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Everything posted by Lixander

  1. Well, I need to think how many savings I will go into :// Apart from that, glad that the Deck is powerful enough to withstand 4x buggy motors. Also, I didnt understand exactly: did you ordered the buggy motors with the ”crystal connector”, how CaDa names the PU plug? If yes, can you tell me if the motors work well with the PU plug connected to a PU hub?, because there is just 1x (negative) review on the official CaDa website on the buggy motors with the PU connector and one of my friends wasnt sure if it should order them or try an adapter from AliExpress.
  2. I am pretty confused now........so flipping the front wheel hubs solve the problem after all?
  3. Thanks. So in this way (flipping the wheel hubs), won`t hit anything?
  4. Well, I haven`t tested as I dont have the small cylinders, but still I dont think it will hit the wheel hubs, as the steering arms of the front wheel hub is under that pin. Also, I am not sure if I put in here the Off-road buggy V3.2 or V4, which is based on the 42124 set which has the same name. I managed to finish test-building the V4 too but it is too big to take photos and most likely I will test-run the 2x motors Beach buggy along with the V4 buggy.
  5. I updated the Studio file.........but as I didn`t managed to test-run it, I am still reserved in making the instructions public. My biggest concern is that it would lean on its back too much while speeding, as I had problems with the suspension because most of the weight is at the rear-end. Also, while the Studio model showcases 2x pairs with 2x hard 6.5L shocks for each pair, I tried and I still use 1x pair of extra-hard 9.5L shocks. There is no big difference in using the bigger shocks , just the price, as the suspension is just a little higher. the number needed of shocks is smaller and as I mentioned price: it is around 6-7 times higher for one of the bigger shocks :/ That is why I kept the pairs of small shocks in Studio. But anyway, here are the last renders I made........hopefully these will be also the final ones.
  6. I made some photos....you can see the HD ones on the Bricksafe page of the 2x motors W.I.P.
  7. I skipped everything else and went directly to test-build the 2x motors version of the Beach buggy. The main issues were at the rear, where the suspension was too saggy and had a small travel. The sag was reduced with adding another 2x pairs of shocks (thus replacing the pneumatic cylinders), but the small travel is something I couldn`t find a solution for now. So I had to lower the front too by modifying the position of the shocks (and this means that the small pneumatic cylinders were removed). The majority of the original model was kept, as just the back was built from scratch. I will return these days with some other renders or photos, I will see.
  8. I am thinking for some while if I should do a 2x motors version of the Beach buggy that I managed to finish in the summer of 2023. But after a while, I decided to do it.........so here is how it should look. I still need to test-build it, but I will do that after I take the REViI for a run at least one more time and then finish the replica of the Tamiya BBX BB-01.
  9. Today I modified a new small chassis, based on the Small 4x4 chassis made by KucMocs. I replaced the L motor with a buggy motor and the Lego battery with a BuWizz 2.0 / MouldKing 4.0 hub. But I don`t have all the parts to test it and also it is so small that I can`t make a body-work for it. And anyway, I think I can`t make it rigid enough for the power of the buggy motor, so I will just leave it in the archive. You can find the Studio file on my General archive on Bricksafe, in case you want a better look or to mess with it.
  10. Nice! Also, that front rim looks good, is it your design?
  11. Also, here is the photos and videos from the last test run - https://bricksafe.com/pages/Lixander_A./truggy-revii/test-runs
  12. The REVii is on Rebrickable! I improved a little the rear frame some days ago and today I tested the last version.......it got around 16 km/h - 15.95 km/h to be more exact (10 mph) when getting down a small hill, but on flat ground it almost got 14 km/h (8.70 mph), as I said before.
  13. I managed to find a solution so that the shorter body-work will stay at a straight angle - raised the rear connection of the bodywork with the chassis. Also I made some small improvements on the chassis too. Plus, I already added the new wing.
  14. Thanks for the tip and for the kind words! Also, the speed is decent for a 1kg Lego model, but still I am not fully satisfied with the speed of the REVii, as I believe I can make it even faster. But I am really pleased with how its suspension turned out.........the REVii driving over bumps is a pure delight to watch; I will make a video when I will take it out again. Moreover, the model drives quite easily over grass and large obstacles, such as those roadside bricks.
