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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by YourLocalB2

  1. until the battle pack is revealed to be the $45 set
  2. Gunship is far too small for the price and the color should have been darker. although I’m gonna wait till the reveal, I am leaning towards passing and just buying the Palpatine, Padme, and Fox later. Who knows though, I think they might reuse the Palps or Padme within the next year.
  3. Hey everyone! This is my first time visiting the Pirates forum. I enjoy the modernized versions of classic Pirates sets. Looking forward to providing some constructive feedback to everyone.
  4. If he included a cloth cape, I'd give it to you; but right now for me its between Bo-Katan in the Spider Tank and the Luke in the UCS X-Wing.
  5. A $650 Venator was a pipe dream less than a month ago
  6. Jango’s Slave 1 - includes Jango, Boba, Taun We, Lama Su, Obi-Wan, R4-P17, Clone (in red fatigues) Executor Bridge - Quote is “No disintegrations” - includes Vader, Boba, Dengar, IG-88, Bossk, 4-LOM, and Zuckuss
  7. Hey, big fan of your MOC’s. Just wondering if you think the UCS Venator will be to scale with the SSD so that your models are scaled to it. Also, could you tell me any other people who create Mocs like this in the 1:1455 scale?
  8. Makes sense. The old one is still rare but the demand for it will be lower.
  9. Do you all think Thrawn will be included in an Ahsoka set next year or for season two? I would tend to assume so. My prediction is that the second half of season one will be an introduction to the characters (Ahsoka, Hera, Sabine) with Baylon and Shin being the main villains for this season. I assume Thrawn and Ezra will be at least mentioned shortly after the time jump but we won’t see Ezra or Thrawn till the end of the season. I would assume next season or the season after we will see Thrawn really emerge as the main antagonist of the show. All this to say I’m trying to decide if I should sell my phantom 2 set with Thrawn and the ship (I want to keep Blind Kanan). Thoughts?
  10. Yes, I own the 21309 Saturn V rocket. On the moon surface portion of the set, they use that technique for the US flag (a 1x2 tile).
  11. I’d assume the only sets they’re going to reveal are the Ahsoka sets because they are related to shows that are releasing.
  12. Not elated as I don’t own a standard version but I figure I can still mod it. Very surprised that they would choose such an obscure variant… Although I know that it exists I don’t imagine many fans do.
  13. For real! I love clones and republic vehicles just as much as the next person but this is getting a little ridiculous. Some of my favorite prequel sets of all time are non republic sets (Bounty Hunter Pursuit, Sith Infiltrator, Bongo Sub, Duel on Geonosis, Geonosisian Sets)
  14. Personally, I think the Bo-Katan minifig is absolutely an improvement on the average LEGO Star Wars minifig, but in my opinion, it’s by no means the best ever minifig in the theme. For her to be a similar quality to the Sam Wilson Captain America (my favorite minifig in recent years), she’d need side leg printing and a dual molded hair/crown? combo.
  15. It was confirmed that Grogu was with Luke for two years by either Jon Favreau or Filoni
  16. I’m sure we’ll see at least one more of those guys until they inevitably change the style again; be it a shiny or an officer (lieutenant, sergeant, captain, named commander, etc.)
  17. Now I’m curious what this upsetting information is
  18. Not sure if this was backed up by anyone, but Mandr put out a video around 2 years ago called “The Truth About LEGO Star Wars Minifigures” and he said that LEGO is able to make a CMF.
  19. You mean the Snubfighter?
  20. agreed although I wonder what other figs would come in that set
  21. I know this is a hot take but I would prefer that Rex didn’t come in this set. We have an opportunity to get a new clone legion and commander as well as a few different options for a Jedi. I feel like Rex SHOULD come in a cheaper set, but I don’t think that a swamp speeder is the right choice.
  22. We are getting off topic into more of wishlisting here… just saying
  23. Agreed about the Geonosis set but I think that we could have a small $20-25 set on for example, Padme and Anakin’s trip to naboo
  24. These look incredible, do you have plans to sell instructions?
  25. Would kill for a Kit Fisto
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