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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by JohnTPT17

  1. I would like to get my hopes up for Belle/the Beast again... But I've had my hopes about that dashed for too long for me to keep much hope for her. I imagine a good number will be minidolls again, sadly. Either way, we've gotten set numbers and names for Ninjago and Star Wars, so maybe we'll get more info before too long.
  2. I got a charge to my card at the beginning of the month for both of these sets, which is no longer there. Both of my sets are still "In Warehouse." I even called yesterday to make sure there wasn't any issues with the charges being dropped, but they said it should be fine and that they should ship by the end of the week... What's funny is that those same sets got sent to someone else who lives relatively close to me, and they've listed them on Facebook Marketplace for sale already. So, I guess it's not location-based? I also ordered early, so I don't think they're sending them out in that order. I do wonder what the logic is...
  3. Now that we have more photos of Bob's set... It's a pass for me. I don't like the scratched/weathered look of his torso, and neither of those other figures are appealing to me. Ah, well.
  4. Thanks for the info, Foggy! But, oof... Those prices/part counts are rough. I know Lego's not cheap, nor is Lego Star Wars in general, but I have to do adult things like paying rent that come first, and I have to be selective of what Lego I can budget. That being said, I hope Dooku can slip into one of those sets... He's a major villain in multiple movies and a TV series, and he hasn't been in a set in a decade!
  5. If the set was closer to $100, I might keep it on my radar, even if it's not something I would normally get (which is how I ended up betting Winnie the Pooh and Sesame Street). $200 is too much for me to get on a whim - especially with so many other sets coming out.
  6. Dang... For the most part, I'm not a fan of the long armed and legged minifigs, but I have to admit that it looks really good on Jack! Probably because he is so tall and skinny in the movie. I wonder if they would reuse TLBM's Joker coattails in black for Jack? I'm by no means a huge Nightmare Before Christmas fan - most of my affection for it comes from Kingdom Hearts, if I'm honest - but I'm interested to see what the rest of the crew looks like.
  7. Thanks! I suppose I can also just wait to decide what to do with it/wait for other people to build it and give their opinions on it.
  8. That's the other possibility I have - to eventually get the Lion Knight Castle as well (especially if it goes on a Black Friday sale again), possibly with the Medieval Town Square in-between them (and maybe my Castle in the Forest as well). But that's also a lot of money and space to devote to it... Especially when I would also like to get Art of Chocolate and the Mushroom Village (if it's approved) as well. I just want to be sure that I'm going to be buying and keeping the very best ones, and I'd like to hear as many reviews/feedback about the Mountain Fortress before I decide what to do with it.
  9. Europe usually gets them first, then the Americas, and Australia/Asia last. Have you build your Mountain Fortress yet? I'm really trying to decide if it's going to be better to build it, or try to sell it for the Lion Knight's castle instead...
  10. I was double-checking my credit card yesterday, and it looks like I have a pending charge for both of my Wave 1 sets! They're also now "In Process" on my Lego account. Shouldn't be long before they ship now...
  11. You were the chosen one, Lego! You were supposed to defeat the scalpers, not join them! Bring joy to the AFOLs, not leave them in darkness! Man... Here I am, eating my words from yesterday. Very disappointing move from Lego. I am glad that this system at least exists in the first place to give us the option, but $5 is absurd for a goat. Even with the CMF (which I got a couple of), I also got a minifig, so I figured I was paying about $2.50 for the goat and $2.50 for the minifig. Take away the minifig? No deal. Maybe if I ever get around to getting the Medieval Town Square I might get one more so I don't have a lone grey goat, but that's about it for me. Shame on you, Lego. Shame on you.
  12. That's my prediction for what their cost will end up being. Sure, not all animals are priced that good (like the chicken), but I'm hoping they won't be much more expensive than about $3 each. $5.90 would be more expensive than the horses, dual-molded dog with vest, the turtles, dolphin, or Friends goat! The only animals in that price range is the new Ninjago dragon, the cow or the the adult polar bear. Yeah, Lego wants money, but surely they got their fill of goat cash from Minifig Series 25, right? (I really hope I don't eat my words tomorrow...)
  13. Bob's set looks... Fine, to me. Not awful, not "have to get it Day 1," just... Fine. Especially at $40.
  14. I don't follow Dreamzzz much, but getting that crow/raven in another color could be intriguing.
  15. According to this video/interview with the person in charge of the program, any sets that hit 10,000 sets are considered a "success." Sure, I'm sure they would love every set to completely sell out, but hopefully it isn't a complete death nell. I also think that it helps explain some of the set selections - why so much castle, why the larger sets, etc.
