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Everything posted by Max_Lego

  1. Beautiful My arches come from some Mos Eisley Cantina sets I acquired but disassembled
  2. Thanks! Though I failed to recreate the Theed palace interior faithfully, the overall spirit of the location is present, I think...
  3. Superman minifigure looks nice, but I find the lack of leg printing disturbing
  4. The Biolizard is awesome and looks very accurate to the original IMHO. I believe his inclusion is due to him being the boss in the upcoming Sonic x Shadow Generations. The campfire set is lame but features a new Sonic head printing Don't underestimate G. U. N. !
  5. THIS IS AWESOME!!! Formidable!
  6. Thak you for your comment, @Feuer Zug! Indeed, it's a tiny ship and was very challenging to design. Here is a comparison of the ship (a modified dreadnought of the tzarist times) and the formidable project 23 (designed to be a modern battleship), both models are at 1/1200 scale: I slightly redesigned the ship's nose, since the original wasn't solid enough
  7. *Your entry has earned 13 XP + 2 bonus for a total of 15 XP (S:3, T:5, A:5) Story must go on... We left Commissar Rax dealing with sea pirates, who supposedly were planning to infiltrate the Galactic Empire on boat... Sadly, the details of the incident are classified as for now. Rax may have captured the pirates while they were boarding or given a last-moment order to shoot at the boat... Or the pirates had some other plan he thwarted somehow... As soon as I know, I'll tell! After the Sith artifacts were successfully delivered on Pavo Prime by captain Brandei, Jar Jar invited Rax to a non-aligned Imperial officers' meeting at Theed, the capital city of Naboo system. Those officers refused to hand over their garrisons to Imperial remnants' warlords, but possibly could agree to somehow help Rax, as Jar Jar claimed. Rax happily accepted the offer - he was expecting someone very important to attend this meeting... After some days of travel the Judicator brought the rogue Imperial and his new friends to Naboo system, where Moff Panaka was in control. Rax had a great respect towards Panaka - he knew the Moff would never betray the Empire's ideals or rule like one of those warlords Rax despised... One of the late Emperor's most trusted governors, Panaka used to be the captain of Theed's Security force. Shortly prior to the Clone Wars Naboo was invaded by the Trade Federation. The small Naboo military was incapable to adequately oppose the droid army, so the Queen had to negotiate with the water-dwelling Gungans, with whom the Naboo humans had very bad relations, to ask them for help. The Gungans' army provided distraction to the majority of the droid forces, playing a crucial role in the invaders' defeat. Amidala's actions soon afterwards shocked Panaka to the core. Not only she radically reduced the numbers of the Naboo defence forces, but she also opposed to the Old Republic's army initiative. The relations with Gungan tribes not involved in the Trade Feds' defeat became even worse, to the point that some Gungan nationalists openly proposed tribe leaders to join the CIS. Panaka viewed the Naboo authorities' actions as stupidity at best and treason at worst. He soon became a strong supporter of Palpatine, who personally knew Panaka, trusted him and made him Moff after his decision to assign governors to the systems in the Empire. With the help of Jar Jar Binks, Panaka immediately started to establish friendly relations with all the Gungans. He openly proclaimed that the new Empire had nothing to do with the humans' oppression of the Gungans centuries ago and gives them a chance to live together in harmony as equal citizens of the Naboo system. All restrictions against the natives were cancelled by Panaka's Imperial administration. Soon the Gungans became trusting enough to hand over the traitors who were willing to join the Separatists during the war to Imperial authorities. The nationalists received sentences accordingly to their crimes. Remembering the Trade Federation blockade lesson, Panaka decided to make Naboo as independent of outer suppliers and self-contained as possible. Surprisingly to some, the Emperor approved of the idea, and it came in handy after the Empire's defeat at Coruscant; Naboo was completely independent from the other Imperial remnants and continued to exist as if nothing changed - the vast resources of the planet were used wisely. The Imperial administration worked exactly as before - Panaka refused to take all the power to himself and patiently waited for a leader he could trust. Rax knew all of this and was excited to meet the loyal Moff after the landing. Panaka has been told about Rax by his friend Jar Jar and warmly greeted the self-proclaimed Commissar, which he would've never done otherwise - the governor trusted the Gungan's judgement of people. Soon they were at the former Royal Palace of the city of Theed. - If you don't mind me saying, I don't believe you left your system and came here without a very important reason, - Panaka told Rax, - could you please tell me what are you expecting to achieve by attaining the officers' meeting? - I am hoping to find a very important ane wise person here - I learned that he may be present here this time of the year. I desperately need his help and advice, and I hope he won't refuse, at least, with the latter. - Let me guess. Isn't it Field Marshal Cody, by any chance? - You assumed correctly, - Rax laughed, - I hope he won't mind my company... - Well, we shall find this out soon. As for now - be our guest here. ~ An overall view of the small build with the characters: ...And without them: The mosaic was initially supposed to be the main feature of the build, but it didn't end up nicely:
