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  1. Had to search for. What i saw ended pretty violently.
  2. - Volcano eruption model - "massage"toy (Hello Kitty styled!!!!1!!1!) - camera with iris mechanism - model of a washing machine - water mill model - Hat with clapping/flapping hands
  3. Wohoo, we'll get a dedicated animal contest! I was thinking about building something with eyes. But splitting this contest up makes more sense! Merry Christmas to all of you
  4. The details are just mad! Brilliant alternate as ever! The description is super interesting! didn't know these funny details about Lego's G-Class. Nice that you where able to get rid of all the (unrealistic?) compromises the G-Class comes with!
  5. Uhm, people might build a 2nd animal...dunno. The point is, chances aren't that high, we'll see a pure animal contest in the near future. Wonder what @Jim 's stomach thinks about this topic? Would be an honor to me, to loose against a studded-technic-build!
  6. I would say the idea to have this mixed contest is to make an Animal Contest possible. As animal builds are often seen as "to different" or "to difficult" chances are high that a lot of people refuse to participate.
  7. Puh, luckily i plan to build a two legged mecha. ...just kidding. I'm just brainstorming to find something that's feasible & fun. I definitely plan to build some kind of animal that moves. The mechanism is the first to come. As soon as it works and is fun to operate, i focus on building the shape. And having more options to chose from simplifies the whole process. Some mechs from Horizon act as vehicles(!). Some can even be used as mountables. But a tiny group is very animal like. I only would have taken the latter ones into account, ...to have a wider range of interesting things to chose from. Possible that in the end i do a prehistoric chicken anyway.
  8. I had the idea of possibly building an animal like machine from the Horizon video game universe. Would that be allowed? If not. I guess it's fine to do an animal not shown int the game but using that particular (art-)style? edit: Finally :)
  9. Can't disagree more! 1. Lego (the company) has many product lines (City is for kids, there are bricks for architects, serious play is for adult education, there are even flowers for people who love plastic flowers, ...and many more themes of course). 2. And Lego (the interlocking system) is just a tool to build things. It is also used in science: https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/199259-fyi-technic-for-science/ But back to the topic: In my opinion TLG is selling parts packs, with an instruction for a single design. And we as a community build whatever we want from it. And as TLG isn't producing B-Model instructions anymore, they completely rely on MOCers. Which i think is acceptable. Not good, but acceptable. There's no need to be worried about TLG producing bad sets, AS LONG(!) as Lego releases well thought parts packs in three to four (five?) price categories. Do they do that, at the moment? No idea! What I think is missing at the moment are payable sets following the legacy of the 42139 All-Terrain Vehicle, that combines many different parts into one single set with a customer friendly price tag. I mean, it comes with shock absorbers, chain pieces, turn tables, different gears, two differentials - in one set! And don't get me wrong, I'm not restricted to special parts. I did more than 30 builds for the 42147 Dump Truck. Brilliant tiny set and huge fun. And 6 builds for 42164 wacky Offroad Racer with it's many obtuse-angled liftarms(which is super annoying tbh). But i wished these sets had, at least, more gears!
  10. @bruhThese sets are Lego's take on the theme. All sets are carrying another vehicle.
  11. what about a transportation contest, where we build a vehicle (ship, truck, plane, etc.) that carries another vehicle. -> The load, a.k.a. subbuild, needs to be autarkic. So a Titanic with loads of small lifeboats wouldn't count. examples 42098 car transporter, 42076 Hovercraft, 42060 Roadwork crew, 42175 Truck + Excavator, 42064 Ocean Explorer? Don't know if the submarine can be seen as autarkic.
  12. Guys you are hilarious! Fantastic work BTW, also for @Ngoc Nguyen! I always wonder why people are mad about Lego not producing this or that. While the solution is just a few bugs and a download away.
  13. As it's just a resized version of the 42147 Dump Truck. I would say it is some kind of SEO/marketing hack. According to rebrickable, the 42147 Dunp Truck has nearly 80k views. All the other small technic sets only have 40k views. ...supporting my theory, "a set that performs, gets repeated by TLG over and over again". And people using the search term "Dump Truck alternates" (or similar) will find this set. ...just a theory.
  14. Never compare this set to 42116 https://rebrickable.com/sets/42116-1/skid-steer-loader 140 pieces and a seat for a Minifig (and of course no steering, fun fact rebrickable tagged it with "hog steering") I was full of hope that we get a new little power horse after this year's half finished 42163-Bulldozer. Because I actually did a transformer for the 42147 Dumb Truck, a super versatile set!! Sry for the advertising. Link to Transformer >>> https://youtu.be/TWNdHtbiqAU
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