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Powder Monkey

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Thanks lot to all of you! Good to hear you feel the same. We would have been best friends back then, united by the dream of having something like this
  2. Thank you very much @Captain Braunsfeld
  3. I totally love what you did with the box design! I'm so into that kind of stuff, cause imo that's where the magic is happening, isn't it? Cool box -> imagination kicks in -> decision already been made
  4. Putting aside the minifigure aspect - which has already been covered here sufficiently - I really like your creation! Like some people said it really feels like a 90s set
  5. I have to admit the older I get the more interesting I find the midi-scale. Maybe because it's so difficult to keep things in proportion and make it look good at the same time. But you nailed it sir!
  6. Definitely! This and the fact that it appears as if from one cast. Love it!
  7. Thanks @Mister Phes and @Captain Braunsfeld, this means a lot to me Glad that you like my build @US_Army_Tom :) How cool you own those sets! As a kid I've always admired the classic pirate ships, but I never owned one of them. And with my motley basic-brick-ships I was never 100% satisfied. So this is how I deal with the trauma Thanks for this interesting piece of information, absolutely didn't know that! Makes perfect sense, why have I never thought about it?
  8. Thank you all for your kind words :) Yes, as you said it's because of all the limiting factors - though I would never think of my kids as limits True, luckily the weight of the upper decks/rigging press down on it when assembled. Might also be that extreme due to the usage of plates from different manufacturers... But who knows, maybe I will change it to smaller sections in the future, good advice :) Totally correct. And I'm aware that the amount of guns is way out of range... I just tried to get the overall look of the Ardent class and put as many guns on it as possible But for the rate, I have to admit that I played the game Naval Action a lot, and there the Agamemnon eg. was a 4th rate. I recalled that, but a quick Wikipedia check would have cleared it up... Sorryyyy
  9. HMS Certitude A 26 gun 4th-rate ship of the line form around 1780 to 1840 which is loosely based on the Ardent-class ships and had the magnificent 10210 Imperial Flagship as its starting point. Regarding her size, of course, compromises had to be made - in terms of true-to-original scale or certain shipbuilding features. Nevertheless, I wanted to build her - especially for the sake of my children - suitable for minifigures. In this respect, I am always keen on finding the right mix of playability, a certain robustness and at the same time an appearance that is as realistic as possible. And I think overall it works quite well. Also, my parts selection is limited and I had to use what was there. So you could consider it as a compromise between the three poles of "appearance", "playability" and "available bricks“. Of course, one or the other situation could have been solved better with different, more special parts, but it is how it is now. The sails are made of polyester cloth, making them fairly durable (and easily washable). A friend of mine owns a laser cutter, which sealed the edges and eyelets perfectly. I’m dreaming of UV-printing those sails someday, but right now it’s not worth the cost. I omitted the mizzen staysails due to lack of space. Functions: All cannons are functional The lid to the captain's cabin can be removed The big grilles on the upper deck can be flipped open to get a view on the capstan The quarterdeck can be removed separately The forecastle can be removed separately The middle deck can be removed separately The capstan can be rotated and the anchor set or weighed All yards, gaff and main boom can be set relatively accurately A small list of sins I knowingly committed: I used bricks from many manufacturers as the bricks in my sorting boxes are completely mixed up. I cut/shortened some rigging-parts by one segment. I surely used countless illegal building techniques and put some stress on one or the other brick. I hope you enjoy this MOC and hopefully I can manage to release a few more in the future Link to Flickr Album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/198933564@N08/albums/72177720310198959
  10. Some build a grocery store, some build ships. Others build a car. @PsychoWard666 builds a ...coal mine It's true, limits exist only in our heads. Excellent work man, applause.
  11. Phew! What a tremendously detailled and self-consistent MOC. In terms of functions I really love your approach of not letting it be just a neat eye-catcher, but giving many different ways to explore the build.
  12. True that
  13. Hi @Febio7, welcome! Looks amazing what you do, but it must take a lot of time and equipment, doesn't it? (Especially the airbrush-part seems super time consuming )
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