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Lego Nostalgia

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Everything posted by Lego Nostalgia

  1. Careful, he might try to rizz you up, even after you say you're not intersted That meme where Miles sniffed the Window where Gwen was has aged poorly, Bro really is down bad xD Peter Parker will always have rizz, but do you know who has more rizz than Peter ? PAULLLLLLLLLLLLLLL What if, Paul is Mephisto ? Paul mech in 2026 ?
  2. I totally forgot about that SW game lmao Blade video game,Lando,James Mangold SW film,Droids SW show,Armor Wars,Lego Tower of Fate I'm shocked that 28 Years Later got made, which I'm glad, such a good franchise, should have been called 28 Months Later, I think all these movies and shows we listed will indeed release, 28 years later Black Adam vs Superman, if only the Hierarchy of the DC universe did change xDDDDDDDDD RIP Batfleck and Henry Superman, you were the best to me, if only you had better writers and that Deathstroke, Arkham movie got made But still, I'm glad with what I got in Bvs, despite if people hate it, I just wish there was a timeline where I got to see the Knightmare timeline as a movie which would be JL 2 or 3 Also unrelated but Marvel's What If is so stupid and garbage, wtf are these stories, Mechs, woman gets impregnated by a duck, instead of What If, I'll call it ''What Is This Shit?'' The Zombies and Doctor Strange episode were the only good ones IMO It just became the Captain Carter show, could have gotten what if the other half got snapped, what if Punisher saved Tony in Afghanistan, what if Thanos arrived in the battle of NY, idk, those all sound better
  3. If Superman fails, expect more Batman and Joker sets Joker Mech when ??? Mr Freeze or Scarecrow mech would go hard tho
  4. Crazy how we never got a OT Falcon since 2011 Playscale wise Still no Dooku ........
  5. Yo chill, I meant about canceling projects, firing Cavill and behind the scenes stuff with The Batman 2, DCEU became a shit show when Justice League came out and after it was all over the place with films like Birds of Prey,Shazam 2,Black Adam and Blue Beetle, if the WB execs didn't mess with Snyder then it could have been a successful universe, WB made SS 2016, MCU style with jokes and everything, Ayer made it dark and serious and probably would have been better Anyway I feel like WB is as bad as Sony, if not worse, they don't know how to handle their characters, if Superman fails then that's it, over, Universal should get the rights to DC I worry Gunn will make the DCU, goofy and MCU style with jokes every second, Now Superman looks good and it's great to see him be a symbol of hope and smile again but I worry about what they'll do with Batman I honestly feel like Gunn wants himself to be in the spotlight and doesn't want The Batman to overshadow him, who knows, honestly there's 2 things I think are happening, either he wants The Batman to join the DCU or is delaying The Batman 2 to make Matt Reeves give up and leave it all together and have only Gunn's Batman Please remember that the Arkham Show was originally Matt Reeves's universe and he said so himself, then Gunn said it was always set in the DCU, you can't tell me Gunn isn't a liar, He said The Batman will never be in the DCU, then on a podcast he said he thought about it, Also isn't it a coincidence that The Batman 2 and Brave and the Bold are both announced to be delayed at the same time ? seems to me like he might just merge it together and make Battinson the DCU Batman, also it was rumored that Reeves wanted Clayface in Batman 2 and Gunn announced a Clayface movie set in the DCU which would force Reeves to rewrite it, he even said he's close to finishing the Script and Gunn said there is no script, I think DC is turning down what Matt is sending in Time will tell I wouldn't have a problem with him if he rebooted everything and nothing was from the old DCEU, Keeping his own things like Peacemaker and keeping the same actress for Waller isn't a full reboot to me She is a great Waller though He does lie, there's a small truth to every conspiracy Arkham was always DCU he said when Matt said it was in his own universe, Batman would be a new actor in DCU, then Gunn said he thought about Battinson in DCU, either changing his mind or lying
