Everything posted by Flobnomdob
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Still no sign of any shop in the UK making these prices reasonable. We still have to pay around 33% more on Uruk-Hai Army, 30% more on the Mines, 25% more on Weathertop, Orc Forge and Shelob and 15% more on Helm's Deep (Making it £100 rather than £80) Luckily, though, Gandalf Arrives is almost equal to my calculated prices converted from US $. BUT, it's out of stock everywhere apart from S@H, with added postage prices. Seeing as I live rather remotely from places like TRU or a proper Argos, especially an actual LEGO shop, getting new sets on time is harder here. I've sent a complaint to TLG, I hope it makes a a difference. EDIT: I love those animations! But it is really weird with Boromir. It seems as if they wrapped the 1st film up in two episodes, and the other 1 and a half (More happened in the Two Towers than Helm's Deep) in two episodes. It's really quite weird.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Does anyone notice the impossible connection between the hobbit-hole roof and the dwarf picture underneath? Could be a new part...
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Yay! Thanks. They're still overpriced compared to the American prices, but ordering now... EDIT- Actually, no. They still cost £22 more than they should, by American pricing, and that was calculated with the Orc Forge, which I cannot get. I can't stand this ludicrous pricing!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I love the look of Thorin! It's perfect. Just to let you know, chapter 3 the Seige of Helm's Deep story animation is now added to the website! Very funny, as usual. Though, they seem to have ignored Boromir's death completely, with no explanation!
LEGO Collectable Minifgures Series 8 Rumours & Discussion
This, in my opinion, is the worst series yet. Anyone noticed how American CMF is? Hockey player, cowboy, native American, native American, cheerleader, cheerleader, cowgirl, American football player, daredevil (With his stars and stripes), baseball player... must I go on? To me the 'football' player is just a recolour of the hockey player, and the cheerleder also a relcolour. I can't help but feel TLG is running ouy of ideas for these. That fairy- What?? And the black robot is just the S1 one crossed with the Space Bad Guy. Still, I can't help but love the Conquistador, buisnessman and Shakespearian actor!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Seems as if we'll be seeing a few more details very soon! Do people in the Comic Con get to keep their Bilbos? I want one, now! Also, people, remember Bombur's headpeice/beard/fatsuit has to stick out enough for the rounded front of the head to stick out forwards and backwards, so he will hvae to bulge all the way down his torso.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Personally, I like them all. I'm looking forward to the second wave before I even get a set of the first! My least favourite is probably Bombur, because his hair/beard/fatsuit has very simplistic printing and the hair seems to hang at an odd angle. His chin is moulded onto the part, but also his bald patch. I don't like this beacuse I'd imagine him looking like Ki-Adi Mundi without the hair... Finally his necklace should be a different colour in my opinion as it is hard to tell it apart from his hair. What's with Dwalin's blue tattoos? I didn't see them in the trailer and they look rather sci-fi and silly.
My Dream second wave LOTR sets
Fangorn Forest now added! Enjoy!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Iv'e just seen Argos's prices for the sets in the UK! Are these prices the actual ones? They're massive! When I converted the dollar prices on the toyfair pictures getting all the sets totalled about £238, but calculating them with these prices is £320! hat's almost a £100 overpriced! How can the Uruk-Hai army cost £30, when it is the size of one and a half battle packs, not three! I will refuse to buy any at that price!
My Dream second wave LOTR sets
Amon Hen set now added! Hoping for more feedback!
My Dream second wave LOTR sets
How about this? Gamling is now not named on the imagined back of this box , and Hama is replaced by a generic horseman. (He's to come with Hall of Edoras instead now) Thanks for the feedback!
LEGO Team GB Minifigures Discussion
Has anyyone noticed the Equestrian has a new, amazing possibility? She has inner leg printing! That's a TLG first! Today I bought five random figs from WHSmith. (How dare they overprice them when the press release clearly stated they'd cost £1.99 in the shops!) I didn't even know the price until checkout because it was not shown! I knew that I want them all apart from the swimmer, as he's rubbish, so I had a high chance of getting most of the ones I wanted. But! I ended out with 3 swimmers, a Equestrian and the Gymnast. I hoped the prining on the Equestrian could be more useful, but the thrice chopped up rosette on the legs/hips/torso means that the three parts cannot be removed and still look good. Still. she'd make a perfect Princess Anne. Personally, my favourite minifig from this series as of yet is the Gymnast, for her new hairpeice and actual Lego bricks included in a set for the first time!
My Dream second wave LOTR sets
Rohan Battle Pack set now added! Orc one coming soon!
My Dream second wave LOTR sets
The Beacon set now added! That set went through a long design phase, as I didn't know for sure how big I wanted it to be. Enjoy!
