Everything posted by DonQuixote
Your Favourite Minifigure
All castle CMF. Superb details : printed /dual moulded arms /legs, capes
Star Trek 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
As a kid from the eighties I grew up with Star Trek, the next generation. It was my favourite TV show and I always wanted to live in that kind of utopian, futuristic , anti- capitalist, science based society where greed and hunger did not exist anymore. As an adult I still want to live in that Star Trek, next generation society. Even if it means I have to give up on materialism and therefore giving up on collecting Lego. To quote captain Picard :'The accumulation of wealth is no longer the driving force of society' No surprise they went for this series because it became more mature. The original series is a bit goofy and cheap looking. Curious how it will compare with the Bluebrixx version. Didn't like that one. Too blocky and too small.
[RUMOUR] LEGO Icons Black Pearl coming in 2025
[RUMOUR] LEGO Icons Black Pearl coming in 2025
Lego knows that the value of certain minifigs wil decrease if they make battlepacks too. They know that a lot of people will buy several sets just to sell the parts and minifigs on Bricklink. It's more profitable. Just look at Jabba's sail barge. They didn't include all the figs in that set from that scene. You will have to buy an overpriced Sarlacc Pitt as well or just buy expensive minifigs only on Bricklink. Therefore more people are motivated to buy the complete sets. And if you want the dual molded C3po ,you need to buy the buildable C3po as well. That system works for the Lego company so don't expect they will change that. It will only get worse with licensed themes. The icon/symbol of Lego is not the brick anymore. It is in fact the minifig because that's patented. And they will capitalize on that. That's the system seller.
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Yeah I'm afraid it's just Gandalf and some Hobbits. It will be a dealbraker for me. If it has all the dwarves it will be a 100% purchase for me. If not, I will not buy it.The dwarves are so unique and interesting. Maybe I'll collect them at Bricklink. But they are so expensive now. I recently bought Bombur. He is so cool!
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
It's just fascinating that it's so popular given the fact that it's based on a 1977 franchise. I was just wondering why it's still big today. That's all. Because you don't see Lego western anymore. And western movies were once very popular.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I am just curious who is going to buy it. That's all. And I meant Lego Starwars. I do like the original Starwars. But just not Lego Starwars.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I didn't say I hate Starwars. I only hate the Disney trilogy. So, next question. Is your love for Starwars strong enough to buy the €$1000 Deathstar?
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
So you like the Disney trilogy? Wow, I find it terrible. It makes the sacrifice of Anakin/Darth Vader compleet obsolete and meaningless. The story is garbage. Rey makes Yoda a padawan learner with overpowered super sayan powers.They missed the oppurtunity to unite Luke, Leia and Han so we could see them together in at least one movie. Palpatine has returned. Wow, what a good way of story telling. The writers had obvious no idea what they were doing. While George Lucas clearly had an overall vision and story arc for his 2 trilogies in 1976 already. Saw a documentairy about that. The only good thing from Disney Starwars is Rogue One I think.
[RUMOUR] LEGO Icons Black Pearl coming in 2025
Got myself the Black Pearl designed by MOCYourBricks(YouTube) , manufactured by Mouldking and sold by Bluebrixx. It looks fantastic. Has 2800 pieces, real rigging and a lot of detail. A true UCS minifig scale set. I don't wait for Lego to make it themselves.
Unpopular Opinions about LEGO
Golden age of castle and pirates was for me was eighties and early nineties
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I have a question: Why is Lego Starwars so popular? The highlight of the franchise was 1977-1983 with the original trilogy. I was born in 1979 so I didn't experienced the hype around it. Are you people older then me? I just don't get it. I did grew up with Star Trek: the next generation so I have nostalgia for that.
BrickLink Designer Program Ongoing Discussion Thread
Lego Ideas piece count raised to 5000. So why not BDP? Who would like to see a raise to 5000? I would. That would mean bigger and detailed castles.
2025 Castle [wishlist/speculation]
No Griffin shield so it doesn't count. Also : Harry Potter
2025 Castle [wishlist/speculation]
Yes I can't wait anymore It's taking too long. It will probably Krakens for the gumball machine. But I am curious what faction they will include in the new creator castle.
2025 Castle [wishlist/speculation]
So many supporters of house Kraken. It seems house Raven and house Griffin should team up together to get the Iron... euh I mean Lego throne
2025 Castle [wishlist/speculation]
Never liked that house. My favourite is house Tyrell. Margary was good at manipulating her husband kings and Olana was responsible for king Joffry's death. The Tyrells are bad *ss. They deserved the Iron throne. But their story line ended with season 6. With season 7 everything went downhill storywise and season 8 was the worst.
2025 Castle [wishlist/speculation]
Dragonstone from Game of thrones then? Yeah, that castle looks cool.
2025 Castle [wishlist/speculation]
Agreed Yes I know castle Pyke from Game of thrones. It just looks ugly. Just a couple of towers in the sea connected with wooden bridges.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
People will still buy it at day one if there's a light sabre gwp . And it will come with a lot of detailed stickers
2025 Castle [wishlist/speculation]
So basically a grey Eldorado Fortress then...hmm Not convinced yet.... But if there will a cool looking castle at BDP for them...
2025 Castle [wishlist/speculation]
Team Griffin here but Raven is my second favorite. I just don't understand the popularity of the Krakens. It's too pirate themed for me. And we allready have 2 outlaw factions that fit very well with the castle theme : Forrest people and Wolfpack.
2025 Castle [wishlist/speculation]
Better then SleeplessNight? He created a fantastic castle with a 4000 limited piece count that opens up. Not everybody can do that. It shows how much skills he has.
2025 Castle [wishlist/speculation]
Yes that's true. I always wished it to be brown. But at least some trees are very dark looking in a real dark forrest. So it was ok. A black castle however....
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