Everything posted by Buckshot
Painted Ladies District
Excellent job of building houses in the same style while also making them very unique at the same time. If this is the level of detail you put into your MOCs, the final project will be amazing. Good luck!
Excellent detail and variety with the buildings! Your project looks great The only thing I'd change is that you have Lego bricks on the floor...careful not to step on them!
Returning to Lego Addiction
Welcome aboard! Glad you found Eurobricks--one of the best parts of the internet; full of good people and great ideas.
Wasteland 2
That IS good news! I hadn't heard anything about this, either. It'll be interesting to see the end result; wonder how it'll compare to the current Fallout franchise.
Latest updates on LEGO set sales
Definitely not a sale, but for those interested, TRU in the US has brought out the summer sets. Prices as follows: LOTR Helm's Deep 159.99 Mines of Moria 99.99 Uruk-hai 34.99 Shelob 24.99 Monsters Vampire castle 109.99 Vampire hearse 39.99 Werewolf 24.99 Mummy 14.99 Creator Seaside house 79.99 Several of each in stock when I visited today--
Review: LotR 9469 Gandalf Arrives
Looks like I'm heading to TRU tomorrow (with fingers crossed). Thanks for showing us your find!
Was just thinking "Wow, that is one cool ship" when I got to the pics of the interior. That is one AMAZING ship--a job well done. Especially like the method of attaching the rigging--looks good. This is one beautiful Rapscallion
[MOC] Steampunk OG-9 homing spider droid
You know, it's creations like this that make people like me want to build steampunk MOCs. Well done--you've captured the steampunk vibe very well---
TRU Stocking
I was at a TRU last weekend and they had one box of series 7 (empty, ),and four boxes of series 6.
The Siege Of Jerusalem (1187)
Very nice! Did you use personally-made stickers for the crusader shields and torsos?
[MOC] USS Poseidon - Minifig Scale First Rate Ship of the Line
fnxfgnxfgnxbbmfh* *(that's what typed when my jaw hit the keyboard) Outstanding MOC.
MOC: Mission San Francisco Solano de Sonoma
I'm thinking she'll get an 'A' on that assignment. Nicely done! Love the roofing--
AFOL "What I really do..."
Just yesterday I was thinking that someone should do one of these for AFOLs--and you did it brilliantly! The last pic is spot on--
MOC: HMF Suppressor
Nice MOC, and an interesting backstory. Are you going to use the Lego alien attackers or do you different ideas? Looking forward to seeing more of your creations--
Vault 23
Truly a MOC worthy of the Fallout game! Well done--you managed to capture the essence of life in the wasteland. The Legion soldiers look great and the gate room is spot-on. Would love to see a front shot of your NCR Ranger-- War....war never changes...
From Death Star II to Minifig - a Journey through Scale
What a great idea! Well done, mortesv
Superman flies!
The idea behind this ingenious--and the execution is amazing! Well done!
MOC: Brickville Union army
Nicely done, Brickviller! Especially like the SPSHA super-heavy artillery. Will you be posting any color pictures?
When Pirates Meet Star Wars
You just made my day! Thank you!
Oh, my, yes--Skyrim is currently taking up much of my time. The game is so huge in scale it defies definition. Killing dragons is a definite highlight--just don't think that a giant is easier to kill, because they're not! Haven't been following the main quest--there's just too much to do and explore! Every time I wander off I find some old castle to explore. Definitely a game worth the money.
Latest updates on LEGO set sales
Toys-R-Us has a BOGO50 Friday and Sat., with the usual price inflations. However, I did see one of the new Ninjago sets with the snake-head minifigure, so if you're looking for those it might be worth your time.
That's a very nice mech! Especially like the cockpit design--well done. The "feet" look a little small to me, but obviously they work. The "fishing for dogs" is also a great touch.
That's life
Well, now, that's kinda twisted. I like it.
WW Catagory 2: Big Thunder Mountain
Ba-ha-ha! The Rowdy Doody Gang! That's great! Nicely crafted MOC (love the donkey) and enjoyable narrations. A job well done!
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe: Meteor
Nice design! Love the hangar, too! The door with the diagonal interlocking gears is a great idea--does it open? This is a great MOC--hopefully, part of a series. It is also something that would work very well with a Captain America theme. Well done.
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