[MOC] Riddles in the Dark
Nice rocks here, and I loved that scene in the book. Let's hope the films do it right! This is exactly as I imagined the scene myself. Should I hope or not hope that they make a set of this? Actually, I hope not. Your MOC of it does this justice enough.
My Dream second wave LOTR sets
This thread is now updated with Balrog Fight and Gates of Moria! I think I've gone perhaps into horse overkill, I just want to get more of the lovely new poseable one! The Gates of Moria set I thought would have to include those minifgures, but I would much rather have replaced Frodo with Legolas, as you get many too many Frodo's across the current sets, and it would be good to get more Elf hairpeices.
LOTR Project: The Two Towers
Just to say, Iv'e been following these sets since they first came out, and was inspired by how you visualized the sets already released differently. I would so much wantan Osgiliath set! It's my favourite location from the movies. My Osgiliath will be smaller than yours and I'll try my best not to copy your neat building style!
Future LotR and Hobbit sets
Thanks for the comments on the ship! I've made a few other sets, which you can see here, if you want to:
Big medieval landscape: BIG UPDATE on page 26
This thing is massive! A single building on this is probably larger than my entire parts collection! I love how the octagonal towers are coming along. About how tall do you plan to build the castle? (looking up) Also, nice use o those new flat round studs. They add a lot to the cobblestone floor. Now I must get some!
My Dream second wave LOTR sets
Firstly, I would like to make sure this project does not get confused with Nuju Metru's inspiring set series (Go look for them, if you haven't seen them already! ) I felt I knew exactly what sets I'd want to be released in the second wave of LOTR (Which I am now sure will come out), So I made an Excel table of the contents of all of the sets. I'm slowly building my way through all 18 of them, from the most easiest to hardest. So here they are! Note- some of the creatures in these sets must look a a bit weird, because obviously LDD doesn't have a Warg, Oliphaunt head, Ent, Mountain Troll or Great Beast mould, so I'm replacing them with either other parts or brickbuilt alternatives. Pictures link to my Flickr. Fellowship Of The Ring Rivendell (Exclusive)~ Coming soon Amon Hen In the ancient ruins of Amon Hen, at the throne, Boromir is under atack by Saruman’s Uruk-Hai. Lurtz, the captain sent to hunt down the Fellowship, shoots his bow at Boromir. Will he fight back or will the Fellowship be broken? Includes 3 minifgures- Boromir, Lurtz in armour and an Uruk-Hai. I was worried this set'd resemble too closely Nuju Metru's, but I tried not to look at their cool design. The horse in this set should be the HP griffin peice, to be more movie-accurate. Gates of Moria Gandalf and Frodo are outside the Mines of Moria. Gandalf must say the password to open the doors. But the Watcher is hiding in the water... And it grabs Frodo! Now Gandalf must save Frodo and escape through the door! Includes 2 minifigures- Gandalf the Grey, Frodo, plus a skeleton. I wanted The Watcher to be smaller than Shelob, so that I could fit a larger cave entrance into the set as well. I need feedback- should Bill (The horse) be in the set as well? Tell me, please! Balrog Fight Gandalf has met his match in Moria! The fiery Balrog is a demon who has a flaming whip and giant sword, and wants to stop the Fellowship from escaping the Mines. After fighting off the Moria Orc, you must use all your magic to stop this dark foe! Shall you pass? Includes Gandalf the White (Though I might replace him with ... the Grey) and a Moria Orc. Sorry if I've dissapointed you with this set, I'm rubbish at Hero Factory stuff, especially digitally. I will never surpass the awesomeness of N|uju Metru's Balrog, but I thought the set'd be perhaps a little more realistic design-wise if it was Ultrabuild. I guess it'll be the same with Ents. The Two Towers Hall of Edoras~ Coming soon Capture in Isengard (Exclusive)~ Halfway done Warg Ambush While riding to Helm’s Deep, Gimli and the Rohirrim are ambushed by Orcs riding vicious Wargs! Can the brave Rohan Soldier and a Dwarf defend the kingdom? Contains 4 minifigures- Gimli, Rohan Soldier, Sharku, Warg Rider The bears represent a new Warg mould. The set also includes bricks to 'fill in' the horses without a saddle, and one to allow Gimli to ride the other horse. Fangorn Forest Merry and Pippin accidentally stumble into the ancient Fangorn Forest while trying to escape Grishnakh, an Orc. But they didn’t guess the trees would come alive! Now the two Hobbits must stop Treebeard the Ent from thinking they’re Orcs too! Includes 3 minifigures- Pippin, Merry and Grishnakh. I thought this would be harder thanit turned out, with Nuju Metru's beard technique. I wanted to include annother Ent, but I replaced it with a tree for more scenery. This set also comes with a rock for throwing at Orthanc. OOPS! This boxart still says 'Warg Ambush!' Imagine that it instead reads 'Treebeard the Ent'... Return Of The King The Witch-King The evil Witch-King is attacking Theoden on his huge Fell Beast! He cannot be defeated by any