  6. Plans change, I don't trust Gunn, he lies a lot, We probably would have gotten The Batman 2 earlier if it wasn't for him, ever since he came in, things became weird Bruh, it's better than all of Phase 4 Marvel 2nd best Batman movie Can't believe films like Clayface get more priority than Batman Would have loved to get The Batman 2, it's gonna be canceled or reworked into the DCU 3rd time it's been delayed 5 years after the first one, that's bad for hype and box office Honestly at this stage just bring Affleck and Henry back Gunn is gonna make everything Marvel styled and focus on obscure characters besides Superman, he just makes GOTG over and over again, team of misfits Script was nearly finished, I know damn well he's pressuring Reeves to add Battinson to DCU, Arkham series was turned into a DCU series and then it never happened, was originally Reeves verse, lot's of rumors about Gunn wanting The Batman in DCU, he's lied a lot saying he is not going to do it and then on a podcast he says he's thought about it, which one is it If it does get canceled then at least it's a movie that can be a once off story Only thing that would make me happy if it got canceled would be to make Ben's movie At least I get to see Daredevil and Punisher back again in March :) I guess there really was, Something in the wayyyyy
  7. Bro why so much hatred for The Batman, you don't gotta be disrespectful about it
  8. James Gunn probably wants Battinson to be the DCU Batman, he said he thought about it, Brave and the Bold was originally 2027 so, it's ridiculous at this point, I was excited for it, 2026 is long away, but now 2027, WTF, def something going on behind the scenes
  9. Kraving for a Kraven
  10. 2012 is 2nd best Shadowbox one is actually cool though
  11. A TDKR Batcave with Batman,Bane,Catwoman and Alfred would be cool, include a Batpod and Bane's Tumbler
  12. Buildable Jawa,Buildable Tusken, Kashyyyk Battle Pack,212th Battle Pack, 501st expansion set, Luke's Landspeeder,Obi Wan Mech, I can come up with more >:) Mechs will now be 21$ so it can have 2 figures in it like the marvel ones >:)
  13. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, THE WORST BATMAN MOVIES EVER ARE SCHUMACHERS, I NEED MORE NOLAN SETS, IF THE BATCAVE IS SCHUMACHER THEN I'LL EAT A BUILDABLE CHARACTER Would love a Knightmare scene set with Batman,Joker and Deathstroke Best show to come out of modern hollywood in 2024, it's rare these days I am now going to smoke a cigar and look out a window overseeing gotham city The Batman was a brilliant dark Batman movie and possibly the 2nd best one, Dark Knight 1st, If someone loves Agatha but hates The Batman then I can't take them seriously
  14. So happy to get Galactic Marines and Bly, I hope Wolffe is in the Turbo Tank, then I will be satisfied and not need any more Clones After the 2025 Summer Wave, I think we'll be happy with no more Clones, however I would like a normal Gunship and updated Kashyyyk troopers
  15. Only realistic thing here is the Quinjet, and it's sad considering that's what the price would be
  16. Hey Lois, remember the time that chicken stabbed me with a green rock ?
  17. Hopefully an AOU Final Battle with Quicksilver
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if Mechs became 20$
  19. Hopefully they can print the arm this time
  20. Luke's Landspeeder Should have priced it at 800, 1000 just hurts my soul, it's a very big number, 800 is too but it's still in the hundreds, hopefully in 3 years it'll go on sale to 750 Ridiculous, and the people who buy it are only fueling Lego's greed, I love Lego more than anything but at times I wish they'd go bankrupt to save my wallet Lego feels more corporate now, I think it became like this in 2022, from the 2000s to 2010s Lego seemed to care about the consumers and have more quality and more figures, a batmobile went from 30 euro to 60 euro, wtf, honestly I feel like Lego will bankrupt themselves at this rate Lego is discounted more than ever now, that's a good sign for my wallet but not a good sign for the company, so be it, they put themselves in this situation And does anyone notice that there was never a ''Budget Excuse'' for sets like not being able to do more than a few new prints now and reusing the same figures, years ago this wasn't a thing, what happened
  21. We've gotten Riddler so many times, We haven't got minifig Bane since 2013
  22. Would be funny if the D2C was all the Ewoks in buildable figure form
  23. Maybe the reason the superhero figures are lacking the same love as years ago is because the theme is declining in sales ? that Winter Soldier arm with no print makes me so mad, years ago there was love, now it's just corporate greed and laziness, A figure from 2016 gets arm printing but a 2025 one doesn't ? wtf, sets from 2006-2016 had more love and quality, more figures in expensive sets, and there was no budget excuse either, Idk it just feels like Lego has become more corporate, it never felt this way before Modern times ruin everything, I wish I could go back to 2009 Lego's original themes were so cool and made sense, Agents,Fantasy Era,Space Police,Power Miners,Atlantis and now we get newer themes which feel stupid and modernized like Hidden Side,Nexo Knights and Dreamzzz, just proves Lego's own themes were better back in the early 2000's
  24. A Spider-Man set with Daredevil,Kingpin and Bullseye would be great for a tie in set to the show, I hope to see the summer set list soon, I hope the D2C is Oscorp
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