Everything posted by Lego Nostalgia
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Doesn't sound so bad considering a Turbo Tank at 50$ won't do it justice, 100$ is the minimum
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I mean it's the same with Andor, it's not bad, it's good, but no one watched it well not a lot anyway Will probably be forgotten about once it's done You don't hear anyone talk about Kenobi or BOBF, same fate will happen here I think Disney + shows made SW irrelevant and is just quantity over quality People are just burnt out I guess I think maybe 5 or 6 years without any SW projects would do more good than harm, get the excitement back up again I wonder when we'll get images of the June wave
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
I'll just pretend Batman & Robin is a live action Forestfire101 stop motion, a funny parody If The Batcave has a good computer, a turn table, a Batmobile,Nipples and a Bat Credit Card, might be a pick up for me, I still prefer dark and brooding Batman though Doubt we'd get brain-damaged Bane from that movie though Batman, Alfred from Shadow Box,Mr Freeze and Poison Ivy, Robin is not included as usual
Marvel Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Madame Web is a great comedy, ''He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died'' now that's Cinema, when Martin Scorsese watched it, he took back what he said about Superhero movies, I'm just sad we didn't get Venom,Madame Web,Kraven and Lord Morb himself to team up as the Sinister Shit and fight Knull, Box Office would be Morbillions Post Credit Scene with Uncle Ben coming back to life and becoming the Green Goblin, El Muerto appears to join the Sinister Shit, ''What are we, some kind of Sony Squad ?'' Imagine a trailer, ''You heard of The Incredibles, but you've never heard of these new heroes, INTRODUCING, THE FORGETTABLES'' Knull is OP but he only has 1 weakness, A Pepsi Sign Rumor has it a Sony Executive is writing down what I said and is going to make a new movie based off this, the movie will make less than the budget of 100M, The Studio will blame people for not liking it, Classic Sony Anyway I'll give Disney some praise, they destroy things on purpose, Sony does it by accident WB does both
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
I agree that some take it too far but, what WB did to Zack and the actors was terrible, studio interference, firing, The Batman with Batfleck fighting Deathstroke was going to be cool, there was leaked plot details, DCEU might have had a chance if WB let Zack do his thing and didn't cut BvS The Ayer cut is far different from the studio cut, there's a reason the trailers felt different compared to the movie we got, it's the tone Injustice Soup with a Mech, now that's a lot of damage
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Marvel Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
A Tom Hardy Venom is something I want, movies aren't the best, 1st one was good IMO
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Apparently SC has lower viewership than Acolyte, so, not good if you want more sets, plus not many are excited or talking about SC, it's sad that SW is in a place where a new project is just ignored but, it's sadly the reality At least you got the main ship and I guess that pirate ship from Mando can work with it I wonder why the Night Trooper BP is only coming out in June, the show was out in 2023 and not really a big hit, last year would have made sense, release it along with the Peridia set, it feels so strange releasing a set for a Disney plus show 2 years later, with a movie I'd understand but these shows aren't really popular if you think about it Looking forward to it though, glad Lego went the extra mile with the Night Trooper and had a zombie head underneath the helmet, could have been lazy and made it a plain black head
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
But is the 327th battlepack sure ?
Marvel Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Kingpin can appear in a set despite being in a TV-MA series, he's a comic villain after all, he's appeared in spider-man cartoons and everything, he's been teased in the bugle on a magazine, it's not off the table @BrickBob Studpants remember when you said a new Raimi Goblin would never happen, well it feels like it's possible now If we do get him, PLEASE LEG PRINTING THIS TIME
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Is that rumor even true at this point ? it's a playset, Batman Forever is so old that it would make more sense for it to be aimed at an older audience, and schumacher ruined Batman
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
My bad bro, honestly I just go off about things when certain things are brought up, it's my fault, nothing against you, I just kinda feel certain things are one sided here This usually happens every few months xD, anyway is the 327th and UT-AT 100% happening ?