man- but can Eowyn and Merry manage it? Includes 4 minifigures- Eowyn in armour, Merry in Rohan armour, King Theoden and the Witch-King of Angmar. There would hopefully be a new, less bulky head mould on the Fell Beast and new helmet for him. I couldn't decide whether Eowyn should have hair or armour or a cape, so I tries to include all of them. The Beacon At the top of Minas Tirith, Pippin is on a mission! Can he sneak past the guards to light the Beacon, to alert Rohan that they’re under attack? Or will the Gondorains catch him and send him back to the Steward? Use the Power Functions light-up brick to alight the beacon! Contains 3 minifigs- Pippin (In Gondor outfit) and 2 guards. I knew this set needed a light brick, so I put one into the rockface. It has a simple mechanism to light the fire when a hidden trigger is pressed. Seige of Minas Tirith~ This'll take a while, but working on it. Ruins of Osgiliath~ Coming soon Paths of The Dead When the evil Corsair bring their ships to attack Gondor, Aragorn must use the magic sword, Narsil, to bring the Army of the Dead to help! Can the skeletons stop the boat from arriving at Osgiliath? Contains 4 minifigures- Aragorn and 3 Corsiar sailors, one of which is Peter Jackson. It also has 3 skeletons and the King of The Dead, because they don't quite count as minifigures. The set also includes a reforged Narsil and a small cave antrace with green flames. Wolfhead Attack The walls of Minas Tirith are under seige! The Orcs are rolling in the Wolf Head battering ram to try to break open the gate. Will the walls stay strong or can the massive lumbering Great Beast and Mountain Troll smash their way through? Protect the walls by firing the Gondor soldier’s catapult! Connect to 1234 Battle of Minas Tirith for an even bigger castle! Includes 3 minifigures- 2 orcs, a Gondor soldier, plus one mountain troll and Great Beast I hope that the Great Beast will be recognized by other people who meticulously scan every 5 seconds of the LOTR films, and this one I would like to be built similarly to the Dino triceratops. There might be a little too small an amount of minifigures and too large an unimportant creature in this set to satisfy some people. Orc Battlepack The army of Sauron is coming! Build your forces of Mordor Orcs carrying the battering ram, flag of Sauron and flick-firehook launcher! Roll in the ballista and fire the hook to scale the walls of Osgiliath! Combine with 1234 Rohan Battle Pack for a conflict! Contains 4 Mordor Orcs with armour. This set was basically designed to improve on the current Uruk-Hai Army, by making it cheaper (By three times!), only including one faction and coming with Orcs instead. The hook launcher in this set is more functional as well, as string can actually be attached and used. I would imagine those would be new shield and helmet pieces as well. Rohan Battlepack The mighty Rohirrim army is ready to help fight the Orcs attacking Gondor. The Rohirrim soldiers are putting up camp for the night before battle. You can help prepare their weapons in the tent and be ready to battle the Orcs (Set 1234)! Contains 4 Rohan soldiers and a horse. Originally I wanted to include Lorien Elves in this set, but after re-watching ROTK I've decided there shouldn't be any. Imagine the tent-shaped thing is the same as the Adventurers one (Or more recently the Indiana Jones one) with different printing. Also the two flags atop it would have Rohan printing. The horse has a helmet in hope of a new part for the new horses (Of which I have none yet ) Oliphaunt Ambush~ Coming soon, if I can decied how much will be one peice Cracks of Doom~ Halfway done I will be updating this hopefully regularily, so keep tuned!
Astromech Workplace Contest
Could I create a scene from a SW book/comic? I remember one funny part and would like to re-visualize it in plastic.
Future LotR and Hobbit sets
Okay, so I made my own: Sory about making Aragorn float! When the evil Corsair bring their ships to attack Gondor, Aragorn must use the magic sword, Narsil, to bring the Army of the Dead to help! Can the skeletons stop the boat from arriving at Osgiliath?
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Good! Now I need to schedule a trip to Liverpool! Also, I think (Hope) a Lego Oliphaunt would be more like the Dino T-Rex in leg, head and tail connections, but have a largely brickbuilt body. That'd allow us to easily mod different pagoda's onto them.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
So you don't recoginze them? They're Easterlings! ...I think
10228 Haunted House
When I look at this set, I get the feeling TLG is trying to keep people on CUUSOO with the minifigs. The chef's torso is a perfect purist option if you want to make Shaun of the Dead (You know, the Winchester project which they decided not to make) and the sheer amount of zombie heads and torso's in this suggest they don't want to deprive annoyed fans of getting the minifigs, by pretending bloodstains are spilt soup. Another awesome thing about this set is that it's neither flesh-coloured nor yellow-skinned, as all the minifigs will be able to look fine (If you ignore their undead grossnes) next to any other minifig.
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