  16. Final numbers for Series 2, now that preorders are closed: The Ocean House - 34.72% sold - 10,416 copies Logging Railway - 37.67% sold - 11,301 copies Ominous Isle - 65.1433% sold - 19,534 copies Brick Cross Train Station and Mushroom House - 100% sold - 30,000 copies each
  17. Oops... My bad! It should be 6489480, then. I think.
  18. Meh... Not a fan of these reveals. The Sarlacc Pit for $80 feels like a huge ripoff. Chewie and Boba are fairly common figs, and those versions of Han and Luke aren't hard to find either. Lando is at least a bit more unique, but he doesn't look too different from the last version aside from the printing on his helmet. Nien is nice and all, but he also didn't need to be in this set, or be an anniversary fig either. Maybe if this was one of your first Star Wars sets ever and you didn't have and of the figs, or the price was way cheaper, I could see this having more appeal. As it is, though? Hard pass. Peridia is an odd one... I should probably like it more than I do, but I really don't like the Ahsoka show, which probably clouds my judgement. I do think that a grey, organized blob is better than a grey, disorganized scrap heap like the Obi-Wan set, but having so many parts going into a mostly flat build who's only interesting gimmick is having the figures wiggle around a little bit is also disappointing. Like, if you were to make the "ground" just a normal baseplate, all you have is four stickered pillars, which is fairly boring. Obi-Wan at least had some change in elevation, a few places to "hide" characters, and a bucket of lava (not that I think either set is good). I'm also just not a huge fan of the minifigs: Ahsoka looks too grey, Erza has those stupid cataract eyes, Morgan Elsbeth is whatever, Thrawn looks more like a Bolian from Star Trek with the "round face" printing, compared to the more cheekbone-style printing of the old one, and the Death Trooper is either Battle Pack fodder or some way to encourage people to army build from this set alone (I also double he will have any interesting printing - the set already has new prints for every other minifigure, and we never actually see the faces from most of them - I think it will probably just be plain black). I can see why other people would like it, but it's also a pass for me. Probably not too much longer until we see Bob, at least... Though, at this point, I'm probably just going to get some D&D minifigs, a Fortntie Battle Bus/the Reading, Reading, Reading GWP in October for an early Christmas, and some more Bricklink Designer Program sets. Ah, well - at least I got Fives and a cheap Rex this year!
  19. I do think it could be covered in cheese slopes (possibly the 1x2 version) to give it the "ruffled" effect. And they could possibly sneak a minifigure in there (probably someone llama related like Splatterella, Bash, Lt. john Llama, or even Giddy Up) or possibly a smaller minifig-scale llama on a plaque like a lot of the other buildable characters.
  20. I vote we save him for a January 2025 Fortnite CMF series, so he's easier to amass in large numbers.
  21. I think there's a chance they sneak a regular Peely into the Bone Peely set - or possibly some other variant. It would help make it a lot more desirable.
  22. (I think posting this image should be safe since it's not marked as confidential, but if it needs to be removed, let me know!) If it does get removed, it's posted on the r/legoleak subreddit.
  23. Olaf came out two years before Bruni. And he's probably more of a "figure" than Bruni.
  24. Finally, something more concrete! I imagine that Battle Bus will be insanely popular. $100 feels like the perfect price point for the "big Santa gift" for most families for Christmas. Hopefully there's plenty of stock ready to go for it... I'm still really confused by a Peely Bone set. I'm sure it's some kind of sculpture, but how popular will it be? I've never even seen that skin before in-game being worn by an opponent. Unless it has some exclusive minifigs, or maybe has enough parts to also be a full Peely statue, this one could be a shelf filler. A Loot Llama sculpture makes a lot more sense, in my mind. It sounds like a great middle of the budget set/something to out on your desk. Another solid choice - especially if a minifig or two can squeeze in. And, best yet, a super budget friendly $15 set that any Timmy could save up for and get. I assume it would include Beef Boss, and probably someone for him to fight... Probably Tomatohead? Either way, another great sounding set. So, besides the Peely Bone set, all of these sets sound fantastic. Hopefully my prediction for minifigs in the Burger Battleground set go through, and a few others also make it (I think Jonesy, Aura, Meowscles, or Fishstick could maybe squeeze in, and I'd personally love to see Skye, Sunflower, or Bushranger at some point). I wonder when we'll get photos for these... I wish... If this was 2018, we might have a shot, but the chance is a lot smaller in 2024. I also just noticed that #77072 was not mentioned... The earlier leak had that as a 60 Euro set. I wonder if that's still on the table, or if it got cancelled? (Also, several of the priced have changed - the Battle Bus and the Burger Battleground are cheaper than the initial leaks suggested)
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