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I walked in The Last Jedi, expecting Luke to kick @ss, but was let down I obviously know that, now, it can be done well in certain cases, Look at Batman for example, Dark Knight Returns, he's old and depressed, BUT, he becomes Batman again, pushes through, trains, tries hard despite his old age and still kicks @ss, but what they did with Luke is just unacceptable, he didn't even do anything, he just was on a cliff and died from being tired It all comes down to how it's handled and how it's written, when a hero is retired but comes back is a cool storyline if done right, like with Batman,Daredevil,Spiderman I just don't like it when they do it the way with Luke and Indiana Jones
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
They killed him in the dumbest way possible, dying from doing a force projection, he also tried to kill Ben Solo sleeping, that's not the Luke we know, they also made him the usual sad old man who's given up, hiding somewhere, alone and not the guy he was before, just like Indiana Jones Maybe if he actually showed up to fight Kylo and won against all the First Order but died shortly after, his death would have been meaningful and a hero's sacrifice
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Passive Aggressiveness detected
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I will agree that TFA is the less bad of the 3 ST movies, but that's not saying much, and you and me both agree what they did to Luke was unacceptable, it was all done on purpose, they hate the fans I know, I respect that you have a middle ground, TFA did have some good Lego sets though, Kylo's shuttle in black was good even though it was from Episode 9, it looks lovely, I just think that since Lego made all those sets from the ST, do we really need any more ? they pretty much covered everything back then besides Starkiller Base, there's still things that Lego hasn't made from OT and PT I think Lego knows it's not worth their time to make more than 1 ST set There's a reason we haven't gotten them in a good while After the 327th and Galactic Marines come out, I think we can leave it at that, because afterwards, I'd feel pretty burnt out, sure Wolfpack and new Kashyyyk would be nice but other than that, it's getting old, I think making too much 501st is the cause of it, the 501st set from 2020,AT-TE 2022 and Clone and Droid BP from 2024 is all we really needed Guys I want to apologize for everything, I just hate it when no one else will defend something, I just wanted to let it out, it happens sometimes, I hope you can forgive me and we can move on Just hate what happened to my loved franchises that's all, it'd be like if they replaced plastic in Lego Bricks, it's just not the same
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Only thing that sells is the OG stuff that everyone knows and loves, Characters from episodes 1-6,CW and in Marvel, MCU phases 1-3, Comic OG's like Spider-Man,Wolverine,Hulk,Punisher,Daredevil,X-Men and with DC, Batman,Superman,Flash,Wonder Woman
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Anyway we can pretty much come to a middle ground and say ''Star Wars can be better'' to please both sides You can't talk to someone like him who won't listen to your argument, he'll just defend his view even more I've noticed it's always @THELEGOBATMAN who's heavily against people speaking against stuff like Acolyte,Agatha,ST, I think I know why There's a reason Lego hasn't made a set from Acolyte, 95% of fans hate it and the merch from it sits on shelves for years collecting dust, praying to be sold, if it was discounted down to 5$, no one would buy it, even Hasbro is thinking of cutting ties with Disney, Disney forces them to make the new, unwanted characters, the OG's like Luke,Darth Vader,Boba,Storm Trooper will always sell no matter what year we're in Go to your local store and look at the toy aisle, tell me what you see, I guarantee you'll see Black Panther 2,Shang Chi,The Marvels,Andor,Acolyte,ST stuff still on shelves
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I can't believe you guys are saying SW is not in a bad place, LOOK AT THE NUMBERS, THE TRUE FANS CRITIQUES, THE MERCH SALES, all of it, they announce a project, it never gets made, viewership is down, slop after slop, flop after flop, SW is just not a profitable brand anymore, they'd make more money selling it back than from making projects Exactly man and I'm just tired of it You can't criticize them but they can criticize you, what the hell kind of logic is that God forbid I'm just a guy sick of the slop and just want good story telling and our favorite characters to be treated well and stayed out of politics Now look, old politics are fine but it's this new stuff that's ruined everything, this social nonsense that's just not needed Acolyte is what ruined it mostly for me, the ST can be ignored but the Acolyte just left a shit stain on the whole franchise And most true fans agree with that, it's these new types of fans that have come in and try and change what it is, this is why gatekeeping is a thing, years ago stuff like Marvel,DC,Star Wars were kinda niche to the everyday person and it was nice to have it to ourselves and interact with other fans who love it so much and respect the lore, now ever since the activists and people who pretend to be a fan managed to sneak their way in, it's been a mess since If I said I wanted some DCEU lego sets, the usual crowd would say ''No, they're trash, we don't need them'', but you'll say you want sets for Acolyte, and then I respond with no, you say ''let people enjoy what they like'' ''you're a manchild'' it's quite funny
