Buuuut as mentioned above... the roof panels, arches, and various other overlaps all look worse than with CaDA parts, you'll be missing the printed parts, and you'll have to 3d print the special parts.
Also I'm sure you didn't use a pirated copy of the manual to complete your work. "Play fair" and all that, right?
"In the LEGO Group, we believe that any original product design should be protected against copying for as long as it is produced and marketed"
Has to apply both ways!
Thank you! It was quite fun except for the flex parts. They are a nightmare in Studio. Same as for stickers. If you 3ver tried to place them on curved surfaces you understand the pain. And just for the 3d render I was not motivated enough to draw the part in CAD plus adding the decal there and finally Reimport it back to Studio. The air inlet was enough work.
I wonder what makes you think about a pirated copy of the manual? I used the instruction booklet coming with the set of a friend. Here in Germany it is for sale since 2 weeks or so. Not sure about public availability.
What I don't like about the CADA parts is the fact that they don't follow the existing standard. The need to create a technic frame out of at least 3 parts where the individual parts can only be used for that one purpose. I don't get it. Or the odd shaped thin liftarms with a wavey side. WHY?
I very much appreciate the new parts, like liftarms with perpendicular holes or liftarms with pins on the pointy sides (used in their Humvee). I also highly appreciate their efforts to release sets while respecting the designers. I hope that motivates other companies to do the same.
About your remarks to the differences to the CADA model. For me it's absolutely fine to have a version being 99% same as the original one. We still try to make a sphere with squares, you know 😀
Just a fun fact: I made the 3d design of the AMG One rims as Lego part over one year ago. Before the public knew that there is an upcoming MOC