Everything posted by Max_Lego
Updating Your Minifigs
An Imperial GONK droid!! The appearence of the Imperial gonk droid (seen in the background while the Imperial technicians transfer the scanners on board of the Millennium Falcon in Ep. IV) is inspired by a black and white deleted scene of Stormtroopers running in the corridors of the Death Star until the droid is left all alone. Rebels Vader minifigure has cloth leg elements - only printed arms of the new versions may now be required to make him perfect. I currently have 11 'perfect' standard Stormtroopers, but plan to increase the number up to 20.
[MOD] 75271 Luke's landspeeder
I believe that the 75271 set is the best representation of Luke's landspeeder in an official minifigure scale set. I slightly upgraded it with new parts and stickers from 75052 Mos Eisley Cantina (Dewback forever!! ) No big deal, but still...
[MOC] - 1/32 Lavochkin's La-11 (NATO code 'Fang')
124 years ago Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin, who designed the Soviet Union's finest fighter aircrafts during the Great Patriotic War, was born. I decided to celebrate his birthday by posting photos of my La-11 Lego MOC, of which I am very proud Yeah, I know this collage is silly, but it's the best I could do... About the aircraft Lavochkin's La-9 and La-11 are a mystery for military aircraft historians (but not to me!). I believe I should debunk some common knowledge concerning them: 1) Despite having similar airframes, the La-9 and La-11 were very different - in fact, they had much less in common with each other than the Spitfire F.22 and F.24. La-11's equipment, radio antennae, cockpit interior, tailwheel, navigation lights and fuel system were different compared to La-9 (for example, the holes in La-11's wingtips are rudiments from the initial non-droppable fuel tanks idea, unlike the navigation lights of La-9) 2) The La-11 was by no means 'worse' than the La-9 - while being heavier than its predecessor due to more fuel and better radio equipment, it could use only three fuel tanks out of five to achieve better performance (the La-11's performance data on the Internet is for a fully-fueled aircraft, which is unfair). It was, in fact, much less underpowered than the USAF's magnificent F-51H 'Lightweight' Mustang (a more powerful overall engine with less full weight) while having a greater range despite the latter's use of drop tanks (although I'm not sure if it's still correct when the F-51H employed 165-gallon drop tanks). It was a very good aircraft, just designed with a different idea in mind. 3) Contary to what any military aircraft historians claim, the La-11 did score a victory over a B-29. In 1952, two La-11s manned by Zhiryakov and Lesnov engaged the 'Sunbonnet king' RB-29 reconnaissance modification of the bomber (s/n 44-61815) near Yuri Island after the latter entered the USSR territorial waters from Korea, refused to cooperate and opened fire, as 'unarmed' US spy aircraft, shot by 'Communist barbarians', always did (the desire to get away without being forced to land on enemy territory is utterly understandable), which resulted in the aircraft's crash in the sea. Pilots recalled seeing 'green debris' on the surface of the water - not surprising, considering that the B-29's interior was painted green. This particular late-production La-11 from the 911 fighter aircraft regiment, based in Chukotka, participated in the 1949 polar expedition as part of an experiment, where Soviet Air Force aircraft temporarily operated on a snowy airfield in the Arctic. The expedition was filmed on camera, and the footage was used in a documentary. The 4 La-11 involved were painted dark red instead of the usual greyish blue to be better seen on the white background. The build I didn't take photos of the initial version of my MOC - it was a fat abomination with a horrible canopy, which was a sad result of an excessive engine cowling diameter. I decided to take a risk and completely redesign the build, and it resulted in what I initially considered a 'masterpiece' - the model had beautiful proportions and was exactly at 1/32 scale, just as I intended. The details are more accurate than on most assembled model kits and ANY modern technical drawing of the airplane (for example, the antenna under the tail and round transparent radiocompass cap, omitted almost everywhere). Sadly, the build is red, not dark red as it should've been. Many small details were achieved with the help of custom stickers. Although much more cramped than the original, the cockpit fits a pilot minifigure perfectly and comes completed with an instrument panel and gunsight: The landing gear is (almost) fully retractable (I had to omitt the small doors for obvious reasons): A picture with pilots maintaining the airplane on the snow: Sadly, Lavochkin was less successful when itroducing jet fighters. After his death, the Design bureau moved to space development, designing the famous 'Lunokhod-1' moon rover. Thanks for watching!
