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  1. ........................ I mean... I literally just renamed it, somehow, and everything works. It also updated succesfully. I'll check the contacts and everything later, but as for right now.. Omg. Sorry for the prolonged essay of how it was my own stupid fault in the end. Thx, man, big fan :)
  2. @aFrInaTi0n Well, i updated the Buwizz because it was still at 3.18 (i still don't remember installing any beta before). It said update failed, but the whole thing now reads for firmware; 3.22 and for tajnik; 1.10. Still not working with BC2, however, and it's frustrating as hell. Anyone else had any issues with it? Also, it appears to see my Buwizz 3.0 unit as a Buwizz 2.0 unit... tf @Zerobricks I don't wanna get ahead of myself here, but could this be my Buwizz unit being faulty in some way? It also doesn't calibrate center steering on ports 1 and 4, for some reason. Should i write to BW support maybe, because this whole thing is weird and im baffled completely lol.
  3. Well, i downloaded the app from the play store, but i dont remember seeing "beta" anywhere. Is it possible to download a different version Buwizz apk or something along those lines? Also, if i update Buwizz, it downloads, patches, then never finishes and gives me an "update failed" msg... So i'm guessing that it's either up to date or my Buwizz is faulty? idk lol
  4. I'm sorry but i don't really understand.. Do I have to update Buwizz or what?
  5. Greetings, I've been having issues with my Buwizz 3.0 and BC2 connecting. Every time i try, i get a "failed to connect" error, no matter what i do.. Everything's updated and charged, rebooted a few times, in range.. Individually, things work fine. Buwizz app connects to the unit, my XBox controller is connected to my pc and phone (Samsung Galaxy s10 lite)... I honestly dont know what else to try short of writing to Buwizz about it, even though it's not their app, technically. Any help i could get would be much appreciated.
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