Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I’m with you! I had the 2007 set growing up, it was one of my first. Building the little Umbridge office with the cat stickers and cat plates and all the pink accents was so fun. Would love to see a modern take on that with way more detail. Also bring back grumpy scowl Umbridge face, most of her new minifigs she’s looking like a sweet little old lady. Dumbledore’s Army scenes are also endearing, so a way more detailed or thoughtful version of the room of requirement would be cool with some patronus lessons. Would also like a brick built serious in the fireplace tile again. I will accept that a $250 tower would be a risk to display this movie, but I really hope that one of the castle expansions in the future brings in the later movies. Even an Umbridge office add in would be cool.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I was thinking this too. In the past it was always linear progression of the movies, less some outliers. It appears like they’re taking the same approach again. It leads me to think the tower set this summer will probably be CoS themed. If they do something different I’ll be surprised. I know there’s debate around this, but with the addition of the new first flying lesson being from the rear of the castle + the now rumoured green house- I’m wondering if they intend to go more than 3 years with this line, and make parts of the castle such as the Astronomy tower, clock tower, bell towers?
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I would absolutely love to see a ministry of magic in the form of a D2C set. It would be great to get the department of mysteries, the battle with voldy & Dumbledore, the arch where series dies. None of those scenes have ever been touched and it would be very cool to see in a creative format.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Yeah to your comment and the one you quoted. Really hoping the main tower depicts OotP or a movie that isn’t PS or CoS. Would love to maybe see an Umbridges office too with cat plates and stickers like where it is on the microscale. Would be great for Dumbledore office too.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Can anyone tell how the first flying lesson connects to the larger Hogwarts? Or is it still unclear?
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Honestly it looks pretty great. New Harry face print, new belletrix face print, new Voldemort face print?, new Luna faceprint. All new outs on everyone. still don’t love the legs instead of dress pieces, but it makes sense in context now seeing they are remaking the table scene. Also explains voldamorts presence in the set. I endevour to say that this is some welcome variety into the line. New scene we’ve never had before (one we thought we wouldn’t get because it was cancelled in the last), 9 unique minifigures, and it acturately captures the facade, and the few scenes that take place inside within the set. Really just could’ve used a DH1 Ron here.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
With back to Hogwarts coming up. What sets do people plan on purchasing to get the GWP? Anyone have a back log or have been waiting to buy?
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I sincerely hope you’re right, and it’s not another year of PS and CoS tiny figures. I’m getting fatigued of everything being the first couple movies. I hope approach them staggered like how you’re suggesting.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I’m going to back this up too. I keep seeing comments where people suggest this new system is going to stop at the general outline of the 2018 micro-scale version. I see what people are getting at with the picture on the box. I just think the “3 year launch window” for every castle set isn’t a given. They might have set themselves up now to actually keep this version of the castle going longer since they have a plan in place now, and the theme has proven to be a big hit the last 5 years. It was still getting its footing again in 2018-2020, and the 21-23 version was a 20 year celebration, which they limited themselves a bit with the modular style. I think the Owlery alone is an indication they’ll do other areas. I think the clock tower and astronomy tower will be later on down the line. Take a look at the Hogwarts castle and grounds set, it’s quite possible they might even use that model as inspiration for the layout of this new minifigure scale system.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Interestingly enough- on the front of the box for the new great hall set, the castle image set in the back behind it looks much more like the full scale layout. Similar to the 2023 micro build one. With a clear astronomy tower in the silhouette .
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I’m genuinely torn on if the picture in the book confirms that the future expansions will be a minifig version of the nanoscale castle. It’s looking like it might be, but there’s part of me that believes that is just a placeholder image, and we will get a proper astronomy tower, bell tower, clock tower, and they might milk this set out for more than 3 years. The modular aspect about the new greta hall gives me the impression some mixing and matching might be required by the end of the final product.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I think this summer wave is very strong. Frankly all of 2024 has been. They’re breathing some fresh life into this theme. Lots of unique mini-figures. My only qualm with this year is that it’s 90% sets from the first two movies. Given there’s some mini-figure variety some of it is welcome. I’m just a little fatigued of all the short legged figures. I really hope as they continue this Hogwarts theme we begin to see more scenes from movies past HP3. That said, the Ship / carriage set fleshed out GOF nicely, and so did the Owlery.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Can someone DM me the Instagram address for the leaks as well I can’t seem to find it
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I’m also incredibly excited to see what the new Great Hall will look like. I’m a little bummed it was already indicated to be PS themed, however they said “it can also be other movies”? Interesting. I’m assuming the mini-figure will all be PS stone based. I’m a bit tired of getting so many of the little figures. I hope during the rest of the castle relaunch they work in some of the later movies.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
It’s interesting they’re labelling the series “triwizard tournament:” it gives the impression now that after last years black lake + the arrival set, maybe this is a little sub theme in a similar vain to “Diagon alley:”. Maybe we can anticipate a third task set eventually.
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