  8. Happy Batman day, everyone! For Batman's 85 anniversary, here is my MOC of the TNBA Batjet - my favourite Batplane after the one from Arkham Origins, since I am a huge TNBA fan. The source material is a vehicle from a hand-drawn cartoon and therefore is very inconsistent, but I tried to make it as accurate as possible. The model has retractable landing gear (OF COURSE!!) and folding wingtips (like in STAS episode "World's finest pt. 2") The cockpit has two seats and fits my Batman and Robin minifigures: Overall view of the build: I am not quite satisfied with my photos, but still hope you like my MOC
  9. Having little possibilities and ideas, I had no better idea than to recreate two one-shot villains from TNBA and BTAS: Calendar girl with her stripper henchman and... Of all characters, THE SEWER KING with his alligator. That's what I think DCAU Bat-Mite looks like (though, to be honest, he is not accurate at all). The only time the character appeared in the DCAU was the "World's funnest" comic where the two imps briefly invaded the STAS storyboards. Faithfully recreating this version of Bat-Mite would've required painting
  10. Tim Burton's version played by Danny DeVito was named Oswald Cobblepot, and I genuinely doubt anyone thought it was dumb at the moment and even now - except for those, maybe, who didn't watch the movie. You're right. Making almost everything, up to Penguin's name, dumb doesn't ground anything at all. No dark, gray and rainy atmosphere will help. Colin Pharrell's Penguin was one the few good things, alongside Falcone, in this movie though. Please guys, don't accuse me of hating. Three words: Batman is stupid. Year 3 and stuff. My personal opinion
  11. I'm afraid Metal Sonic would most probably end up being an ordinary minifigure, just like Huyang or the Dark Troopers from Star Wars. But, yeah, let's hope for the best...
  12. Credit to the person, not to the outfit. Ironically, BrickLink has the correct name. Besides, Anakin used to be a slave in Prequels, and Disney can't do anything with it
  13. The set is plain AWESOME, but I don't plan to buy it because Ep. IV and post-Ep. VI are my top priorities now. I never was into, ehm... THIS Leia outfit (I refuse to call it 'huttslayer', because it's not intended for 'huttslaying' by any means), but the 2013 version looks more accurate IMHO (though, tbh, TLG is much more cautious these days). The rest of the set is AWESOME. Jabba and Max Rebo look almost identical to their 2012/2013 versions - I wonder what changes were actually made...
  14. By the way, I believe a sand-green variant of Yoda's current head mold would've been more accurate to the OT version of the character, than the current olive green
  15. What about Yoda's green Lego tractor from the old LSW video game?
  16. This is very beautiful - THIS IS LEGO MINECRAFT we deserve and need. But, to my taste, there is a little too much tall grass...
  17. I planned to recreate all three Soviet Sevastopol-class battleships in 1/1200, but as of now, only the Parizjskaya Kommuna is ready. I hope Marat and Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya will be ready sometime soon. Here are two pictures of the finished model:
  18. Somehow I am finally able to see your photos... Your build is magnificent. I like it a lot!
  19. Redesigned the X-wing again! Wasn't fond of the cockpit interior - reworked it with black tubes/cables behind (black official Lego rubber band) and more displays. The targeting computer scope is retracted: The spacecraft's belly was another problem I solved. It looks much better now: Seems like I can improve my MOCs endlessly...
  20. I shortened the tips of the TIE Interceptor's solar panels to match those on my Red Star TIE Defender and took a photo of both Imperial starfighters together. Hope you like this picture!
  21. Max_Lego replied to Kingslayer's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    "I see you are able to appreciate art as I do!" I'm just glad you share my view on Lego Stormtrooper perfection
  22. Thanks, I just have those personal feelings for the La-9 and La-11 - those aircraft are still terra incognita, and no one did them justice. The problem with my airplanes is that I don't often include working control surfaces, and while it's not critical (my primary inspirers @Ralph_S and @jonhall18 also don't allays do that on minifigure-scale aircraft), it would've been a nice addition. Hopefully, my next airplane will have them
  23. I'm glad you liked it
  24. I finally managed to do Nightwing's minifigure justice - it is now much more accurate to the TNBA look of the character. The silly-looking mullet gives him much more personality than the dull "BaHQ" haircut and reminds us that the show was created and set in the 90s. Unfortunately, TLG didn't yet realise the mullet in black, so I painted it with Gunze's Mr. Color (AGAIN!). The rest of the details are stickers. Other characters got only minor updates: the 2014 "LB3:BG" cowl piece works much better for Batman despite the short ears. Supergirl got a sticker headband, Two-Face got a lighter skin tone to match his blue hand and a eyebrow, while Joker's green eyebrows were erased for the sake of accuracy
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