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Everything posted by Lixander

  1. Yup :/ 51 km/h........that's more than a decent speed for a Lego chassis. Bravo! Do you use ball-bearings in the wheel-hubs?
  2. @Ryokeen I forgot to mention this.........in addition to the RPM cuts, the motor seemed to be more fast going backwards than frontwards. So I decided to try and see what happens if I swap 2 wires, as the instructions booklet suggests in case that the motor is reversed (I was afraid to do that earlier because I thought that I might create a short-circuit or something like that *R.I.P. my first Geekservo.......sobbing*; anyway, I switched the yellow and the blue wires between them, just to be ”safe”). And guess what.........the ESC went into the calibration mode and after that, success!.......the motor showed it`s real power. And so I had to set the Punch control setting to almost 100% so that I wouldn`t lose a 3rd 24t gear (which is the gear that meshes with the metal pinion; the 2 gears that went to garbage weren`t shredded..........there were simply cut, as you can see in the 2nd image). Though I forgot to check if the motor still cuts its RPM at low-medium throttle, but at least the motor feels more ”natural” now and together with the ESC it is calibrated properly. Also, those 24 km/h / 15 mph were achieved on a pretty small (and fairly crowded) street in my city (see the 3rd photo), so the model should reach at least 30 km/h / 18 mph within bigger spaces (and in cooler seasons - in here it was over 30 °C / 80 °F).
  3. By the way.......check if it is cheaper to work with a 3D printing and designing company first. I found a small company in my city that charged me around 14€ for printing a motor adapter and an axle adapter. Not to forget, the design was already made by somebody else; I just downloaded and sent the 3D files to them.
  4. He has a more similar motor to mine, which indeed is a brushless motor like vergogneless uses in his creations, but we use bigger motors. If I am not mistaken, vergogneless uses 28XX size motors and I and Ryokeen use 365X motors (the Xs should be also a numbers, but I am not sure about the exact sizes). Ryokeen uses Lego parts I think for installing the motor and I use a 3D-printed adapter. For the axles, we use a certain type of metal gears from the RC shops. It is Studio :)) The electronics are replicas of the usual ones used in the RC hobby-grade models. I made them out of Lego parts but I didn't quite used possible connections :/ I will see if I will redo them in order to be able to actually build them.
  5. Oke :/ I use a SkyRC combo....the ESC is rated at 60A - 90A https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003146229305.html?pdp_npi=4%40dis!RON!RON 292.97!RON 292.97!!!62.74!62.74!%40210387a117177943331655264e584e!12000024346349027!sh!RO!4322580367!&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allItems_or_groupList.new_all_items_2007586481169.1005003146229305 P.S.: I use this receiver/ transmitter set: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32801237523.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.50.f63c1802FGOdY8
  6. I see. The kV is about the same, but what size is your motor? Also, about the timing..........the motor cuts its RPM every few seconds at low-medium throttle so I tried to see if a higher timing fixes it. I usually run on High (which is the 4th out of 5 timing settings). What timing setting would you use (Lowest - 0o/ Low - 4o/ Normal - 8o/ High - 16o/ Highest - 30o)? P.S.: The motor cuts its RPM at any timing from what I have tested until now.
  7. Thanks! Also.....yup, enclosed hobby-grade gears are the best :) The pinion helped a lot as now I can probably run the model for much longer period of times, but I didn`t managed to test it properly yet. Thanks a lot for the suggestion! Though, I feel that something still isn`t right because the model feels slow (and it is, at just 10 km/h in the last run). The motor easily got extremely hot with 94mm tires and a final gearing of around 6:1, the highest ratio I could put (12-24T and 8-24T gears). I already reinstalled the 81mm tires on the model and on the next run I will also take some different gears with me to test 2 other ratios: 3.34:1 (12-24T and 12-20T gears) and 2:1 (12-24T and 16-16T gears) . Also, I think I will try to test the model with the 75mm spiked tires too. P.S.: I really need to get a screwdriver with a hexagonal head :/
  8. I had nothing to do, so I just made another variant of the RC-E buggy, one that uses the 3D-printed motor adapter and Lego parts for the drive-line. I also made some replicas of all the electronics.
