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    31120 Creator 3-in-1 Castle

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  1. To be honest, I love that almost all of my vintage battle minifigs (pirates, castle in particular) all look like they're having fun so it feels more like cosplay or a ren faire or something like that. As it is, I am planning to build a central city around some modulars and creator 3-in-1 buildings, then some old leisure houses and buildings around that, and then each major theme will be like a theme park. So my lego city people can go to spaceland, or pirateland, or castleland. Those old builds are so blocky but so unmistakably Lego. I love it.
  2. There's definitely something endearing about the basic smiley heads of yesteryear. I love when I get a bunch of them in some vintage haul.
  3. Is there any chance of this getting a discount? I'm guessing no, so best bet is to pick a 2xVIP and good GWP that you want?
  4. I also give my soldiers tricornes when on the ship. I think it's to help keep water off their faces. Shakos are for land deployment only.
  5. I have a decent sorting system using parts drawers, some bins and ziplock bags, and, uh, basement bins full of unsorted stuff. Yeah. That's all. The drawers are really useful, though I find myself needing more space so I can add more. It's frustrating at the moment, but it really does make it much easier in many cases. I am glad I mostly work on an older palette, up through the late 90s mostly. There are so many more colors now, and it's hard to differentiate some of them.
  6. I honestly don't think I've purchased any new sets in nearly a year? I feel like I'm a bit over-lego'd, if that's a thing. Granted, I am surrounded by bins and drawers full of vintage stuff that I'm working on completing (for future display or sale), and a number of MOC projects. I was digging in the basement the other week and found an unopened Soldier's Fort set that I completely forgot I owned. I don't even recall owning one I hadn't built (because I did sell some 2015 pirates last year). It's bad when I find multiples of sets that I got just because of a sale.
  7. That is very true! It's an insane world we live in. I'm very thankful that I don't collect Star Wars stuff, the market for that is nuts. Mostly I aim for stuff I wanted as a kid, with a few other interests (like LOTR or cars). Then things like Barracuda Bay or Eldorado, which slot nicely into the old themes.
  8. Is this an issue that any of us suffer from? How big is your display space if you don't have a backlog (of sets or MOC ideas to work on)?!?
  9. LOL that's great. Must be at least a hundred and fort-een puns in there. Really nice review too. Definitely confirms that I want this. Yes, there are a few minor issues. No, I don't care. I can muck around with it, or buy a second and enlarge/customize it. Or maybe I'll just customize it with all the pirate parts I have.
  10. Yeah, I don't foresee discounts on Rivendell for a while, so it seems decent. When I sell, it's all vintage stuff, so I usually drop 10-15% off the BL price, somewhere between the asking and previous six months. MSRP means nothing when decades have passed.
  11. Good to know. I hadn't heard that rule, but it seems solid. Gives a bit of leeway in case you need to order parts. I suppose it's best to confirm all minifigs are there, since those are likely extremely expensive.
  12. How much would you pay for a used but complete with box and instructions copy of Rivendell? Just gauging thoughts on that pricing, as someone local has one and I'm considering it but it's still a big outlay.
  13. Is there any precedent for a printed shako being a mid-level officer? I have one from an unopened 70412, and I tend to prefer shakos for land units and tricornes for sailors. So I might use the printed shako soldier as the officer to command the 3 unprinted shako soldiers, and use the two females with tricornes to the ship. The governor and his daughter would have to find another place, I guess. I'm also torn, because I could probably get at least half the price of 10320 by selling 70412, and that's tempting too.
  14. Same. It's definitely more vintage feeling, and it gives the impression of a starched white uniform. However, if they did back printing, it might look a little strange to have the underarms so white.
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