[POLL] Rate the 75397 Khetanna
All the rumors are really superficial right now but out of contract reads to me out of contract…except no one else (well, a few companies can, just not Lego because their minifigures are WAY to close in style, articulation and detail to ours) make Star Wars figures. The whole thing is a crock. I agree Bricklink is probably the best way to purchase figures, but wherever you can pick one up cheapest is the best place.
[POLL] Rate the 75397 Khetanna
People need to check the latest rumor reports to see if this loophole will go away…. I have looked at sets for figures in the past. When you take the value of the figures out, and see just how many bricks and pieces you get in general, you are better off buying the set. If you just collect minifigures, hit ebay and you should be ok.
LEGO Star Wars: No Longer For Kids?
Latest rumor has it that Hasbro is losing so much money on Star Wars that they want out of their contract and will stop producing the toys. I wonder what BS reason Lego will now have for not doing a CMF series?
LEGO Star Wars: No Longer For Kids?
Kids have no familiar reference point to most sets lego produces. The Tantive IV set is based on a scene from a 50 year old movie. A lot of kids really interested in that? Flash Gordon serials were 50 years old when I was a kid. I think I watched once or twice but I was more interested in popular new movies and shows and I don’t think anyone can argue the newer Star Wars movies are not as popular as the originals. There are tons of OT sets each year. I just don’t see the popularity being there among children. Then the price point turns them away. An $80 sarlac pit vs an avengers set? Seems like a no brained. a $500 sail barge? Why not a $500 Jupiter Ii or Enterprise? Each surely got more screen time. I’m trying to think of something to compare. Some movie or franchise popular in the 1940’s that people where still buying stuff for in the 1980s? Then again, people did not have as much disposable cash and MUCH different priorities back then.
[POLL] Rate the 75397 Khetanna
I have, arguably, better versions of each of these figures now. So nothing about the figure selection has me buying. the model is a reddish brown “thing”. There’s nothing really interesting to look at. I would agree if the skiff set came with it my opinion would approve. As is, this set, and the overpriced skiff with the bad minifigures, I will be passing on. what hits especially close to home is the release of the fantastic D&D CMF. Lego did such an outstanding job on these and Slave Leia gets shorts. It’s so disappointing. I know there’s some complete BS reason why Lego can’t do a SW CMF series, but how about giving us GREAT figures in your overpriced sets?
LEGO Star Wars: No Longer For Kids?
Even as an adult buying for kids, sets over $100 are out of range. Nephews get about 50 to 75 at birthdays and holidays, but even at that range most of SW is out of bounds. I have personally realized this is a hobby. It’s for fun, not to go broke over. I buy cheaper sets now, and usually wait for great deals around Christmas. there’s no one that can convince me the tons of flowers and plants sets are aimed anywhere near kids.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I was on the fence, but the figure selection is pretty poor and I expected better. I always expect better and continue to be disappointed. You see the fantastic D&D CMF just out and can’t help but wonder what could be….
Dark Elf Ceremonial Guard
Customizing is an open game. Anything is possible, which actually puts Lego in a bad light because there are some REALLY fantastic things that can be done and are not.
- 21348 Lego Ideas Dungeons & Dragons and D&D CMF
21348 Lego Ideas Dungeons & Dragons and D&D CMF
I admit, after about 15 years of lego Star Wars I was burned out. Do not really like newer sets, the prices are sickening, I was ready to call it quits…..then I saw these. No idea what it is exactly, I never collected CMFs before, but these impressed me to the point that I spent a week running around looking for them. Some luck, and enjoying the ride. Great job Lego! HOWEVER, the fact that we can now tell what is in the blind boxes, and we haven’t got a chance in hell of finding a Dragonborn, does need to be addressed. This will make highly desired figures in future waves almost impossible to find as more and more people learn about the app trick. I do think some discussion is needed.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I guess any hopes I had for an E1 Faamba will need to be kept alive a little longer. I had hoped that a large creature build in the E1 25th year would be spot on.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
“Not a specific character, but Lego hasn’t made any imperial space-troopers either despite them having screen time in ANH.” Even when Hasbro did him 2 decades ago we were all like “Who?”. Yes, would be super cool to have him, but also super obscure. I doubt there’s more than a few fans that even know they are there. Being a convert from Hasbro to lego, I often wonder how many of the original line figures lego has yet to produce. Anyone here happen to know?
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
- LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I had had enough with Hasbro’s BS about 10 years ago and jumped ship to Lego. I’ve been pretty happy, until the last few years. Lego prices are insane. Where I once bought almost every sets each year because I could afford it, for the last few years I have picked and chosen VERY carefully. I REALLY need to have a set before even thinking about it and honestly most of what they have been producing I find way to expensive and just plain bad sets no matter how they try to gift wrap them and make them seem special. So far nothing this year, waiting to see the Summer battle packs. I was able to pick up some stuff last Fall when there were sales all over. Saved quite a bit. Except for an occasional outlier set, picking stuff up during the holiday sales, even if they are a year on shelf, works just fine for me. While lego has always been an expensive hobby, I think there are some of us feeling priced out at these levels.Nevermorethan12 started following MandalorianknightNevermorethan12 started following Rogue One MOC Wave.- Rogue One MOC Wave.
Signed up so I could contact you and I still can’t contact you. If you could message me, I would love to get your ship plans! Thanks! - LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
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