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It's funny, if I say Disney Star Wars is shit, most on this forum will defend it and come up with something like ''let people enjoy what they enjoy'' but if I said I liked Batman VS Superman and ZSJL, you all clown it and say it's the worst thing ever, double standards as always, you gotta understand that SW is in big decline and that Lucasfilm have ruined it, Lucasfilm needs to clean house and fire everybody and get new people in that care about the franchise, most employees there are the ''progressive type'' I can't take seriously someone who likes TLJ,Acolyte,Agatha and Loki over The Batman,Daredevil and so on And I don't get the insult about being a ''Nerdrotic or Drinker fan'' they're probably the best thing to happen to Youtube for the film critic side of things, otherwise we'd all be accepting the slop from these studios, paying for garbage that had no effort or heart put into it, can't believe wanting movies and games to be like they were before 2016 is a bad thing, it all comes down to ideology, I'm guessing most of you guys on here are on the ''left'' so that's why you accept and push for more of this stuff, but if I come in and say something the complete opposite of your view, I'm the bad guy, when one time, we could all listen to eachother Wouldn't you guys agree that entertainment is made simply for entertainment, and not to pander and lecture the audience about modern day social politics that don't really matter to us because we just want to watch something to pass the time and love to watch our favorite characters, things like The Marvels were only created for a box check and to please a certain group and try to cater to an audience that doesn't exist, it purely wasn't made because people wanted it or was vital to the MCU storyline, it was made to push a message, audiences are finally waking up and are sick of this shit and that's why you see these movies flopping Now I expect to be called the ''ict,phobic,bigot'' rubbish that is always used to avoid an argument so let it come, I don't care, just trying to open your eyes that you don't have to defend and enjoy this slop and try to demonize people who oppose it and wish their favorite franchises weren't being bastardized like how they are now, Lucasfilm is bad, George handed it to the wrong person who simply wants to get back at him and destroy his legacy And yes, there is a thing such as ''True Star Wars'' episodes 1-6,CW and Legends, because they didn't ruin the lore with all shit by Disney, in the ST, they made Luke a complete loser and fragile,weak,old man, killed Han, and they never made Luke,Han,Leia reunite, Rey is just a bland, poorly written character who is good at everything, Finn had potential to be a Jedi and the story about him being a Stormtrooper was cool but they done him dirty, Poe is basically Walmart Han Solo
Marvel Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Daredevil and F4 are the only things worth watching this year, maybe Thunderbolts, Cap 4 sounds like a mess with all the reshoots, budget is probably 500M considering reshoots and marketing, would have to make 1B to break even
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
True Star Wars is only episodes 1-6 and Clone Wars, anything after that is pure fan fiction Mandalorian seasons 1-2 and Rogue One might be considered but season 3 just ruined it all SW is in a very sad,bad place where new projects aren't getting anyone excited anymore, they should just sell it at this stage, The Last Jedi was a life threatening injury to the brand and The Acolyte is what killed it for good, right now it's braindead and hooked up to a machine on life support but not long left till it goes away for good Possibly the most bastardized, ruined, deconstruction of an IP ever is SW Marvel still has hope yet thankfully but if Daredevil and Avengers fail, it's all gone Lego should not make any SW ST sets, them movies are terrible and ruins the lore and story George created, OT,PT,CW and Legends is what should be focused on Less than 12, and are paid off by disney to shill for them
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Imagine if he's not an Armoured version and just the regular robed version
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
How would the print on Bly's helmet work ? below the mouth is all yellow I doubt the print would look good
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Just buy him off Bricklink for 30-40$ instead of buying the set
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