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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Thedbbuildworks

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Star wars
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    Ucs razor crest

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  • Interests
    Light tomfoolery


  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. Thanks for putting on the contest The second place prize for coruscant can go to third place, I don’t want them
  2. im at work at the moment, when i get home later i'll screenshot from studio, is that okay? edit - sorry i didnt see this over the weekend by the way, ive just moved house and i've literally had no free time to even look at my phone.
  3. Thank you, I wanted to avoid a stereotypical battle, so a battle of survival strategies felt good
  4. Here are the links to my four entries thank you again for putting on this competition, and thank you to the mods for putting up with my pedantic questions, I find it difficult to interpret instructions
  5. Thank you!, the wording was just that tiny bit ambiguous that i was worried i'd misunderstood and there was a technique i was missing out on. Sorry for being autistic
  6. spot on my concern, but the mods havent cleared it up entirely, do both mocs receive score that contributes to the aggregate? if so in theory next year i could make 120 mocs and as long as each one scores 1, i get full marks towards grand admiral. its not me wanting to take away from anybodys fun, but surely it should be that you can build multiple entries per category, but you must nominate your primary entry into the contest for scoring or that your highest scoring entry is the one that contributes to the aggregate. im sorry for being this way, its the competitiveness in me, i just want to win so badly
  7. question for the mods, were we allowed multiple entries per catagory??
  8. Hmmm worried about my entry now its a non-violent conflict, a duel of perspectives… that will determine the fates of the characters depicted. If it’s clear I’m gonna lose points because the characters aren’t smacking each other around then that’s a huge bummer
  9. Are official Lego Star Wars stickers permitted? im trying to get the most out of the 100 part limit for duel of the fates and I will use every single element available to me lol
  10. "Only official LEGO elements should be used. Avoid third party parts or clone bricks." no third party lighting i assume, lego light bricks only? i ask because it looks like the coruscant example has third party lighting
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