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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. 76925 - Aston Martin F1 Safety Car & AMR23 AMR23 looks like McLaren F1 but green, safety car is also green
  2. For me this G-wagon is best from leaked cars (based on two pictures above) but yeah - hood is crazy tall/bulky - most likely I'll use it as base of some moc. Roadster is second but most likely it'll become spare parts and it's another example how much we need new windshield molds (also 8-wide windshields would be helpful for so much projects). Lamborghini is just nope, totally not my type of car, don't even like how it looks as lego and it's pitty that mudguards are not gren olive - they should be considering car it represents, I'm skipping this one for sure.
  3. It already existed - maybe it's new for sc. Not new (I was considering parts as a whole from all sets, not only sc). Forgot about this parts, yeah, thanks for mentioning it.
  4. I have good news for you: I've figured out how to make front of Red XA Bat (1972 Ford Falcon XA Coupe) from Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior and only thing remaining to finish it is rear spoiler and order some red parts.
  5. Those are wedges (I know, almost every time I'm searching for them I'm starting with slopes first :D) in 76919 we have 2 black for each side and 2 orange for each side, in 76922 1 white for each side and one black for each side. so far, looking at list of pieces from 76919 and 76922 we have new wedges: 2x2 1x4 new tiles: 1x2 new slope: 1x2 - similar to 61409 but full instead of slots I've extracted parts lists from kbalage videos: 76919 76922 I'm still hoping that at some point they will give us separated 11291 (with removed 1x2 plate from inside) or any other slopes/wedges that are 2 plates high.
  6. Bottom of new slopes and tiles (especially black slope from front spoiler - one that will have "chrome smartsheet" sticker on it). And now something I've discovered yesterday when selecting wheels for my version of Ford Falcon from Mad Max: Wheel cover can be used with this wheel
  7. Thank you! Yeah from first Mad max 1972 Holden Monaro and 1975 Holden Sandman Panel Van are both in advanced part of build process, yet too early to share pics as I need to fix few issues I have in both of them, hopefully I'll release them soon. Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior is also my favourite part, that's why I'm super proud of pulling off that damaged front version we have for most part of movie (didn't noticed this one in any other SEC but I didn't spend too much time looking for it). I'm wondering if Max will got his hands on v8 once again in upcoming movie (one after Furiousa prequel).
  8. Thank you! Too serious mode on: Actually it's destroyed in Mad Max 2 (that's why Max doesn't have it in Mad Max 3) and AFAIK story of gow he got it back is explained in comic book used as intro to Fury Road (I haven't had a chance to read it yet). Too serious mode off: Which now in my head exist only as your explanation - it's made of lego
  9. So far interested only in Ford Mustang Dark Horse and Ferrari F40, excited for new parts - mostly wheels from BMW and McLaren sets (also new color from Audi), but also new wedges, 1x2 tile (give me black ones so I can put it into my Ford Falcon) and that new wide bracket. Will see whith what I'll end (for example at first I wanted to use Mercedes-AMG F1 W12 E Performance for parts since i don't care about F1 but in the end I kept it and dismantled for parts Mercedes-AMG Project One instead).
  10. This is prerelease version, I'll update this (post hopefully soon) with proper pictures when instructions are ready. I've started creating this project somewhere in 2022, and finished November last year. Using modular panels in front, back and sides (and by adding/removing/replacing parts inside such as police light) we can easily switch between different versions of car: Stock: Mad Max 1: Mad Max 2 (which almost is the same version as in Fury Road):
  11. They are in fact better: Forgive me for quoting you again but now that I've build it I also need rounder one - to make it even worse I need two rounder and two just introduced (80567) in the same color.
  12. Didn't noticed this until I saw your comment, good catch! Again - shame that license plates are stickers, but most important pieces of car are prints and it looks good without stickers (unlike Bronco R which sides I had to modify using bricks - last part is recreate front). I did - purchased it this Saturday for ~90% of current price and after building it I went to buy another one (not gonna lie - need another one for parts to build another MOC). Hopefully you'll like mine Modular Dodge Charger second generation (1968-70) 8-wide then (I'll be releasing instruction very soon [later I will remade it into MOD of F&F charger] - just last small changes in instruction & they are good to go) - below 1970 variant: FTFY (only good use case for stickers I saw so far was rust effect from creator Ecto-1 [which again had license plate made of stickers]) It's very good build IMHO Take my steering wheel! (and my axe)
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