  15. I managed to make the REVii`s body-work shorter, but the digital renders will look off because there are some angles that are hard to reproduce and some lift-arms that seem to collide. I got off the model 100 g (3.52 oz) by making it shorter and also made a rear-wing that looks a little better and it is cheaper but heavier with about 10 g (0.35 oz). Anyway, now that it is shorter, the body-work touches the front-frame and it tilts backwards because of that, but it is hard to reproduce that, as I said, and in Studio the body-work collides with the chassis because of that. I will see what I can do about that :// Also I reached almost 14 km/h - 13,94km/h more exactly (8.70mph - 8.65 mph) in the last test-run, but the smartwatch had a bug and didn`t managed to record the run in the app (yup, for measuring the speed and the distance I use a smartwatch on the bicycle training mode).
  16. Yup, but it is not that hard compared to the first remote set-up I had on the first truggy. In there, the 3x remotes were parallel and the bottom one was the steering one. I am used to controlling 2 remotes (it is quite easy too, just have to get the hang of it) because I usually put at least 2x MK 4.0 hubs into the models, if there is enough space.
  17. I managed to took a photo of the remote @2GodBDGlory This is how it looks like: The ”M1” and ”M2” horizontal remotes represent the ones that need to be connected to the motors hubs (1x hub for 2x motors) and the vertical ”ST” remote is for the steering, needing to be connected to the hub with the servo. The servo-motor should not be put on the usual D channel, but on C or on the A channel. The D channel is usually for the steering because that channel can not be bind to the others. The buttons at the top of each remote are made for binding A and B or A, B and C channels.
  18. I would prefer the 2.0 because of the price and the connections, as you said. I don`t expect to use any PU motor in the ”medium” future and in Romania the currency is a little ”weaker” than the euro (take the price in $ or in euro`s and multiply it by about 4,90). So I don`t own any BuWizz electronic and I ”avoid” buying any because I tend to be harsh with the models I make and also I tested some RC hobby-grade electronics on some of the buggy-motors I had and all of them (3x motors) got fried and I am still thinking on putting hobby-grade RC electronics in my models (I still have to figure out a way to transfer the power of the RC motors to the wheels within a budget that doesn`t need breaking a bank)..........so paying 380 euro`s (that is about 1950 RON in Romania) on 4x BuWizz motors and 2x BuWizz 2.0 hubs is clearly not a good choice for me. Don`t get me wrong, I am aware that the BuWizz electronics are superior than the ones I use and would really like to own some BuWizz motors and 2.0 hubs, but the way I test my models sometimes, the price and the budget I have, it really makes BuWizz ”out of my league” :/
  19. I see. I will continue to search for a solution for putting the BuWizz 2.0 in the REVii. Most likely I will add a 3rd hub if it works theoretically at least.
  20. It helps a lot, don`t worry. So, for the BuWizz 2.0 I have to put a 3rd hub :/
  21. Thanks. I will return with a photo with the remotes. I really don`t know the weight of a MouldKing 4.0 hub as it isn`t found anywhere, so I put my food scale into function.........it shows 53 g (1.86 oz) for a fully charged 4.0 hub (just the hub). But 4x buggy motors on 1x hub it doesn`t sound too good, especially when 1x BuWizz 3.0 has an official limit of 2x buggy motors, so I really can`t reduce the number of MouldKing hubs. Also, now I am wondering if 2x BuWizz 2.0 or 3.0 will be enough for this model. But in any case, thanks ;)
  22. I tested a little the REVii in a small parking lot........aside that the 5L liftarms which holds the top and bottom front suspension arms pop-out, at harsh shocks or at high-speed and tight corner the wheels come out from time to time and the pretty limited battery-life, everything was good. I use 3x MouldKing 4.0 hubs (yup, with 3x remotes; if anybody is curious, I will show you the remote set-up, which I think it is user-friendly), but one of the hubs powering 2x motors was fully drained after about 15-25 minutes of running in which I drove at least 350 m (around 1148.30 ft). Surprisingly, the front-links from the motor to the wheels and the steering had no problems. I took the model out with the 1.55” RC tires I put on the Trophy-truck. Anyway, the top-speed of the model was about 13 km/h (around 8 mph). I expect to get at least 15 km/h (approximately 9.30 mph) in a bigger space.
  23. I tinkered at the REVii to fit into it a ”conventional” steering system and also modified the rear-wing attachment points and the majority of the rear suspension frame. Plus, I redone the batteries hub frames too. The bodywork isn`t changed too much, it has just some small rigidity updates on the inside, so it wasn`t needed any 2nd render with the truggy from the rear. Side note: I put the Studio file for the 2x servo-motors version on the Bricksafe page of the model .
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