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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Auroralampinen

  1. https://pin.it/1DduwKuT2 well my moc building spree has begun now i have builded compact semi truck axle with diff locks on both axles and lever on the back to switch on both of the diff locks
  2. https://pin.it/4QW30RZSs and finally i have opened all the bags to the "sorting" boxes wow this tooked ages to open million bags now i have 6 boxes full of pieces and this looks like candy store now and soon i will start building something i have few ideas on my head now
  3. https://pin.it/5cvka9apq this is what 20000pcs looks like
  4. Well after 6 years of living in dark ages of my life i found joy again to build my own models after the g500 i founded joy to build mocs but in my dark ages i almost sold every set and piece so now that i have finally out of dark ages and after the amazing g500 set i decided to start again creating my own creations so i went to my local shop today to buy a "few" sets to start again now i have 3 g500 3 skidders 3 volvo fmx 3 harvesting machines 2 peugeots and 2 jeskos with over 25000 pcs to start new era of my mocs(and before you ask yes i did buy the entire stock of these sets in my local supermarkets sorry kids;) .) here is picture of all sets sorry the third g500 is missing because i opened that before https://pin.it/1kdtZGpaJ
  5. Well i was now thinking about this because this year we got the motorized pump again(last one was in the forest machine in 2018) so i believe in summer we will get a motorized pneumatic set i dont think lego would bring back this piece just for one weird set i think lego has big great secret surprice for the next summer i hope this is the case
  6. I saw this video in youtube and i thinked is this possible to build with lego pieces this might be the most difficultest mechanism to replicate in lego world
  7. Well i have thinked about that backhoe thing so lego has the 4+ line maybe the backhoe will be the first 4+ technic set wich has huge molds so if this is the case the backhoe will be interesting because of those big molds
  8. Here is sariels review of this set
  9. Yes i had this in my mind how small it will be because there was 8260 tractor wich had 104 pieces as well so naybe this new one is microscopicly tiny
  10. Now i noticed the backhoe loader has same amount of pieces as 8260 tractor so the backhoe will be really tiny but maybe it will use the same bucket
  11. I wonder does the backhoe loader use bucket from 8260 or is it brick builded
  12. Hopefully that submarine will not implode to million pieces(sorry if this is bad joke)
  13. Well here is build guide for this model please note these are my first take to making instructions for models so steps might be incredible difficult to follow but i tryed my best to explaining things so take your patience and cup of coffee and have fun to build this with my tutorial this might be the first alternative build of this set with free instructions so enjoy building this alternative build and take your time to build this🙂
  14. And i have archived one old moc what i had maded in my childhood years i liked so much rc and motorized sets https://pin.it/3P6lmQNTJ
  15. Yes im in good care i live in special housing where there are peoples helping me so no need to worry while road was rocky i live happily and i have never tryed bad things i have stayed clear of bad thing:) And i had perfect parents and grandparent they cared and loved me and in this housing there are caring peoples in my life so i live my life happily now and i do some times lego mocs when i feel its time to build something for fun or try weird and wacky mechanisms in lego so while i was bullied my childhood has great memories:)
  16. Well im sorry that this topic sounds like monologue drama series if i can open up about my backround i was school bullied in elementary school and middle school and elementary school teachers basicaly did do nothing about it and i didint want to go anymore to elementary school and i started to skive i losed my daily routines i was sleeping in day and i waked up on night and i was waked in the night and this was going so badly that authorities desided to put me in foster home and then i started middle school and i was again bullied and there the teachers try to do something but it didint help and i finished both schools and i moved to technical school and luckily the bullying stopped in that school but not in the town where the foster home was in every time when i did go back to my home the old middle school studends bullied me in the street and i talked to my middle school teacher was sad and i was in technical school 3 years until i turned into adult and then started the same mental issues as in the elementary school i was wake in the night and didint get any sleep and i stopped go to technical school and then it was for many months a mental rollercoaster for me i got many depression times and then i tried to go to other technical school but no luck and same problems started and then i dropped out of school and decided to not stress anything and it did help but still i cant do works or go to school its impossible and currently im basicaly in my home all day and i do go the shop and other activities but most time i spend in bed and its devastating what school bullying can do to a person and my mental healt still is like a wave some time im so high mood and some times i collapse to the bottom and i had a little mental breakdown in the weekend where i was on high mood and now im collapsed and im now in my bed basicaly doing nothing because i cant do anything and i do go to cycling often because thats fun and helps me doing something and also i like swimming but im not work cabable person anymore because this school bulling and my mental health is ruined as well
  17. https://pin.it/7jjrQsXm2 and here are the leftover pieces and maybe if i deside to buy other g500 in the future i will desing some accessories to this model from the other g500 sets pieces
  18. Well here is all stuff what i maded to this first i tore apart the yesterday steering system and demolishing the whole front part and then added 2 pairs of faster gear ratio gears then i added a ton of reinforcement to front and i remodeled slightly the front and then i added second cargo space on the rear and slightly reinforcement rear and then i modeled the seat look better and i put some cosmetic details and also i slighty remodeled the Handlebars now this model uses 95% of the pieces from original sets 98% of all big beams and all of the blue friction pin with axle and almost all blue 3 pins and left over pieces are mostlu small stuff plus 5 frames and few big beams And also the kawasaki engine crancks works perfectly as side rearview mirrors and as fuel cap
  19. Well finally i got the steering fixed and i fixed other things and now this is pretty much finished and im happy how this turned out this is my best moc/alternative build so far and thanks for the comments and critiques i read critiques and i will try my best improving stuff i might be little clumsy my builds but when i build stuff i build it with full care and love and i will read every critique and while i have playing with legos when i was little kid i still improve stuff and get stuff wrong i learn something new with my every model i design and im happy to hear critiques because i want always improve on somethings while i might not be the best moc desinger in this group i will have my own charm as still learning and improving moc designer when i was little kid i always like tor my new sets apart and build my own kind of models while those models were awfull in todays standards im happy that now i post my mocs in here and get your roasting and critiques of my models and my style of making the posts im kind of clumsy person with full passion and while i cant type propebly its just small nitpicks and i always try with my best efforts to improve some stuff we arent always best at something but at least we try to improve so i hope you like now this model and if you want to roast this model i will read that and try to improve its nice to get others opinions on stuff
  20. And everyone has their own way presenting their model while it may not be as attractive as other its unique and different from the others and i maybe can sound a little bit old schoolis but i want to have my own style of presenting the model because filming my models to the world is new to me and i want to be different and with my own style and charm And also i dont make scetch models or use computer to desing my models i always take apart my sets and start making something out of my head and with my barehands and when i get the mood to build something i will just sit my desk building something for infinite time i can build in my moc easily in one sitting forever and i dont notice time passing by and when i notice its very late and i didint even notice the time passing so fast
  21. Yes i know that i usually make first try great model and over time i make some upgrades if im not happy with something but sometimes when i start upgrading i dont remember how to build back that so i just end up demolishing the model
  22. https://pin.it/5ZZr2TAYg well i did go back to the design and engineering board and now the Handlebar steering is slightly better but it has now a massive amount of backlash but this has no easy fix because this needs 2 pairs of gears the first slow down and second correct the movement mayde if i borrow 1 gear from other set this backlash would go away because this set has very few of the right gears what i need but also i redesigned the Handlebars to look much better
  23. https://pin.it/5gSXGwiaH in case if you are wondering yes the spare wheel can fit in the rear cargo space
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