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About JabbaTheHatt

  • Birthday 10/05/1981

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Star wars
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    UCS X-Wing

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  1. I think the build is fantastic, with a lot of interior details, with both play potential and displayability (like the Mos Eisley Cantina). The issues I have with the set are : - not the best C3PO (dual moulded leg) included, this is simply not justifiable - new dual moulded legs for Leia look strange, like she has shorts or something. Flesh on the side would have been better - no upgrade on Max Rebo, it is the exact same fig as before - the eyes of Salacious Crumb look off, I do not get this new "no-pupils" trend, for some figures (and not for others?) - It would have been great to include a skiff (not necessarily the skiff with Luke, Han Chewie since they have a specific set for this) with a couple more of grunts and Jabba's mercenaries to complete the scene. - The price should be 400-450 (if including a additional skiff + more troops), 500 is a bit high. Overall, 8/10. I will buy it day one at this full price only because I want to secure the lightsabre GWP for "free" and not pay an absurd price for it on the aftermarket.
  2. Yes, I used the same technic. Heating the metallic part allows to remove it quickly and without damaging the fig.
  3. Hello, Anyone has a good design for the droid driving the spider tank from Mandalorian season 3? I found the one below on rebrickable, but wondering if you guys know of another one? https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-142579/ThrawnsRevenge/mando-spider-tank-droid/#details Thx
  4. Definitively interested in a MOC to add the cybord to my set as well !
  5. Thank you guys for the feedback!
  6. I will try another way, the images load fine on my side. Can you see them now?
  7. Hello guys, I stumbled onto this topic, and I just registered in order to share with you my mods of this set. First I expanded the length of the wings by two studs. I also covered the x-foils mechanism between the wings and between the engines and the fuselage. I made the red and tan paint on the nose continuous (to match the x-wing in the movie, before launching and when Luke lands back to the rebel base). I added a R2 (approximately correct scale, using the led keychain model) and some gribling on top of the fuselage. I modified the stand to accomodate other x-wing pilots and r2 units, and I replaced Luke's helmet with the dual molded version. I also added a trans-red dome below trans-pink one for the exhaust hue to get a more accurate color. Finally I added a small part on the laser cannon to fill in the gaps and avoid moving parts.
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