Everything posted by JohnTPT17
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
If anything, that makes me even more wary of the Sentinel leak. Are we just being told things we want to hear and swallowing the bait? In either case, that's not much of a scoop, seeing now the retirement sheet on the Lego leaks subreddit already has most of them retiring at the end of this year, wit the last one retiring at the end of 2025.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I would unironically buy a set with a Sentinel minifig, and reuse it as Charlie the Robot from Scooby-Doo. It's not the exact right color scheme, but it would work.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
At most, I think we'll get one new character. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to get two, but the X-Jet only had one "unique" characters with Magneto (unique printing , at least). I imagine they'll want to have at least one gal in there - I'll guess either a repeat Jean, or a new Jubilee (Rogue was already in the X-Jet and Storm was in the CMF). The fourth character is a lot more open - Morph could be a good pick, since he wouldn't be too hard to make and could be a subtle nod to Pride Month, if it releases in the summer. Still, I'm excited for the possibilities! I imagine at least some of them will stay exclusive - or, at the very least, their specific designs. I could see Iceman and Bishop at the very least staying exclusive, since they're a lot more niche.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Future Series Rumours
Those are still going to be really small builds - for $5, you could also just get the 30683 polybag, which has 58 pieces - literally twice as many parts! Sure, the "CMF" will almost definitely have printing instead of stickers, and they could maybe do something interesting with the helmet builds, but I'm still not feeling a single shred of excitement towards these.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
If it wasn't for the leak, this would have been the first real look at Gambit - so, why haven't they officially announced the Mansion yet?! As cool as some of those designs are, I'm also not going to get my hopes up. We got awesome looking Hydra goons and hipster Collector from Code: Red last year, and they never made it into official sets. Plus, as has been pointed out, Gambit's different, too.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
The Mansion definitely looks nice - but I'm going to wait until we get more clear pictures of the back for me to get a final feel for it - based on what I can see, it might a a little cramped. In either case, $300 is going to be out of my price range for this - I can only hope that smaller, cheaper sets get made at some point. That, and Lego really needs to invest in some kind of cloth trenchcoat piece - it would help out Gambit and so many other minifigs. Even if it can't go into a full retail set, something in a CMF would be great (and they're done one-off cloth pieces in there before, like the S24 Falconer) Not having Hawkeye in the logo is bizarre. Sure, he's probably the least popular of the OG six - but he's still a foundational member. That just feels cheap and stingy. And the airport scene makes me feel the same way as some of the BDP sets - a nice set, but due to the baseplate, the cost is greatly increased. Rogue, obviously. Mystique can't copy powers, and Rogue is just standing on the ground while basically everyone else is flying, shooting laser beams, or both.
Latest news about Lego animal moulds
I wouldn't be shocked if some people ordered the gorilla body not realizing that it needs arms. I think the same thing happened with the orca/orca jaw. That, or, since the body is bigger and has printing, they take up more space and take longer to produce, hence, they have less on hand.
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I wonder if the reason that Nazgul torso reappeared is because they're going to include one with The Shire set, and they're trying to keep it in production? Yeah, it doesn't 100 percent work, especially if they focus on the party scene, but Sam and Frodo were a little off in Barad Dur, and it would be another minifig they could add without needing to use new prints. Or, of course, it could be nothing - other GWP parts have ended up on there for whatever reason.
Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces
I was looking forward to getting Mr. Pale this morning, but even though his torso was on all of the lists, it's still not available. I can't find it in a general search by newest parts, looking at the set inventory, or searching the individual part number. I may hold off for now, then... Also, the Nasgul torso seems to have just gone out of stock.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
That one arguably exists with 71433.
BrickLink Designer Program Ongoing Discussion Thread
I made a nice chart for the data, but I'm having trouble pasting it in directly. I'll ink to my Reddit comment about it - hopefully that won't be too difficult to access for those interested.