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Wednesday gargoyles are too small, indeed. They do look very nice, though. Could work as small decorative elements. My personal problem (which makes my life easier) is that TNBA Gotham didn't have many gargoyles. Burton's did, but they were larger. TLG's official gargoyles are too small. If they were, like, 2 times larger, they could've looked better, I think
[MOC] "I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan"
Thak you for your kind words! I agree with you, the duel from episode I is, perhaps, the most amazing in the entire saga - partially because Maul had a sword with two blades (I first saw the movie somewhere in 2012, no big deal for me, but I imagine the first viewers' amazement) and a lot of acrobatics (they say Ray Park strived to perform all the stunts by himself). I just believe the first duel was more lore-accurate - duels from Prequels are still very good, especially compared to the Sequels. I understand. I'm just personally not into the 'hundreds of years before OT' thing, so I didn't watch it myself. The creators' statements didn't help either. Episode I may be the first Star Wars movie I saw (is it why I like Jar Jar so much?), Filoni's Clone Wars was the first SW I actually saw, but now the original (pre- Special editions) OT is THE real Star Wars for me now.
[MOC] "I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan"
I created this small diorama as a tribute to the actor, who voiced Darth Vader almost everywhere - James Earl Jones, who passed away yesterday. The Darth Vader voice acting is what he probably will be remembered by most. Ironically, he claimed it to be a mere 'sound effect', giving full credit to the late David Prowse for playing the Dark Lord of the Sith. R.I.P., James Earl Jones. I chose this particular scene because of Star Wars' fans' undeserved backlash towards this scene. They always complained that the duel was lazy. It was subject to many parodies and a re-imagining with stupid Force-lifting (I hate when Jedi or Sith lift anyone in the air! It should be impossible!) and powerful chopping blows, which make no sense but look 'awesome'. I used to share this opinion until I realised that it's the most accurate representation of a lightsaber duel in the entire Star Wars saga - it may not be exciting to watch, but it's correctly executed. The two opponents are fully aware that they are armed with two-hand hilts emitting a weightless plasma blade that has no sharp edges and is equally dangerous from any side. The duels in ep. V and VI stayed faithful to this idea. The Prequels added some blows for greater spectacularity, and fans were happy. So they got the Sequels where lightsaber duels were ruined once and for all. I can't say anything about the Acolyte disaster, since some of the fans who actually hated the show claimed that the lightsaber duels there were very good, being inspired by Akira Kurosawa's movies, and I don't intend to watch this trash myself (I mean the Acolyte. Kurosawa's films are a classic, and I enjoyed the "Seven samurai" very much). An overall view of the MOC: As always, may the Force be with us all...
[MOC] - Imperial TIE interceptor
I decided to slightly upgrade the solar panels, so that they looked a little bit more accurate, their lower parts also being bent on the original model. I wanted to do this from the very beginning, but I failed to design them cleverly back then and had to simplify the construction. Here is a better view on the rear hexagonal window (yes, again, it's transparent): The location of the hexagon on the prop suggested that it's not a window, but rather a screen monitor, yet I decided to insert a window because it's more fun (even though it's completely useless).
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
"He got so tired of fighting me, 'cAuSe I'm gOoD. I uSeD mY sKiLlS tHaT I LeArNt in the MoUnTaInS!.."
[WIP] - The new Batman adventures custom minifigures (25 anniversary of broadcasting stop)
I couldn't create new minifigures, so I improved some old ones. I reduced Mr. Freeze's height and replaced his old, ridiculously thin legs. The Flash and Supergirl were given new, more accurate torso detail. As of Dr. Fate and Zatanna, the changes are small and barely noticeable, but I decided to post them anyway. I also upgraded another non-DCAU minifigure. Michael Keaton's Batman from Tim Burton's films is infamous for his willingness to kill his enemies, and no one really complains about it - not because of the 'nostalgia', of course, but because it was very well executed. In order to improve the official 1992 Batman minifigure, I gave it a dark gray headband with 'normal' minifigure eyes on it on eyehole level: It's a nice idea, but not perfectly executed...
