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Eurobricks Archdukes
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Everything posted by Oky

  1. Yeah, this can be tricky without the bottom hulls. I’d recommend looking at how the Creator Pirate Ship’s hull is built. I believe it’s 14-wide, so you may need to modify the width, but you can build something similar and use the hull piece you have for the bow.
  2. Oh man, it’s been a while since we’ve had an alt-build contest, let alone one encompassing all themes! This will be fun. One question: can we use the spare parts from the set in our build?
  3. 40746 Santa’s Delivery Truck will make for a nice Adventurers vehicle once you mod it to be a bit less colorful. Yes, I have the figs and can confirm it’s sand green. True, although the black center stripe limits its usefulness somewhat. Maybe if you stack them with an offset, they’ll make for some nice rocky steps.
  4. I’d be careful about using random pieces to represent tribal cultures, but yeah, I could see her being used as a leader or priestess or something.
  5. Some of the D&D CMFs have some good outfits for adventurers such as the Ranger, Tasha, and the Druid. Also, some of the heads would make great treasures or temple decorations such as the golden dragon head, the trans. red skull, or the Lady of Pain’s mask!
  6. Small Category "From Merchant to Pirate" by Yatkuu/Gregory Coquelz "Steve's Island Holiday" by YellowFrog "The Child - Steve's Childhood" by MyFirstMOC-Hun "Infamous Steve and the Fountain of Fortune" by Juhlhaus "Infant Steve Recruited As Royal Spy" by LOTR Large Category "Captain Steve of the Revenant" by Sebeus and Legostone "Steve's Double-crossing" by YellowFrog "Steve's Treasure Hunt" by Kolonial Beamter de Martinez "Tapu Island" by Marooned Marin "Steves Challenge" by Christophh
  7. @Math Wizard For detailed feedback, following up, and fun writing style. And for reminding me about the voting.
  8. I’d say you nailed most of them, although the BvS suit is meant to be the armored version (sh217), not 218. Technically, sh111 could also count as a Classic TV series suit since it came in the SDCC exclusive Batmobile from that show.
  9. Pepper has already said that mods have no power over forum structure. Posting in this topic isn’t going to get that Adventure subforum made that you seem to be obsessed with for some reason. Talk to an admin directly about this if you must.
  10. Thanks! Yes, those sets are where I got those printed tiles, nose wedge, and engine cylinders from too. Which seems fitting since that kind of colorful racing/stunt plane is the look I was going for.
  11. Thanks! What does it remind you of?
  12. Din Djarin was tight on credits and heard that they are having starfighter races on the Colosus, so he decided to enter with his souped up N-1 starfighter, and to make it look the part, he gave it a fitting colorful paint job. More views to come on my Flickr.
  13. Thank ye kindly, everyone! Let me address some of the critiques. Sure, here you go: Thanks! I tried to recreate the look of the classic box arts as best as I could. The jib sail part is brand new as it's from the Friends adventure camp sets that just released! I bought the Archery Range set just to be able to use this part in this entry. (Although it has lots of other useful parts too.) As for the Dragon Knights helmet wings, yeah, I thought I came up with a new way to build micro flags, but apparently someone else had that idea for this contest. I went ahead and tried your rubber band suggestion. What do you think? If you look at the old box arts, the clouds do have a sort of purple/pinkish color at the top. I like the look of them, so I will keep it as is if you don't mind. However, you are both right about the sea foam (which is indeed what it was meant to represent). I liked your idea of using small pieces at the shore instead, so I have done that, although I went a bit more fancy with it. Let me know if you and @Math Wizard like this solution better. In this new version I used 180 pieces (not including the figs and accessories), and in addition to the pictures above, here is one more view for you:
  14. While Jar Jar Binks was passing through the streets of Tatooine, some food at one of the street vendors caught his eye. He started slurping down one of the gorgs that were hung up on poles, but when the vendor asked him if he was going to pay for that and informed him that it costs seven wupiupi, Jar Jar quickly spit it out. The launched gorg hit a drink at a nearby bar and spilled its contents all over its owner. That owner was none other than the famed podracing champion Sebulba. Jar Jar tried to walk away whistling innocently, but Sebulba leaped in front of him and with a powerful kick knocked the lanky Gungan to the ground. Still dripping from the drink that was spilled on him, Sebulba held up the gorg and asked angrily: "Is this yours?" Jar Jar was still trying to act innocent and said: "Whosa? Meesa?" but it was no use. His next words got stuck in his throat as Sebulba started strangling him. The dug raised a fist to start pummeling Jar Jar when his podracing rival Anakin Skywalker intervened... Here is a reference image of the scene: Here is a better look at Sebulba with a comparison image. And here is a bonus scene recreation with a better look at Jar jar. You can see more angles of the build in my Flickr photostream. Meesa hope Yousa like it and have a bombad day!
  15. I like the unique style of figures you’ve created here. They’re like Brickheadz without the chibi proportions. It’s a simple build, but that’s what makes it so charming, along with the goofy expressions and yellow skin tones which also feel like a throwback to the original minifigs and the first LEGO Star Wars video game. My only critique would be that Maul’s lightsaber hilt is too short and Qui-gon’s beard could be fuller and more rounded (it kinda looks like a handlebar mustache right now). Also, it would be nice to see them in more of a fighting pose than just standing around with their lightsabers out. But yeah, nice use for those missiles!
