Everything posted by Kalhiki
Mixels 2016 Discussion
I don't mind. Three full years of Mixels is plenty. Plus, I didn't want this to run endlessly anyway. My collection is just eating shelf space. It's been one heck of a run, but I feel it's served its purpose to the fullest.
Future Constraction Lines
Who knows. There seems to be evidence that suggests it will, but CM4Sci's friends (his sources, in other words) say there won't be. Not saying that there won't be. We'll just have to wait and see. In regards to your other question, no. Nothing has been said about a Constraction-exclusive theme next year. EDIT: Poppin' in here again to say that Mixels has been announced is over. Will we get another System-based Constraction line? I sure do hope so!
Nexo Knights
Seems there's enough evidence to suggest that Constraction Nexo Knights could be a thing. But I, personally, will wait and see. If there is, I can't see myself getting them... I got a couple NK sets, but the theme didn't really tickle my fancy. But the parts, I can only imagine, would be very neat, so that may draw me in. Also, if this turns out to be true, I find it funny that both Nexo Knights and Chima got Constraction lines, but Ninjago still hasn't (knockoffs aside).
Mixels 2016 Discussion
I'm not going to complain. It had three good years, which, if I'm not mistaken, is the usual length for the average Lego theme. Plus, I'm running out of shelf space for my Mixels...
The Original Concept of Hero Factory
This makes my heart ache. I loved Hero Factory as-is probably more-so than I did Bionicle. It was fun, creative, and open to the imagination. But hearing what it could have been. Ouch. So sad that things didn't pan out. The Factory having a secret truth? The real Hero not being from the Factory? I really hope we hear more of this, but seeing as the description was deleted, I'm not sure if we'll ever get to... And now I want Hero Factory G2 to be a thing... On a side note, I'm glad they ditched that Hero design. The sets we got are, like, a bazillion times better.
Future Constraction Lines
Yeah, something like that. I was actually thinking the individual pilot sets would be their own character unique to those in the exo-suit sets. So, if there were four pilot sets and two exo-suit sets, there'd be six original characters in total. The fun comes from mixing and matching pilots and suits. But yeah, individual pilot sets would have something included. Like upgrades for the exo-suits to get kids to buy the exo-suits. Heh. Look at me. I've really thought this through. Getting excited over a hypothetical line that'll probably never exist...
Future Constraction Lines
I just want exo-suits. I was thinking... We could get small, System-based Constraction figures similar to Mixels as the main characters. Then we could get these CCBS exo-suits that the figures would pilot. So we'd have small, cheap, impulse-buy sets of just the exo-suit pilots and some more expensive sets that include the pilot and the exo suit. That'd be neat.
Star Wars Constraction 2016 Discussion
K-2SO is definitely my fav. Pass on the others. Something just feels... Off about them. Can't say I'll get K-2SO, though. Haven't really been collecting the SW Constraction sets. But I will say the pieces are neat. Thigh armor, Death Trooper's shoulder armor, and the Piston add-on in black! Pretty cool.
- Ammonoidea fictum
Mixels 2016 Discussion
Yeah, there's no way Brickheadz (hate that name...) is a replacement for Mixels. Sure, they're cute, but by the looks of it, they lack the articulation that Mixels had to offer. And the cheap price.
Future Constraction Lines
You know, thinking about it, Mixels is apparently finished running its course after this year. I think I'd be alright if the next Constraction line had System builds like Mixels. Make the main characters small impulse buys and throw in some larger figures as well. Maybe a few playsets or vehicles? That'd be fun.
Discussion: LEGO Bionicle Makuta Contest
From what it sounds, you can enter multiple times, but you can only win once. So it's not like you could win first place with one entry and second place with a different one. They'll choose which of your models is best and use that to compete with the others. By third parties, I can only assume it's like... Don't build Megatron. Or something that's clearly based/inspired on something other than something made by Lego. Building techniques, I'm positive would be fine. EDIT: Oh... Third Parties probably means custom parts or clone brands. Don't use those.
Discussion: LEGO Bionicle Makuta Contest
The contest is now up! Thank god... Multiple entries per person. I have one (maybe two already thanks to an older MoC), but I'll definitely be building more!
Discussion: LEGO Bionicle Makuta Contest
I've started building. I had a plan set, but things started to turn into what can only be called G2 Shadow Titan. Not that that's a bad thing. Just not as creative as I was planning. I'll skew some proportions and maybe add some stuff on him to mix things up. Right now all I have are legs, so there's room to make changes. The thing that's hanging me up, though is the mask. I was thinking on using the Umarak mask that came with Ekimu, but I don't have much trans orange on him... I guess I could throw on some gold and give him the Mask of Control...?
Future Constraction Lines
While I won't go that far, I definitely will be buying a lot less Lego in the future if there's no Constraction line. I buy the occasional System set, but Constraction has probably been 90% of the Lego I buy. I'm not sad that Bionicle's over, but it does make me worry about Constraction's future. I still think it'd be smart to introduce more System parts into CCBS to draw in more System fans and hopefully boost sales. What such a line could be, well... I'll leave that to the designers. Furthermore, aside from Star Wars, I don't see there being another Constraction line until probably 2018, like you said. Unless they have some super secret backup plan in the works just in case.
No Bionicle in 2017 confirmed
Is it wrong that I really feel nothing? I guess it was fun while it lasted, and I'm sad we won't be getting a Makuta set, but honestly? My interest was waning in Summer 2015 with the lackluster Skull Villains. Then 2016 rolled around and I wasn't too impressed... Yeah, can't say I'm sad to see it go. I agree with TFGuy89. I hope they take this as a lesson for potential future Constraction lines. Maybe they've learned what works and what doesn't. Anywho... It's been fun. And I appreciate that they brought it back for another go. But this time, I hope they let Bionicle rest in peace.
- Bionicle 2016 Sets Discussion
Bionicle 2016 Story Discussion & Rumors
Oh shoot. Must avoid spoilers... Don't know when I'll get around to watching the new episodes, but now I'm curious. Looks like I'm going to be avoiding this topic until I see for myself!
Discussion: LEGO Bionicle Makuta Contest
I'm planning on starting to build this weekend. I have a design I'm going for, but man; after playing Hyper Light Drifter for a bit, it's been giving me some ideas. Too bad we probably won't be able to submit multiple entries... I may have to combine my design ideas...
Discussion: LEGO Bionicle Makuta Contest
I'm wondering if it was uploaded prematurely. Contest doesn't officially begin until... August, was it? Plus they showed off Makuta before we even got to see him in JtO, so... Anywho, I've been putting off MoCing until the contest officially begins. I've taken the time to brainstorm ideas, but I want to know all the rules before diving into building.
Discussion: LEGO Bionicle Makuta Contest
Need to get to building for the contest. I have some ideas, just need to put it together. And probably order some more parts. I'm taking this contest seriously.
Discussion: LEGO Bionicle Makuta Contest
Yeah, that's definitely a titan. And what a cool looking titan it is. Can't wait to see what the rest of him looks like, but I can already tell he'll be using some clever building techniques!
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
Kabuki Twins... Now there's a surprise. Didn't expect characters from "The Batman" to show up. Not complaining. Those two were cool. Honestly, it's the minifigs that peak my interest most. The Jokermobile is cool too. Not too keen on the Batmobile...
Post about Cartoons and Anime you like
Honestly, there's not much that's really "wow-ing" me this season. There's not much that I'm really looking forward to watch every week. Maybe because the shows have just started and haven't kicked off? I'm still ingesting way too much anime. I feel I need a break...
- Bionicle 2016 Sets Discussion
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