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Everything posted by Max_Lego

  1. Meanwhile Raimi Spider-Man fans are like:
  2. Max_Lego replied to Kingslayer's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    This may be slightly off-topic, yet I think I may post it here... It's a custom minifigure I created for idle fun - Field Marshal Cody in Stormtrooper armor (my own fanon): The minifigure was inspired by the looks of the Snowtrooper officer and, of course, Clone Commander Cody from Episode 3.
  3. I think you got me wrong. I appreciate your work, and I just hope you handle my character properly, so that Rax stays in-character. I will reference his participation in the assembly in my further works
  4. Two new characters were made - this time they are Lois Lane and Annie from TNBA episode "Growing pains": Sadly, Lois has got an inaccurate hairpiece - I didn't find a better solution... As you can see, I also upgraded Mary Marvel - the previous version looked too old for my taste. Short white sleeves may be added later - if I manage to acquire the parts needed, of course... I also hope to make an STAS Jimmy Olsen soon. As for JL characters, I think I will start with Wonder Woman (probably)...
  5. Awesome scene, beautiful hatch, magnificent tunnel! You are truly a master of dioramas, @Sentinel_Brix! I just hope Rax will leave the party soon. After all, he sees the Warlords as much worse than even the New Republic
  6. Once again, you came up with a beautiful diorama, @Sentinel_Brix! I especially like the statue. What's a party worth without them Death Sticks?! Just kiddin'!
  7. - He used the c-word!! That was very hurtful. - Roger, roger. But what about an official R3-M2 minifigure?
  8. I agree with you - the push ahead idea is more realistic than the pull back. Either way, all your planes look very nice!
  9. Thanks! The only characters using custom-printed parts are the Imperial officers, whom TLG didn't produce. Vader has custom cloth parts, Ceremony Leia has a paper cape, the droid you mentioned, R4-M9, has stickers on its cone, Ben Kenobi with a hood on his head had the hood erased from the back of his torso. The rest are purist. The bald officer is General Hurst Romodi. Thanks! You mean Piett wearing the Captain insignia plaque? - my explanation is that he was demoted... For not being able to cope with the responsibility of being an Admiral, hence why he's not afraid of Vader anymore in ROTJ. As far as I remember, he was never addressed to as Admiral in the movie. The credits calling him an Admiral are wrong Totally agreed. That's why I would've liked TLG to realise a Death Star Conference Room, and more affordable ABY Lieutenant and Admiral minifigures
  10. Why, thanks! Yes, that's the idea - I believe Vader had trouble with distinguishing BBY ranks, that's why he called every officer a 'commander' in ANH, so the simplified ABY system was developed
  11. One of the infinite reasons why I don't trust Wikipedia's historical/political articles!!! No offence, @Sentinel_Brix. I am glad you agree with me
  12. I hate being political here, but I don't really see any controversy here - she consciously did outright Nazi propaganda and denied the facts of their atrocities after the war. Her film "Triumph of the will", in particular, inspired the Rebel awards ceremony scene from ANH. George Lucas clearly didn't understand what he was doing when creating Star Wars... Anyway, I disagree with comparing an "above politics" holoactress with a propagandist
  13. Here's how my Star Wars MOCs are displayed: ANH characters with Lambda Shuttle in the background - it didn't fit into the cabinet. An Imperial cruiser (NOT Star Destroyer!) from ANH WIP can be seen: Aside from ANH, my main focus is on Thrawn's war on the New Republic - though it goes 'slightly' different, than how Zahn described it. The Imperial Army is lead by Field Marshal Cody and his aide Major Enric Pryde (on the left). Major General Veers is, sadly, still absent: The Imperial Starfleet is, of course, led by Thrawn, pictured here with his bodyguards Tag and Bink, captain Enoch, Pellaeon and Moden Canady (far left) - captain of the Super Dreadnought Ravager, the Flagship of Gallius Rax: Sadly, I don't have many New Republic commanders - General Madine's minifigure is very hard to acquire. The two on the right are an Army officer and a soldier - I am planning to increase their numbers, especially for my New Republic troopers: I hope I am not too off-topic... I just disagree with the Canon in general. The only things I consider Canon is the OT, the rest is for borrowing headcanon ideas. A Starfighter commander also wore a black uniform in ANH I succeeded in solving the rank plaque mystery... By ignoring canonical ranks of characters. My idea was that the plaques seen in ANH are definitive for the Early Empire's Military, and were replaced with more simple ones later (when Vader became Supreme Commander); Taggi is a Starfleet commander, NOT a general. The result is this table: The funny thing is that Yularen is still a colonel, while Romodi is still a general... Which is good somehow
  14. I disagree with the official Canon. In the OT, we saw only Sandtroopers wearing pauldrons. I personally think they are worn to protect the shoulder from a powerful weapon's (like the T-21 blaster) recoil (I am not quite sure about that). I imagine the colour indicating the Sandtrooper's specialisation, not rank (black/no pauldron for regular trooper, white for mounties, orange for commanders). I don't think Stormtrooper commanders wear pauldrons - in fact, they didn't even wear armour in ROTJ. They may wear a helmet and chestplate like Veers. Black uniforms distinguish lieutenants and lower ranks, not Stormtrooper officers (I am strongly against the idea that Stormtroopers are an elite unit - they act like ordinary foot soldiers in the OT) It's all just my headcanon, though based on multiple long observations. Sorry for being off-topic...