[MOC] Imperial AT-ST walker
Inspired by @erik1's comments, I decided to improve my AT-ST a little, to make it more accurate to the source material from ESB - after all, my T-65 X-wing is strictly the one seen in ANH, not the T-65B from later movies. Its legs were completely redesigned, and its feet were enlarged for better look. After studying high-resolution photos of the actual model, I decided to replace the weapons on the left side of the drivers' cabin with more accurate-looking ones. The upper one in particular looks very much like a Maxim gun, but I can only use the parts I have at the moment, and I'm quite satisfied with the result. ...Those long legs look creepy as heck, and I'm not sure they are very accurate, but it's the best I could... Looks better than before anyway
[MOC] Imperial AT-ST walker
Thank you for your application! The walker stands freely on its two legs when in correct position. However, it may loose balance if moved uncarefully. It is also quite fragile - especially the drivers' cabin. When displayed, I try not to touch it, though I don't have much problem bringing it back to normal. All joints are poseable, except for Technic lower part of the leg, which connects to the foot. The legs initially were longer, but it looked ridiculous and disgusting. I decided that the finished version looks like a compromise between ESB and ROTJ. Also, regarding the two movie versions, it seems like the difference is partially because of the positioning of the legs - they are a little extended in ESB. I may try and find the photo of my old cursed AT-ST, which I posted on long ago and was based on the drawing from the Essential guide to vehicles - it had long wide legs and ridiculously small feet
Please forgive the poor quality of the photos
LEGO Batman Movie Screen-Accurate Bactcave & Wayne Manor Recreation
Thank you very much! This cargo plane is awesome, and indeed, it's the one from the movie (though in the movie it had a V-tail, a sillier nose, and the refueling rod was located on the nose rather than above the cockpit). As of the other one, it seemingly had a nonexistent windshield part (which doesn't make it less magnificent). And yes, as almost all TLBM vehicles, it's much bigger on the inside (for better interior detail)
LEGO Batman Movie Screen-Accurate Bactcave & Wayne Manor Recreation
Fantastic. Now I know what this contraption actually looks like. Before I believed it to be impossible. Back in my time I wanted to recreate the vehicles by guessing their design from screenshot examination. I made a lot of screenshots, but recently deleted them, since I had no such plans anymore for a very long time. Most of the aircraft can be seen attacking the heroes during the climax; some of them were official sets (like the 7786 and 76011 Batcopters); one of the two large cargo planes is a Bat-variation of the aircraft seen in the opening sequence; the Lego movie Batwing can also be seen. Edit: I guess you knew everything of that already... My bad
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Only one believable Batman villain ever existed in comics - it's Bruce Wayne himself. And even he is not utterly believable... DC is not Star Wars. While SW insists it has one single uncontradictory Canon (which contradicts itself every time possible and impossible, with the OT being the sole exception), DC in general and Batman on its own are known to be openly and proudly inconsistent. Nothing of what you said about Joker can be applied to every single variation of said character. ...But I see your point
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Superman IS a boring character. Bruce Timm pointed this out when creating STAS. Batman's rogues are either psychotic or miserable and very interesting to observe; Superman's enemies are alien invaders, superpowered mutants or random criminal masterminds in business suits. They are boring. I am currently watching STAS, and the insane amount of creators' effort put into this show is obvious. And it's still not as good as TNBA or BTAS. Somehow, @legoturtle returned...
I guess it's okay - we have to compromise while building out of Lego more often than we think we do. My AT-ST feet are too thin, for example...
Looks very nice, but... Will it work IRL? Anything beautiful can be constructed digitally, regardless of real-world physics. Can it be motorized? Aren't the legs too wide? Well, of course they look a million times better than on the official set, but still... As I said, it looks very nice, yet I still have questions... Also, IIRC, this looks very faithful to the original, unlike many 'beautiful' MOCs. Congratulations!
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Moody's hairpiece it way too thick and bushy; Ledger's hair is short-to-medium length, messy and swept back. Andor's and Sirius' hairpiece looks too long and doesn't match Ledger's look (but it still is an acceptable choice for ROTS Anakin). Fine, I agree that the perfect hairpiece still doesn't exist. Yet the particular one I proposed works better for Joker than Beetlejuice... We had (I personally have) Kite-man in the Riddler TLBM set. Oh yeah!.. Not comic-accurate, of course, but still can be improved.