BrickLink Designer Program Ongoing Discussion Thread
I've been keeping a running tab of the stats every half hour or so - the numbers are kinda wonky, though - they often decrease, for whatever reason. I'll post a compilation later.
BrickLink Designer Program Ongoing Discussion Thread
Stats 1.5 Hours in: Forest Stronghold - 87.3% sold - about 26,190 sold Camping Adventure - 67% sold - about 20,000 sold The Art of Chocolate - 60.2% sold - about 18,060 sold Harbormaster's Office - 55.2% sold - about 16,560 sold Lost City - 16.7% sold - about 5,010 sold
BrickLink Designer Program Ongoing Discussion Thread
Stats 1 Hour in: Forest Stronghold - 54.9% sold - about 16,470 sold Camping Adventure - 43.1% sold - about 12,930 sold The Art of Chocolate - 38.2% sold - about 11,460 sold Harbormaster's Office - 34.8% sold - about 10,440 sold Lost City - 11.4% sold - about 3,420 sold
BrickLink Designer Program Ongoing Discussion Thread
Yup - There's really not too much of a debate if something will get funded, but when. Even then, an hour to sell 3000 copies is still respectable, even if it is selling slower than the other ones.
BrickLink Designer Program Ongoing Discussion Thread
Stats 30 Minutes in: Forest Stronghold - 43.3% sold - about 13,290 sold Camping Adventure - 33% sold - about 10,000 sold The Art of Chocolate - 29.9% sold - 8,970 sold Harbormaster's Office - 26.9% sold - about 8,070 sold Lost City - 8.9% sold - about 2,670 sold
BrickLink Designer Program Ongoing Discussion Thread
I checked back through from last time, and everything was funded in 22 minutes last wave. Lost City is lagging behind, but everything else should be funded in a few minutes. Yup - all funded 11 minutes in (possibly 10) except Lost City.
BrickLink Designer Program Ongoing Discussion Thread
Looks like the links went live a few minutes early, so feel free to order now!
BrickLink Designer Program Ongoing Discussion Thread
Orders for Wave 3 will open on the hour. If anyone needs direct links: The Art of Chocolate: Harbormaster's Office: Camping Adventure: Lost City: Forest Stronghold: I may get Art of Chocolate, but probably nothing else from this wave. I still might keep an eye on the numbers for fun, though.
BrickLink Designer Program Ongoing Discussion Thread
Voting for Wave 6 is now open. A few notable ones for me: Monkey Business: It's at least not another minifigure-based location! It's probably not in scale with the unscaled minifigs, but it still looks nice for the part count. Planetary Charger: What if Blacktron was commissioned to make a Bat-Tumbler? I don't know how many votes it will get, but it makes me chuckle. Bounce Castle: Similar to the one from last wave, but now smaller. Looks nice to me! Alchemist's Tower: Great NPU, and I like the black/purple color scheme. I do wonder how stable that dragonfly would be in real life though... JOROCK CITY - The Wild West: Nice looking Western build, with an enclosed back. Probably too expensive for my tastes, but I know that lots of people like these kinds of builds. Vintage Foodtruck Festival: The "sub-800 part vehicle on a baseplate" niche is hit pretty hard, but this one stands out to be because it is a little bigger, and it justifies the baseplate. Nice shaping on the truck, too. The Art Factory: It's not one of my favorites, but I know it was a fan favorite last time, so I thought I'd mention it. The New Maldives Water Villa: Ocean houses have been a popular choice, and I think this one looks a lot better than the past offerings. Having two buildings, a small beach area, and centering it around a honeymoon helps it stand out. The Scientist's Kit: Reasonably scaled real-life objects. Other than the eraser, I think it looks great. Pirates of the Seven Seas: I usually like the smaller ships more, but I like the shaping and the imposing black sails of this one. Sushi Resturaunt: Another one that was popular last wave, and it here again. Pigs and Potions: One of my personal favorites from last time, and it's back again! Dwarven Blacksmith Bust: Again, not the usual fare for this program, but I think it looks pretty cool. The Power Mecha for Space Construction: What if Blacktron was commissioned to make a Hulkbuster? Wolf of Swamp: There's several Wolfpack castles, but this one is pretty unique. I'm not a fan of the interior, but the exterior is pretty unique. Scalawag Sloop: Ah, a cheaper ship for me to enjoy! Beach and