- Brick Train Awards 2024
Lego should totally hire this MOCer
You can buy the parts and build it via this website (not real LEGO though):
Your experience motorizing Lego set 21344- the Orient Express
Changing the plastic wheels/axles with the old metal axle ones will help too. Makes it roll much easier!
TrixBrix Ballast Plates compatability
How does the color match up? Is there a difference or is it (almost) spot on?
MOD: 8-Wide Emerald Night
I would be interested in some instructions too. Tried copying some stuff in studio from the pictures, but can't quite get it right. :(
Fx Bricks (Michael Gale) announces Fx Track system
Waiting for quite a long time now for these, can't wait to get them (also the power pick up one). I know this motor will be stronger than the lego one (also 12 volt boost option?) so that looks promising. Hope it will be a bit quieter too since the lego motor can be quite loud sometimes (or is it just my motor?)
LEGO Trains 2025
Still no pictures of the station and arctic train? I kinda like the last station, doesn't feel it was long on the shelves though
- [MOC] Cyberpunk 2077 Quadra V-Tech Turbo-R
[MOD] Ice Planet Ice Blaster version of 6903 Bug Blaster
These pinguïns are so cool
Lego should totally hire this MOCer
This build is great. I remember playing Super R-type on the snes, this build takes me way back again!
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