lol, I actually shot it close to a forest area!
Thank you. Actually, I had increased the playback speed of the outdoor video to make it bearable to watch without falling asleep :D It is fast in the high gear but not much torque to overcome stones. Maybe i need to optimize that. good observation of the periodic motion, that is correct. I think it is because of the transmission and axle twisting. Unfortunately, I don't have Buwizz at the moment, not available here, but definitely will give it a try sometime if I can get it.
Thank you! I will try bigger bumps next time.
Speed is slow in the low gear. I increased the playback speed in the video. movement jerkiness as mentioned above might be because of the transmission/axle twisting. Steering is fine as per my obeservation. It might looks a bit jerky because of the faster playback speed. I am using control+ motors.
Suspension is not stiff but I think it is limited by the amount of travel a 6.5L spring can accommodate. chassis flex also helps a lot. If I replace the springs with a 9.5L spring then it might work better, which I don't have with me at present. a single soft spring is too soft and the model sinks in its weight.