Boardwalk: I can't tell if it's "detailed" or "busy," but I like it! Elven Haven: There's only a few sets that get close to 4k parts, but they usually have barren insides. This one, however, balances things mu8ch better, and looks great on the inside and out. The foldability is another plus. Northpoint Academy: There's a school niche that Lego hasn't really fille, but I think this one does a good job at it. Old West Mine: I think this one is another re-entry? Either way, I still like it. Kraken Attack: Another repeat from a previous wave and I liked. Samurai Castle: A good break from the traditional castles, with lots of clever building techniques. Overall, the "vehicle on a baseplate" idea is far too overused this wave, and there's still a lot of castles (many of them Wolfpack themed). I do find it interesting how many sci-fi submissions there are, though - and many of them look a lot better than previous waves, so one of them might squeeze through to getting approved. Lots of good builds, but nothing super stands out to me - or, at least would be in my budget. My Top 5 would probably be: Elven Haven, The Scientist's Kit, Alchemist's Tower, The New Maldives Water Villa, and Samurai Castle.
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I asked that earlier - it's part 32060. The dragon in the big D&D set isn't 1:1 with Smaug, but I think any future iterations of Smaug will probably look like that - possibly some cloth for the wings, but mostly just bricks. The old one had a lot of custom molds and was pretty fragile, so I'm less included to think they would go back to that. Even most of the molded critters in the Jurassic Park theme have little movement to help with their stability. That being said, I do miss the molded dragons - I'm glad I got several of them growing up, because they're all very expensive on Bricklink nowadays - and that's nothing to say of Smaug!
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
This is one on my biggest issue with recent Lego trends as well (it's probably my #2, after cost). Having a bunch of white acne all over these sets just looks super cheap. Sure, sometimes you can spin the pieces to cover it up, or place a tile on top so it's not noticeable, but that's not an option in a lot of cases. Even some tiles (especially the ingot/bar ones) have marks right on top!
Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces
Ah - Bricksafe! I forgot about them. A few other parts listed here that stand out that I didn't notice from before: The new Harry Potter potion bottle smoke/steam. Baby stroller Mr. Pale's head - and we already saw his torso, so I'm glad that all of him will be obtainable! Interestingly, Tox's torso is also listed, even though her legs have been available for awhile. Odd that they've staggered it - but that makes me hope that Euphrasia's torso will also be added as some point, as only her legs are available now as well. The unprinted Ninjago dragons, in trans-orange and gold The "Grape Soda" 1x1 round tile from Up Definitely quite a few cool things on the horizon...
Ignore a user - not allowed
I am experiencing this same issue. Is there a workaround for this?
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Look, @Horation - I get that you're an opinionated fellow. You've shown in multiple threads across the site that you have some very strongly held beliefs, and I don't think either of us will be changing each other's minds, so I'm just not going to respond to your counterpoints, since I'm sure that you will have issues with any opinions that aren't your own. Still, comments like: Are not helpful to making your point - you're just being an aggressive bully by trying to attack me personally, and not my comments/ideas (and if you want to disagree with those - that's fine). I, and other people on this site, are not illiterate idiots - we we just have different ideas that don't always line up with yours. And, frankly, this is a tactic that you've pulled multiple times before. I come here to get news, advice, jokes, and some civil discussion - not to be cyberbullied. I got into an argument once before and muted you, but thought I'd give it a second chance - and I'm just not going to engage with you any further. Go find someone else to pick on and belittle, because I'm done with your bad attitude. That's fair - but I can dream!
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