- LDD MOC: Seinfeld
- LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10 Discussion
- LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10 Discussion
2013 LEGO Pirates rumors and discussion.
I read in a LEGO blog (don't remember the name, but its one that's referenced here a lot, and can be deemed legitimate) that their sources are confirming Castle as the theme returning next summer. If this is true, then But, why reboot Castle if TLG already ended Kingdoms AND will be having LOTR/Hobbit running at the same time?? Although it looks like the returning theme is Castle, I still keep hope for Pirates!
Your dream Lego theme
I would love a Saturday Night Live theme, and if LEGO considered it, they could easily make the theme for 14+, and make the sets based on the more appropriate sketches, if you know what I mean! :P They could do sets based on What up with That?, Manuel Ortiz Show, and some other classic sketches! Knowing that probably will never happen, but hey, this is a dream LEGO license topic after all! :)
Ignorance is NOT bliss!
Okay, so this is my first stab at the MOC/vignette sort of thing. I took a hiatus from LEGO building for almost a year now, but now have started up again, especially since I just bought my dream set, the Eldorado Fortress. In the spirit of things, I made this! Please remember, I am not so good with MOCs, I am more of the build-the-kit sort of guy, and my camera skills are HORRIBLE, but I think I did fairly well for my first time, but this is not half as good as some of my fellow Pirates friends MOCs here on Eurobricks! The whole premise can be determined by the title of the MOC. Sometimes, ignorance is not always bliss! Here is the Youtube link to see it!
REVIEW: 6865 Captain America's Avenging Cycle
I agree with many that the aliens are not well represented, when compared to how they look in official movie footage. It might sound weird for me to say, but I don't think the aliens should be in minifigure form, but something like the Hulk figure or even smaller! However, I love the Cap'n American figure, and the shield is a great part! I would really LOVE to get that set! GO CAPTAIN AMERICA!
Playstation Network names?
PSN: CODGamer62J Currently playing: Call of Duty: Black Ops Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (US) Games I currently have: Black Ops Games I plan to get: MW3 (Modern Warfare 3), Sonic Generations, and much more!
2012 Pirates?
Yeah, I kinda figured that. You know, I think its just best to stop the rumors until another, and stronger, piece of info comes out. Just posting that response to see if anyone could figure out anything from it that I didn't already. We shall see of the pirates will return!
Warner Brothers planning CGI/live action LEGO film
Observing how many of the toy-themed movies have been lately, I wouldn't expect a tearjerker with this LEGO movie, nor a classic either. I don't wanna judge it before its even in production, but honestly, things just don't seem like they use to be. (Does that make me sound old? )
Monster Fighters 2012
In my honest opinion, I think the next action theme is going to be Ancient Greece or Rome, with a modern twist (which seems to be a trend with these newer action themes.) I can already imagine the TV commericals...
2012 Pirates?
Since I was very curious about this whole Pirates 2012 rumor, I decided to e-mail LEGO Direct. They responded today, and I have a rep's answer below (Just so you know, I inquired about if this 2000 piece Flying Dutchmann is real, and if any new POTC or regular Pirates sets are on their way): Dear ---------, Thanks for your interest in our products. We're honored to hear from one of our biggest LEGO fans! I'm afraid the set you inquired about isn't available to purchase at the moment! It might be around soon, but I can't tell you about any new LEGO® toys until they're actually available for purchase! The best way to get sneak previews of our toys is to join the LEGO club, it's free! We'll even send you six LEGO magazines a year! All you need to do is go to and sign up, or call one of our experts at the phone number listed below and let them know you want to join. Thank you again for contacting us. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reply to this email or call one of our friendly Customer Care Advisors at 1-800-835-4386 (from within the US or Canada) or 1-860-749-0706 (from outside the US or Canada). We are available Monday through Friday from 8AM - 10PM EST and Saturday through Sunday from 10AM to 6PM EST. Please have your reference number handy if you need to get in touch with us: 029870713A Happy building! ----- LEGO Direct Consumer Services What are your opinions on that?
Playstation Network names?
Anyone gonna be playing Black Ops on PSN this coming December? I'm gonna have my PSN user set up probably by then, and am wondering if anyone will be on during that time as well!
10230: Mini Modulars Discussion
HA! I would love to go around to my friends, and say, "I own 5 of those huge, expensive modular LEGO buildings!" When they seemed shockingly surprised, I'll tell them, "Yeah, they were only 80 bucks! Perk is they're mini, and you have to be a VIP member!" That aside, I think this set will be a hit, and gives LEGO fans a good reason to sign up to the whole rewards program!
Zoo!? Is it true?
I have to agree with you, lightningtiger. I don't think the two have any connection to each other, sadly. I remember when LEGO first started the collectible minifigure line, they said they would be exclusive on their own, and multiple times it was said that they had no interaction or would not hint about any upcoming sets. Although it would be awesome for a System zoo, and I see it being done easily because of the zookeeper torso being produced, I think the main focus of next year is the Forest Police, Forest Fire, Vehicles, and the gold mining summer theme.
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