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
I believe that using this hairpiece (previously used for Doc Emmet Brown and Beetlejuice) in Dark Green colour would work better for the upcoming Ledger Joker minifigure than what we have now. I genuinely don't care about @legoturtle, I didn't like him from the very beginning. But the actual Aslume, while having even stricter rules on this subject, tolerates far harsher comments. Why don't the mods here allow users to delete themselves willingly, without breaking any forum rules? This should be a nice feature
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Timm always wanted a Batman show set in the 40s. Of course, it would've been a much better decision to completely avoid certain delicate topics... Just as the Golden Age Batman comics, which don't suffer from values dissonance as much as certain other period pieces (Tom and Jerry?) But I guess no one would've funded the creation of this show then. So we actually got an imaginary 40s-esque setting, where, as they always said, black Hitler is theoretically possible At least, it's interesting to watch and entertaining, which again proves that people are less concerned about woke and more about storytelling. Yes, the animation is lazy and bad, but it's much better than in any DCAMU piece (the animation in Injustice was plain horrible). I don't understand people, who complain about Batman calling Alfred 'Pennyworth' and are somehow okay with Bruce's treatment of his butler in the 2022 movie. This Bruce is shown to be an 'enfant terrible' from the very beginning, viewing poor Alfred as nothing more than a tool that will enhance his crime-fighting. While being a jerk to him, he at least doesn't openly insult him and warms up a little in the end. This show is far from being perfect. But in those days even that will do. Maybe Timm will realise his Fleischer-esque Superman after all...
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
I've seen all episodes of B:CC and liked it. It's absolutely nothing like the R-rated violent thriller everyone was expecting. Episode 3 is just plain hilarious. It's just my personal perception, but I don't think Batman is even the main character - while he is essential to the plot, he is never in the main focus of the story. Thankfully, despite Matt Reeves' involvement, this young and beginning Batman is even more competent than his BTAS counterpart (unlike Pattinson's year 3). He is also not an ungrateful bastard towards Alfred, just a little cynical, which is justified by the plot and changes a little in the finale. The Nocturna episode shows he is capable of compassion almost as much as in BTAS, and more than in TNBA. Though he suffers from plot inconsistencies (episodes 1-3 portray him with zero redeeming traits and care for justice, which contradicts following episodes), this version of Harvey Dent is now easily my favourite. The fact that he has absolutely nothing in common with his actual Golden Age self is for the best. Unlike BTAS, his sanity problems aren't a plot device that came out of nowhere, and he seems to be genuinely struggling with them. His violence is at least partially justified, and he understands it's not the right thing to do. As much as I like BTAS, their Harvey had terrible character development. Introduced as a nice guy, the 'Two-Face' two-parter showed him as a disturbed man turned into a tragic villain, with the following episodes portraying him as plain evil. Nolan's Harvey was a jerk turned into murderous psychopath. IMHO, Bader's Harvey is much easier to sympathise with, despite his many wrong decisions. The scene in the end with Batman grabbing a gun is awesome. As the Golden Age dark and serious Joker teaser. Many side characters (the photographer in particular) are interesting enough for me to be unsatisfied with the amount of characterisation they received. There are some things I didn't like, though. The fast storytelling and some plot inconsistencies that can't be unnoticed. I am utterly disappointed with Onomatopoeia, who, while having some cool moments, doesn't do much and isn't even unmasked in the end. Overall, while never a replacement for BTAD and TNBA, B:CC was a very fun experience. Looking forward to potential season 2. And, as Alfox would've said: "Turtle gone, carry on."
[MOC]The Flying Dutchman ship
Very beautiful! The combination of colours is perfect, and the sails look very convincing. Appreciated
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Timm repeatedly stated that he won't be going into this territory again. So nope. They also race-swapped the Gordons and Two-Face. And no one complained about that (especially because of Billy Dee Williams, who played Harvey in 1989 but was rejected afterwards, that's why Two-Face looking like him is a good idea) Now that's reasonable. Bringing up racism and sexism is a cowardly thing to do - that's how Disney justifies their lack of both creativity and respect towards the fanbase. Gender/race-swapping never been a problem for anyone until it was clear that the changes make absolutely no sense and have the one and only obvious reasoning behind them. ...And there is also the fact that NO ONE will dare the race-swap established characters like Cyborg, and if they do - they will be accused of racism. Which is kinda hypocritical
Lego Minecraft 2023, leaks, rumors and discussion
That's a very cute set! Indeed, they are in the same scale as the discontinued buildable figures. The Creeper (who sadly doesn't have a baby form) and baby Zombie are almost the same as before (but now there is TNT in Creeper's head). The baby mobs are very nice and, IMHO, will make fine additions to any Minecraft AFOL collection. But I still don't get why you can separate the candle cake into three separate pieces, though
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