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Everything posted by JohnTPT17

  1. I also had some luck recently - a local store had not one, not two, but five cases out! Got a few Wolfpacks for myself, plus a pirate, astronomer, and jetpack guy for some gifts, plus helped a few other people find the ones they were looking for. The Minifig Scan app worked perfectly - I really appreciate that the images "linger" a little longer so I can remember what I just scanned. I even got them at $4 a pop thanks to a Christmas toy coupon. A Christmas miracle indeed! Also, for me, the Wolfpacks all seemed to be concentrated on the lower level of the case, in the front left corner. Not sure if that will be consistent for everyone or not, but that might be a good place to start if you need to go quick.
  2. That gimmick was a major detriment to the Hulkbuster, which had to be designed to fit the Iron Man constructable inside. It would also mean that a large area of the ship is just a large, empty hole by default, probably without a lot of detail. I'm not in the market for the Death Star in either case, but I do think that idea has some issues.
  3. I'm going to take a guess now and say that the upcoming Death Star will come with only a few minifigures to put on a plaque - just like all of the other UCS sets that have come out in the past while. I know the past ones had a bunch of minifigs, but I'm not getting a feeling that this one will be like that - especially if they go for the half-complete look of Death Star II. I could very well be wrong, but that's the hunch I'm going to go with.
  4. I can think of at least five off the top of my head: The Lego Movie, The Lego Movie 2, The Lego Ninjago Movie, The Lego Batman Movie, and The Adventures of Clutch Powers
  5. Nah... I think they look fine as-is. Sure, a smoother top would make them more screen-accurate, but then they slowly become more of a "generic action figure" instead of a "Lego minifigure," if that makes sense. It would be like having individual fingers on the hands or noses and ears on every head - I just don't think it would look right.
  6. I think there's far too many Disney characters I'd rather get over these two in a future Disney CMF. At best, there's also only ever been one "side character" per movie per series (Toy Story alien, Cheshire Cat), and they're always accompanied by a "main character" (Buzz, Alice). Seeing how Stitch has been in two CMFs and Lilo will soon be available in two sets (and doesn't really need CMF treatment), not only would I not want to see Jumba or Bleakley in the CMF, but I think their chances of appearing are extremely small.
  7. Three licensed minifigs, which would all need fully new prints, in a $20 set seems pretty optimistic. Not impossible, but I wouldn't count on it. I think the most likely place to wring out more minifigs will be the restaurant. Beef Boss seems pretty likely, but I think another 3-4 minifigs is within reason. I'm also hoping that we don't get more "all-black filler characters" like some of the Battle Bus minifigs, since the restaurant doesn't inherently have "conflict."
  8. It's probably because they're either much taller or much shorter than the average person - ergo, they would look odd being the same height as the other figures if they were printed as a microfigure, and I dought it would be worth it to make a new mold for either of them. Hagrid maybe could have worked as one of the Lego Games microfigures, but I don't know if that part is still in production or not.
  9. One of the Lifestyle photos also shows the inside of the monster's book.
  10. From a designer interview, posted on Brick Fanatics. https://www.brickfanatics.com/lego-dd-elf-bard-aarakocra-ranger/
  11. Does there really need to be another Harry Potter set with another owl, though? I feel like they're just as common as Harry! Plus, with the lobster, then you can have a dinner with Voldemort and Nagini that's not a fresh Charity Burbage corpse. It actually feels like a gag they could have in a Lego video game, actually.
  12. If we're taking bets about highly requested characters that haven't shown up yet, I'll take Duchess Satine, please! Though if the image included Jedi, I think that would be very unlikely... Probably Kit Fisto, then. As far as "named clones" goes, I think it could maybe be Jesse? He would be new, and any Clone Wars set that could have him could pair indirectly with the Maul mech.
  13. Cough cough colored eyeballs getting the black pupil removed cough cough
  14. I wonder if Balloon Marge would be fully brick built, or if they would make a new mold? And if they make a new mold, could they use it for other minifigs?
  15. That's a bit of a bummer, honestly. We already had a cheap Maul with the Duel on Mandalore set recently, and he's currently on shelves in the Sith Infiltrator. Easy skip for a lot of AFOLs, might be tempting to kids.
  16. I personally like Bigfigs. Whether they're the correct "cannonical" size or not, I just think that the look and feel very Lego. It's not like most minifigures are exactly to scale with their vehicles/each other, so I think having a bigfig to bring some variety and more playability is an overall good move.
  17. I'm sure some people are going to be mad at that news, but let me just say I'm happy about that! The only thing that it could mean is that Plo could be missing his cape, which would be a downer, but I could take more of these "in-demand minifigs in a microfighter" sets. I also wonder if it'll be a retailor exclusive for a bit, like Rex was? Probably the best way to go with this - good to hear it's confirmed. Max Rebo mech confirmed?!
  18. I'm on Team Ringwraith - if just for the fact that they could be the only minifigure with regular legs in the entire set (Gandalf will probably have the skirt piece again, Hobbits have short legs, and dwarves (if they're there - I personally doubt it) would have midi legs). Plus, it would be an easy side build to have the Ringwraith looking for the Hobbits by that tree, like how the Mordor rock outcropping was a way to display Frodo, Sam, and Gollum with Barad Dur. My real pie-in-the-sky inclusion, though, would be Saruman and Wormtongue, from The Scouring of the Shire. But I think getting them would be extremely unlikely.
  19. I imagine the actual set will be smaller - but, yeah, they're big boys.
  20. Clearly the Millennials who grew up reading Animorphs have now grown up and are working for Marvel... Still, that Spider-man raptor is so goofy I might try to pick him up.
  21. I mean, lots of buildable figures or statues include minifigs, even if it's not in scale. The Sorting Hat and the micro Hogwarts Castles come to mind. At a $100 price point, I think Klombo could actually be roughly in scale to a minifigure, so that could increase its chances it gets a few. Based on the first wave, though, I don't think the chance it high - but I'm not going to rule it out jsut yet.
  22. I would have preferred no printing, honestly. Though the best solution would be a baby harry from the first movie, so you can also avoid the weird macaroni limbs and neck holes.
  23. Ahsoka's Interceptor looks like a great $30 set - that is NOT a $50 set, though. I'm also very much in the minority for this, but I also have never really liked the midi-sized legs on 99% of figures, and I wish Ahsoka just had normal legs. And I also still don't like the pupilless eyes - I've gone as far as to get the old Clone Wars head to put on my Ahsoka. Still cursed, but at least now I feel like she can see...
  24. Oh... My goodness. I think in isolation, the bike looks decent. Even Hagrid doesn't look completely awful - with a little modification, he could be used as a generic giant for most fantasy settings. But Hedwig looks like a drone, and Harry looks like a bad, blind animatronic with holes in his neck. I think this might be the new Rabbid Racoon set.
  25. I cannot fathom the logic as to why these take the CMF slot, and why they aren't just their own side series like the Mario ones. They're not even minifigures - you know, the name of the series?! If they were on the side, I'm sure no one would really mind them - but they really feel out of place here (not to mention the fact they squander a usual CMF printing and mold budget - there's like, two printed tiles and one printed helmet for each one, and maybe the car chassis. Bad, bad call.
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