Everything posted by Lego Nostalgia
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Could be Bruce Wayne,Loki or Prof X However 2 of them are not bald, yet What if Man gets cancer from the Kryptonite stored in the Mancave and loses his hair ? Man VS Super: Dawn Of Cancer ? Honestly I'm surprised Batman hasn't gotten ill with all the kryptonite he's interacted with, it's radioactive no ? Unless he has created a cure already, he's Batman after all, not even the CIA can stop him Reed Richards found the cure originally, FBI said he died from a 23 self inflicted shots to the back of his head, weird I'm honestly so lazy to go to the ASLUME forum so I'll just use this one, it's not like we'll get much DC sets anyway this year besides Arkham and Nippleman cave
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
It's Earth, how else can Lex breathe
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Would have made more sense for it to be Lex's Mech, At least I can have Batman and Superman fight in their Mechs xD, Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Mechs
Marvel Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Hopefully a battle damaged variant but it'll be another reuse sadly Doubt it, probably the same shield like in set 76192 and a sword like in set 76216
Marvel Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
SW can't even get one, last time was 2010 retail
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
how do you know ?
Marvel Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
What about CMF Moon Knight ? Need Ghost Rider and Dr Strange too, and Morbius
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Yet she died from the Death Star
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Somehow Turtle returned
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
He won't have beef with them, He'll have fish with them
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Buildable Ewok, add to the madness
Marvel Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
- LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Maybe if it just has the wheels and most of the parts are just plates for the sides on an angle, that wouldn't need much pieces then, only the base of it but for 50$, idk, look at Battle On Peridia, same price and barely anything there- LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I just don't see how they could make a decent Turbo Tank for 50$, maybe if it was made in 2001 but we're in 2025 now, more price, less parts, even a chibi sized turbo tank could not be made for 50$, it's probably a mistake in price or price is swapped with another set Couldn't be starship collection since it's rumored to have good minifigures- Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I really liked Falcon in the MCU but now I feel like he has no Identity now, He's the new Captain America and some other guy is now Falcon, Only Falcon to me is Sam, not this other guy, I feel like Falcon was good for the team, he had good humor and was cool with his wings and Uzi guns, I miss that I was interested in Falcon, but as soon as he became Captain America, I lost interest, he was his own character, the mantle overshadows him IMO- DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
She doesn't have to know There's a reason Anakin did all those bad things, it was for love, love is very powerful- Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I wouldn't say that's an accurate poll Most People aren't interested in a Captain America movie without Steve Rogers, me included , Red Hulk is probably the main reason there's some hype for it I'll probably only go to see it to see Red Hulk but he'll probably only be in it for 10 minutes Daredevil and F4 are the only projects for the MCU in 2025 that are actually worth watching, maybe Thunderbolts will be good but idk, just feels like another Suicide Squad- LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Is the 327th BP, UT-AT and Turbo Tank actually happening or is it still speculation like is it actually definite ? most of these reliable leakers turn out to be true so idk, anyway I have a feeling the Turbo Tank if true would include Wolffe- Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Impossible, Avengers are always a safe bet money wise, so far, it's gonna be a huge success And Secret Wars will be even bigger I can see Lego just focusing on the big projects like Avengers,Spider-Man and then doing comic based stuff- Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Doesn't matter if they don't, they're still variants of beloved characters, it's a nice nod for fans Honestly those movies were better than most of Phase 4, that's tragic Daredevil 2003 is a fun watch, very overhated IMO Sure look at Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and Tobeys Spiderman, you're telling me audiences don't know them ?- Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Not stupid, it's good, PG-13 movie can be for anyone, kids grow up, teens can be fans too I'm 20 and I know about 2003 Daredevil, came out a year before I was born, just because general audience doesn't know it doesn't mean it's stupid, Marvel is mainly enjoyed by fans Gen Z probably knows all the early 2000s characters, it's all about if they're a die hard fan or general audience If NWH didn't have Tobey or Andrew then it wouldn't have done as good, it's all about nostalgia and the OG's- Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Not confirmed but most likely That's like the big plan, to bring back everyone for it Hopefully we do get Oscorp in 2025, when do you think we'd get set names for summer ?- Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Chris Evans will be in Doomsday so Marvel is probably desperate, I agree about double standards, it's ridiculous but that's the world we live in, people aren't smart, Would Bullseye fit in an Oscorp set ? I mean he's more of a Daredevil villain but I guess Bugle had Punisher,Blade and Daredevil so Avengers Secret Wars is heavily relying on nostalgia with bringing back the early 2000s heroes like Afflecks Daredevil,Tobey Spidey,Nic Cage Ghost Rider, 2005 F4,Eric Bana Hulk.Thomas Jane Punisher,2000's X-Men Honestly that's what I'm most excited about, seeing everyone interact, legacy and MCU characters I'd pay a lot to see a portal opening and Evanescence playing while Ben's Daredevil appears lol- Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Superhero fatigue might not be there 100% but I fear it's getting there, like the way Westerns and Zombie movies were loved and popular and then stopped being made- Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Anyone who would call someone a misogynist over being upset about a gender swap is stupid and they know it It's a valid opinion, there is no need for it, if it was the other way round, those weirdos would riot Should have just made it the normal silver surfer Anyway I'd rather have the comic style F4 so it can match well with the comic style looks for X-Men,Punisher,Daredevil and Spider-Man, Kinda sick of the over designed MCU suits NGL I wouldn't mind Deadpool and Wolverine,Punisher and Daredevil in their MCU style suits but that's about it If we got the F4 like how they looked in the first Lego Marvel Game then I'd be happy, would love a comic style Bullseye too I think we might get more comic based sets in the future since the MCU has fallen off and Lego doesn't want to risk making sets for films that could fail like Thunderbolts Surprised they made Cap 4 sets, that film sounds like a mess, high budget, lots of reshoots,poor audience reaction from test screenings, it would have to make 1B to break even I miss Steve Rogers, Falcon was cool before they made him take the mantle of Cap, I don't like the passing of mantles tbh, I care about the guy behind the mask as well not just the symbol, Bruce Wayne will always be Batman,Peter Parker will always be Spider-Man,Kal El will always be Superman,Steve Rogers will always be Captain America,Tony Stark will always be Iron Man,Natasha will always be Black Widow and Hawkeye will always be Clint, that's why Phase 4 failed, they tried too hard to make the sidekicks and new characters replace the old Now if they just brought in new characters like Ghost Rider,Punisher,Daredevil,Blade,X-Men and F4 then it might have been good, can't believe they have all the characters at their finger tips (Besides Spidey) but they focus on these unlikeable,unknown,boring characters Daredevil and F4 might be the only good projects in 2025, MCU is banking on them to hype people up again, Avengers 5,6 and Spider-Man 4 as well, after that, I don't know what else they can do that will want to bring people back to the cinemas, maybe X-Men but maybe the interest will go by then - LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
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