2014 Christmas Set?
Price $129 is in Hong Kong Dollars. It is around US$ 16.5.
2014 Christmas Set?
alright!! I will post to special theme instead!! sorry
2014 Christmas Set?
Spotted in Hong Kong, unfortunately I could not capture the set number. But it seems to be of the same series as the following sets. 850935: Classic Minifigure Graduation Set 853340: Minifigure Wedding Favour Set 850791: LEGO Minifigure Birthday Set
2014 Christmas Set?
Spotted in Hong Kong, unfortunately I could not capture the set number. But it seems to be of the same series as the following sets. 850935: Classic Minifigure Graduation Set 853340: Minifigure Wedding Favour Set 850791: LEGO Minifigure Birthday Set
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
- 2014 trains!
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors Here comes the clear photo of new TC-4 polybag which is promotion from Hong Kong Toys R Us. The first 150 customers who spend more than HK$1200 (Around US$158) on new 2014 Lego items get one of the three Lego polybags by random. Enjoy!
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
http://www.toysrus.c...e/chi-bonus.htm Promotion from Hong Kong Toys R Us: the first 150 customers who spend more than HK$1200 (Around US$158) on new 2014 Lego items get one of the three Lego polybags by random. Surprisingly, the new TC-4 is found in one of the polybags. I apologize for the low resolution picture. Enjoy!
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Ninjago 2012
i just got hold of this book - its last pic could depict Lego's new Ninjago Character of 2013. Enjoy!!
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Ninjago 2012 I have no idea if this has been revealed yet or not. Lego Ninjago Character Encyclopedia will have a new Green Ninja ZX figure. Its helmets and shoulders are in gold color, as compared to the silver ones in 9450. The publication date of this book is 1 Nov 2012.
10224 Town Hall
Look to your left once the video begins!! A new model size R2-D2 and the next Modular House model!!!
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