some Wolverine and Magneto comparison pics tomorrow when there's more light if you'd like. They're just different costumes and I like both sets. It depends on the look you like best I suppose. The Logan and Magnus from the helicopter set probably have the more iconic costumes though. The only sticker inside the plane is in the little war room area. It's that computer with the Sentinel head on it. I think that area would look dull without it. The controls are printed tiles. There are very few stickers in this set, 4 to be exact. 2 go on the canopy and one goes on the tool cabinet. I like the canopy stickers but it'd look fine without them.
  14. Me too! That's my favorite thing about it.
  15. There's an X-Men comic (or several? I'm not sure since it makes 0 sense to me) in the later pages. $80? Whoa! I'd say this one is better than the Spider Copter. The Luke Cage, Mary Jane and Ultimate Goblin figs are nice but that vehicle is a bit of a turd. It might look okay in regular SHIELD colors but it's still no Blackbird.
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