tl;dr: I have a preliminary set of instructions for this MOC for personal use and if Lipko is still around monitoring this thread, I wanted to see if he was interested in working together to move them along and make them available, as well as highjacking this thread a bit for a build-log.
Hello everyone... like many in this thread, I created this account specifically because of this thread. I'm a recovering aerospace engineer, and Private Pilot in training who stumbled across this amazing MOC. Previously I've dabbled in the MOC world with the large scale Apollo CSM/LM by FreakCube, so I'm no stranger to a big MOC build, but this one certainly added a couple new twists. Obviously it's missing a completed instruction set, but also it's Technic, which while I love it conceptually, I've spent very little time in, so it's a bit foreign to me. To add to this, I wanted to build this with my 5 and 7 year old, who are fantastic at reading LEGO constructions (their word for the instruction booklet that I totally 100% support and reinforce!), but have not quite made the jump to reverse engineering and custom construction. In any case, I decided this was exactly the kind of set I wanted to put my energy into, so I set about decoding the LDD that was posted above. After placing an order for the parts and while waiting for them to arrive, I started breaking the model into component parts to make sense of it. I figured if I could break them into enough components, I'd be able to work with my boys to build it and teach them how to use Well, then came the obsession. I've never really used much, but I love picking up new computer programs through just diving in, so as I got deeper into the program, the scope of my work increased until next thing I know, I'm working on page 227, step 354 with half a plane still to go. In any case, I now find myself with a first pass set of instructions, a bag with 4000+ pieces and the start to an impressively designed GA aircraft model with more functions than an algebra test.
Lipko, if you're around and still invested in this model/design, I would love to hijack this thread to document my build and further develop the constructions (focusing on ease of build, replacement of rare/costly aftermarket bricks, and maybe smoothing any rough edges found along the way). Alternatively, I'm happy to keep this work to myself and my kids if you want to maintain control of it. Just let me know, and if you want me to send you what I have so far (the file), PM me.