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Everything posted by pow

  1. A motorboat with two indicated jet-powered outboard engines. The steering works like a real boat via the stern. And as Jurss pointed out: my alternates are more dedicated to kids. ...or adults who have remained a little bit of child. "Motorboat" @ youtube 06_DSC3453 by Pow, Flickr 01_DSC3455 by Pow, Flickr 05_DSC3459 by Pow, Flickr
  2. Nice MOC. I would stabilize the arm with something like this (just a mockup), to reduce stress on all the bended liftarms.
  3. ...you learn relatively fast that this kind of steering would suck in real life. It has some heavy suspension steer! ;) But despite that it's absolute fun to drive around.
  4. I liked 42147 from the beginning. Here is my first alternative - a cute little City Car. Because of its googly eyes, which remind me of a well known character of the animated movie "Ice Age" it is called Sid. Citi Glider I (aka. Sid) @ youtube I hope you like it or at least find it funny. 02_DSC3402 by Pow, Flickr 04_DSC3412 by Pow, Flickr 05_DSC3426 by Pow, Flickr
  5. "The Modular Approach" Hi, you could prioritize by complexity and progress from the most complicated to the easiest areas of your build. In my opinion the most complicated areas are mechanical functions (like the gearbox or the door mechanism if done proper) and special design elements (bonnet and c-pillar?) of a model. When you know how much space and which connection points these sub structures (functions and/or exterior) need, then you can work out how to integrate (bruteforce) them into your model.
  6. @aeh5040What about a workshop thread where you collect all your masterpieces? sometimes brilliant inventions just get lost in the background noise of the contributions. Along with the inspiration that a work often conveys only as a whole. ...Yes you can argue to use the search function i know. https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/profile/14345-aeh5040/&do=content&type=forums_topic&change_section=1 I would answer: The individual is not just the sum of its parts. By the way I love the Pangolin it reminds me of the work of Steve Reich. Best wishes
  7. I like how you reduced the motion to a minimum. Thanks for that masterpiece of art!
  8. https://rebrickable.com/sets/42040-1/fire-plane/?inventory=1#parts Have fun
  9. Your instructions are also very well made. Thank you for that. I will build on of your models in the near future. they all look fantastic.
  10. thank you for sharing the additional information and pictures. The longer i look at it the more i like it! I do understand why your nephew loves it.
  11. That is good news. ...if one is going to build some kind of gear shift mechanism. Hehe How tight is the fitting?
  12. Nice truck. It looks beefier with the thinner tires compered to the last one. And your last truck used all sorts of PF-Motors. What has this truck under the hood? i see an L-Motor and i would guess a Servo for steering? How is the crane operated?
  13. why not completely switching over to a Raspi (pico?) using after market gyro (they cost nearly nothing) and some voltage regulators to drive the motors? It involves some coding of course. On the other hand it could be a very light weight and heavily configurable way to drive the car.
  14. As i am totally into rally cars (and built one tiny 1/18 thing myself) i have to say that it is immediately recognizable as a Delta! Very well done with a lot of clever solutions. I have done the steering wheel connection on my tiny racer with a rocker arm rotating a gear which drives the wheel over another gear. Both are 8T by the way.
  15. Hey, 'opened this thread a few weeks ago and forgot about it. As I clean up my tabs I just rediscovered it. Is it necrobumping after 6 weeks? Just want to say thanks for your video. Nice handy transmitter.
  16. it depends on the size of your build. building larger scale (cars) i would tend to use one motor per wheel. But in smaller builds this differential is pretty smart. because it packs a lot of functionality into a very small form factor. Best wishes
  17. The topic haunted me until sleep tonight. I now felt somehow compelled to build my own version. Maybe the LBG gear sits a bit tight. @JoKo thank you for that great concept! it has potential to be built relatively compactly. ~ no more motorized differential locks. *wohoo Link to messy studio file: https://bricksafe.com/files/wop/studdstuff/AutoLockDifferentialByJoKo.io
  18. 42139 seems to be a good part pack?. There are a lot of alternative builds out there - after such a short time. Nice car by the way!
  19. Brave car! The soft suspension looks very realistic and it even disintegrates like a real car. Thanks for the detailed pictures, especially of the drive train. Are those differentials in the motors 3D printed too? if yes, how long will they last/survive? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months?
  20. I don't know the Zetros that well, but if there is a port free on the PF hub, why not motorizing the sunshade?
  21. Didn't knew this kind of bushes. what I meant is https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=21560 (black armor round) and that part underneath.
  22. Damn What i mean is to nail the voltage to a specific value independent of the input. If the input is higher, of course. I wouldn't expect only a resistor to be enough. Didn't such an application need some "intelligence"?
  23. So much detail and clever usage of parts. Are those bionicle parts you use on the front of the handlebars?
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