  9. Yup, I used rip-off motors, but I also deleted the thermal protections because the motor wouldn't run at all paired with the 60A ESC.
  10. So a 60A ESC...........interesting. So it is true that the PF L motors handle better these kind of ESCs than the buggy motors (I burned 3 buggy motors with a 2200mAh 25C 2S Li-Po paired with a Hobbywing QuicRun 1060 60A). Also, it is not necessarily an overkill..........better said a measure of precaution :)))
  11. I see.......I was thinking that the pinion screw must be also put trough the hole of the adapter :)) Thanks! Now it looks like this.
  12. @Ryokeen I finally got a 12T Mod 1 pinion gear, but it needed an axle adapter as I could only find gears made for 5mm axles. The problem is that the screw for the adapter is a little too long, because when I insert the motor shaft into the adapter I can't put the screw in properly :/ Also the screw hole of the axle adapter seems a little loose and shallow anyway :(( So..........would the pinion fly off if I didn`t screw it to the motor shaft?
  13. It turned out that not the space for the Lego differentials was the biggest problem, but the small overall space under the bodywork. But anyway, I managed to squeeze 3x buggy motors into the digital model of the RC-E`s Lego version. Also, the front is pretty crowded too, as the servo-motor almost touches the universal-joint for the front drive. Moreover, in the next weeks I should round up the design of the parts for Project RIOT. So, the RC-E buggy should take shape in reality also in the next weeks.
  14. Bold statement, but sadly, it is true :/ Also, I forgot to say at that time: good job @NoEXIST ! I really wanted to see more of the Skyline you first came up in the RC Deck topic.
  15. Long time, no render...........I am currently preparing a testbed for the Project RIOT - RC-E buggy. It will probably need some reinforcement on the chassis and on the body-work, but for now I am pleased enough to end the day with it like this. The RC-E buggy features a 4x4 drive-line, independent suspension on all arms, detachable body-work and rear-wing. As you can observe in the 3rd render, I tried to replicate the overall form and connections of the transmission and of the differentials of the Project RIOT. But I still have to figure out all the details as for example to see exactly how the drive-axles and the wheel-hubs will be connected, what gear ratio the transmission would have or how the central drive-axles and the differentials will be connected. I am also thinking to make a version with buggy motors and Lego differentials, but I am still not sure if I would be able to, mostly because of the space the Lego differentials occupy. But I will see if I am going to find a solution for a Lego version.
  16. I tried to fit the 3D printed axle adapter without drilling it but it was too tight, so I moved the motor shaft, that is how it happened. So it was some force in there :)
  17. @Ryokeen the rattling sound was mostly due to the 12 toothed gear, which had some teeth's slightly bent.
  18. I will dismantle the rear frame then. As soon as I can I will put in here a video of the motor running without being linked to any gear. Also, is there any problem if I displaced a little by mistake the motor shaft towards the motor can?
  19. I see. I really don't know how to get more out of the motor without using a 3S LiPo , considering that this is basically how fast it can go. And about the same thing with the rattling gears. I don't know how to fix them :/
  20. The ratio is 5.01:1 (8 to 24 teeth and then 12 to 20 teeth). And yes, that is the full throttle, but I use a 2S LiPo. Also, I will see what I can do about the calibration of the transmitter, because I have a pretty simple one. I see what you mean, but I might use this set-up in bigger models. So I kind of need a more powerful motor. But anyway, thanks for the advices! And I forgot to say this earlier: vergogneless your models are also great!
  21. Thanks for the kind words! I still have to find a proper way to connect the motor shaft to the Lego gears/ axles. I will see in the next week how I will exactly proceed with a mod 1 12 tooth metal pinion gear. Also, I got almost 20 km/h / around 12.50 mph but I am not sure if this is the limit of this model as the motor is powerful enough but I geared it to a ratio of 5.01:1. You can see more specifications in the 2nd photo and also the theoretical speed that the buggy might achieve.
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