  15. Guys, I just had an idea (please forgive me if this idea had already been posted here by someone else) - what if the upcoming Arkham set is based on the Arkham videogames? It does make SOME sense.
  16. I don't really build armies, my primary interest are ANH characters - I still dream of recreating this movie in stop-motion (the initial, 1977 version, with some minor changes - lack of bloopers, altered dialogue order at Ben Kenobi's hut, inclusion of scene at Rebel hangar, where Garven Dreis says that as a kid he met Luke's father). I already have 6 Rebel troopers (plan to increase this number), 12 'perfect', accurate Purist Stormtroopers (11 pictured; I plan to increase the number up to 20 and beyond), 7 screen-accurate Sandtroopers with a Dewback (enough for the 1977 cut), 2 TIE pilots and some Death Star staff. Since many officers are currently not available as official minifigures, I ordered custom torsos (I currently plan to replace Praji with the new official figure). Aside from that, I have: - 1 Scout Trooper - 1 Thrawn Death Trooper (my fanon version of Enoch) - 1 Patrol Trooper with sticker arm decor - 1 Military engineer (from ROTJ) - 1 Space Trooper - 1 Airplane pilot (fanon) - 2 Imperial Mandalorians (white Boba Fett concept) - 2 Shadow troopers from TFU - 2 Snowtroopers with a commander (perhaps, my most heavily customised figures) - 4 Emperor's guards with custom capes - 4 Dark Troopers from The Mandalorian The 9 Stormtroopers from Rebels don't count. The CIS have 1 B1 commander (without yellow spot on head), 4 B1 with backpacks, 6 B1 without backpacks, 1 B2, 1 Commando commander and 2 commando droids. The only worthy Clone trooper I have is the ARC trooper from TCW with white hips. I also have the "Traitor!!!" FO Stormtrooper and some other figures I didn't list officers and other named characters for obvious reasons. My (all MOCs, all preserved) vehicles are: - AT-ST (Hoth long legs) and TX-225 - Aratech 74-Z and CP-H speeder bikes - a Waveskimmer hydroplane - TIE Interceptor and red TIE Defender - Lambda shuttle - Early production RZ-1 A-wing - BTL-A4 Y-wing bomber - T-65 X-wing fighter 1) Death Star Conference Room 2) Death Star corridors (with armorless Stormtroopers in off-duty uniforms!!!) 3) Rebel victory celebration (with Honour Guards, technicians and Generals) P. S. : I forgot to mention that my ANH characters are displayed on a grey 48x48 plate. I don't know if I shall replace it with transparent minifigure boxes...
  17. That droid is some killing machine!! Oggll from Ruusan looks very fun in particular. Such an adorable guy!
  18. I don't think this turtle is scary... It actually looks cute! But it's just my opinion... Anyway, I like how you built it. The shell design in particular is very nice
  19. Maybe, maybe not... Depends on whether you can enjoy the camp or cringe at it Seriously though, it does have some good moments. Schwarzenegger did quite a nice job playing a sometimes silly, sometimes serious Mr. Freeze I second the question
  20. I agree. Mercenaries need players desperately. Glad to see you on board, @Dannylonglegs!
  21. I can't stop upgrading my MOCs... After I found the original TNBA Batmobile drawings I decided to make my build look more accurate. This included redesigning the front and cabin roof (which now has an inaccurate opening hatch) and shortening the rear part of the body. It's still far from being perfect, yet better that way: The main problem of my model is that the Batman minifigure is very hard to fit inside the cabin properly. A black 6x6 dish with a bar handle would've been a nice solution for the roof, but is currently out of reach for me. Sadly, I cannot do it - the original didn't really have any. Of course, it wasn't THAT blocky, yet I don't really have any ideas on how to make the sides curved without completely rebuilding my MOC...
  22. A shot of the upgraded Batmobile with interior view. I redesigned the interior to look better with a flat dark grey floor:
  23. My dear friend, your alternative builds are very creative in design, and the overall concept is brilliant! I like your idea very much! But I think you should have posted it in the Star Wars section, since it's a rebuilt LSW set...
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