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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Update: obviously no one has a clue including buwizz support. So I have to reinstall the app and make every profile again...
  2. Did you put center steering and gearbox control in two different bw3? That maybe the reason(known bug). Try put them on the same bw3.
  3. Encountered another big bug of the app: Yesterday when playing the buwizz app, it suddenly forced quit(on iphone), after started it again, it wouldn't drive anymore. I can still calibrate servo but just cant drive anymore, even creat new profiles didn't work. When I drive it stays in connecting buwizz even when all buwizz 3 are solid green light: Notice I have gauges in this layout but all disappeared, no matter in controller mode or phone mode. Anyone encountered this? Do I have a choice other than reinstall the app(recreating all the profiles is pain in the megablocks, save profile and importing just desn't work properly)? @Zerobricks Sent support email yesterday no reply yet. Thought here maybe quicker, and you guys deserve to know this issue anyway.
  4. This one BW3 one buggy method worked fine for me in normal terrain(pavement or similar), however today I ran my moc into grassland and drove there for maybe half minutes, it was very slow because of the resistance, and I found all 4 buggy motors were fried...Those were made by mould king and I have like 100 of them, dirt cheap and very reliable, never fried before. This incidence tells me maybe a dead BW3 is better than fried buggy motors, not because the desdroyed motor itself but because motors were generrally built inside, very hard to replace, better choice would be build a new one ground up. So that's my update, it seems BW3 power bottleneck is also buggy motor power bottleneck, maybe I shouldn't blame buwizz for this. This worked for me everytime when bw3 is completely dead like a rock.
  5. Well, it turns out your tesla speed up when you brake. Nah I was at home, interference maybe, but very close together. Yes that's my thought too. definately some false advertisement.
  6. Found another very seirous problem: during play the system would go nuts and dont respond to controller command(first appears latency), but move randomly by itself, I hit wall/furniture several time because of this. This is very dangerous, outplay with mocs is mostly in parks and there are kids there, it could cause serious accidents and even legal problem for buwizz. My moc is sometimes 6kg and move fast, imagine this thing get out of control and hit some todlers.... @Zerobricks
  7. Exactly man, I need them but I hate them so much Great, thanks bro!
  8. I found a solution to dead BW3 in high load. I always build my mocs very big so each wheel is generally driven by 2-3 buggy motors, and each BW3 can drive 2 Buggy, but if load is high(say gear ratio too bold), I would encounter a dead BW3 in high load. @Zerobricks suggested to use current limits but that never works for me. Today I was building a small moc in which each wheel(lego audi red wheel) is only driven by one Buggy, but there is no gearing down, using one BW3 to drive 2 wheels always give me a dead BW3. So I wonder what if I use only one BW3 to drive one buggy(leaving the other PF channel empty)? And yes the problem is solved! the currents were as high as 3.9A, but never again did any BW3 die on me, even the low voltage one! So my conclusion is a dead BW3 is caused by total power output, not per channel. Since the battery core inside is pretty pathetic, the best way to deal with dead BW3 would be more BW3.... Nah it's very easy you won't melt the cables. Just do it correctly, soldering would definately be safer if you are worried.
  9. Another suggestion: could you make all channel lights color and brightness in one profile adjusted by one single slider? I almost never change them because it's stupid to change 16-32 slider bars just to change the color, and it's impossible to make them the same. @zerobricks
  10. Yes I did a taobao.com search too there is no readily available extension cords for pu motors. If I like DIY I can just cut the cords and extend it with cable and tapes(I can), I'd rather not go through the hustle.(That's also why I bought 8 BW3 when RC batteries are so much cheaper and more powerful) Hell if I like go dirty play RC and 3D printing etc has so much more potential, why lego:))
  11. There is a bug which the new app didn't fix, I've brought this up in this thread before but @Zerobricks said he can not replicate this bug, so I didn't do further tests. Today I updated the app and tried many different setups, and I can confirm the bug exists now and I think I know why zero cant replicate this bug in his setup. So the bug is: if you use 2 or more buwizz 3 in one profile, and use 2 or more PU L motors for center steering, if the 2 PU L motors are connected to 2 different buwizz 3 batteries, there will always be one PU L that can not function properly. The key here is they have to be connected to 2 different BW3, not in 2 channels of one single BW3. That may be why zero can not replicate this bug. I know most of the time if you need 2 center steering PU motors, connect them to one single BW3 is no harm. However, I always play big mocs with length often more then 60 cm long, and PU motors can not be extended by wire, so I have to use 2 different BW3 for that, hence I can see the problem but no one else. None the less it's a bug, I hope buwizz can fix it.
  12. Thanks a lot bro! I always appreciate your help here on this forum. Please don't take our disappointments with Buwizz personally. I think maybe an official responding account would lower your burden? Since you are the one responding to our questions regarding buwizz constantly, it would become a habit for us to call for your help when needed, since there is no official representor for buwizz here, in this official(kind of) buwizz thread... I know there is the customer support, but honestly asking questions here and you respond here would actually be more efficient, for buwizz, since many of us would have the same kind of questions. Again thanks for your helps!
  13. Oh sorry didn't pay attention to my tone, I just meant to complain about buwizz, you know when you have to pay for something but it's seriously overpriced:)
  14. If someone else can produce a better battery than buwizz we would all feel much better. It's a niche market so I willingly end up with 8 pieces of BW3 shit. What else can I do? BTW when app update? I am waiting, tired of install a beta just to re-establish all the control profiles again after the final product is out. @Zerobricks Please don't tell me soon. In Buwizz dictionary soon is a very different word.
  15. This is clever, one 9v battery is mush less fuss comparing to 6AA, you should sell it!
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