  16. The Infamous Steve had always wanted to be a pirate and join the feared Captain Redbeard's crew. Posing as a merchant for the Imperial Trading Company, he sailed the seven seas to find the notorious pirate captain. One day, a drunken pirate traded him a map for some rum. It was the only thing the pirate had on him and was supposed to lead to Roger Redbeard's hideout. Steve put on his best vest, boots, and plume and followed the map to a small island in the Caribbean. He abandoned his ship, the Cutter, on the shore where the imperials would later find and recover it. Soon enough, he was face to face with Captain Redbeard who was impressed with Steve's tenacity and navigational skills, so he invited Steve into his crew. Steve happily accepted, and so the two shook hands as some seagulls flew by against the sunset sky. This was the best day of Steve's life! Old version:
  17. True. Same could be said about the big tree house. Gives me Dino Island research base vibes with that zip line.
  18. I thought the first two episodes were alright at best. They were honestly kinda boring, especially since they solve the murder mystery right in the first episode with a cliched trope, and I felt more invested in the faceless Mandalorian in his first episode than I have with any of these characters so far. And then I watched the third episode… boy was that cringey, and not because of anything “woke”. From the child acting to the silly chant and the Jedi being creepy predators, this was an uncomfortable watch. And Mae trying to keep her sister from leaving by killing her made no sense to me. I don’t really feel any urge to keep watching at this point, but if y’all like it, cool. Also, “spice cream”?! Do the people making this show not know that spice is usually a drug in Star Wars? I was not impressed with Tales of the Empire either, or as it should’ve been called: The mildly interesting tales of two people who happened to be allied with the Empire at one point in their lives”. Barriss’ redemption felt a bit rushed. The best part was the portrayal of Grievous as the ruthless killer and general that he is meant to be.
  19. A long time ago in an alternate universe far, far away... Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Luke Skywalker had turned to the dark side? In this alternate timeline, Luke accepted Darth Vader's offer to join him after their fateful duel on Cloud City. At first he only did it to trick Vader and take down the Empire from the inside, but he eventually succumbed to the dark side and became Vader's Sith apprentice. Together, they killed the Emperor and ruled the galaxy as father and son, just as Vader said they would. Luke soon learned about Leia being his force-sensitive sister, so he corrupted her using his new dark side powers and trained her to be a Sith as well. Once Leia was strong enough, together they turned against their father, nearly killing him. They took over as the leaders of the Empire and ruled the galaxy as the sinister Sith Siblings. Han Solo was surprised by Luke and Leia's change, but he loved Leia too much to abandon her, so he stayed by their side, becoming one of the Empire's highest ranking officers. As if their combined strength wasn't enough, the Sith Siblings also managed to find and brainwash their father's old apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, turning her into a deadly inquisitor. The Reign of the Skywalkers had begun. Heartbroken by his children's betrayal and disgusted at what they have become, Vader left his Sith persona behind and became Anakin Skywalker once more. To symbolize this change, he removed his Darth Vader face mask and donned a light colored version of his suit. He also purified his lightsaber's kyber crystal, turning it white. He went into hiding and started a new rebellion to redeem himself by taking down the Empire. He was faced with the incredibly difficult challenge of fighting not only his own children, but also his old apprentice and friend. Luckily, he would not have to face them alone as he was joined in this fight by his grandson, Ben Solo. Similar to the main timeline, Ben ran away from home to "finish what his grandfather started", but in this case he was referring to bringing balance to the force. He became Anakin's new padawan and trained with his custom blue crossguard lightsaber to become a Jedi like his grandfather before him. One of the most valuable members of their rebellion was Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn had returned to the galaxy with no problems since Ahsoka wasn't there to interfere with his plans, but he found it in a very different state than when he left. He didn't agree with how Luke and Leia ran the Empire and he was still loyal to the man formerly known as Darth Vader, so he joined the rebels instead. His strategic genius earned many victories for the rebellion. Another unlikely member of Anakin's rebellion was Cad Bane. Similar to how Han Solo had joined the old Rebel Alliance, Bane was originally hired to help with one of the Rebels' missions and only did it for the credits, but he soon had a change of heart and joined them for good. In classic Western fashion, he traded in his dark cowboy outfit for a white one to reflect his new allegiance. He became one of their best fighters and rose to the rank of general. Will the Rebels succeed in ending the Skywalker Siblings' terrible reign? Will Anakin be able to redeem himself and bring balance to the force as prophesied? Whatever happens, one thing is for sure: It can only be better than what happened in the sequel trilogy.
  20. Oky replied to thewatchman's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Neat idea for a MOC series and a good start. Spooky Pirates is definitely a theme I wish LEGO would explore more without the PotC license. One thing you could do is to expand the GWP island into a full pirate hideout like the big hideaways from the 90s. Next, the spooky pirates need a pirate ghost ship! I’d also like to see what an imperial fort or outpost that is overrun by these pirates would look like!
  21. This seems off topic, but the theme just celebrated its 5th anniversary and a new season with sets based on it is around the corner, so there is no sign of it stopping anytime soon. I don’t think they would’ve celebrated this milestone if they didn’t intend to keep it going.
  22. I guess Johnny’s hat is getting floppy in his old age. 😉 But I agree, the slouch hat was one of the things that made him unique and different from a certain other adventurer, but I guess they don’t want to bring the mold back just for these couple of cameos.
  23. Yeah, definitely disappointing. Too much focus on the vehicles which also look too bright and clean for being in the jungle. Not to mention that Johnny and Pippin (is that photographer supposed to be her? Looks nothing like her) look out of place next to such modern vehicles. Just goes to show that Adventurers deserves its own remake theme with a proper 1920’s setting. Gotta say, the dark brown pants do look good on Johnny though.
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