Everything posted by Max_Lego
[O17-DS] Sold Out on Naboo
Thanks for clarifying, @Sentinel_Brix! Too bad I didn't know that Coruscant is still an Imperial world (which somehow makes sense) and is ruled by Amedda (I prefer him to Isard - the closest person to Papa Palps, after all). Rax should've contacted him! Honestly, I don't think that Theed needs any 'Imperial influence', since it's already a beautiful city with little free space. Besides, I am sure Theed is a place of historical heritage, and adding something new to it would be against the law
[MOC] - HMS Flycatcher - 14-gun sloop-of-war
Thank you so much, @Franco Clarke! To be honest, my first attempt failed mostly due to my then unwillingness of using white hull parts (a stupid mistake) and lack of tan pieces (for this second version, most parts were ordered on BrickLink). Sadly, I have little imagination, but I still could add more interior details. Thanks for the suggestion! By the way, I forgot to mention that it was Your magnificent galleon that inspired me to rework my sails completely.
[O17-DS] Sold Out on Naboo
Looks very beautiful! The architecture of Theed is very nicely captured. Great job! How could the New Republic troops infiltrate an Imperial world unnoticed while wearing their distinctive uniforms? I know that the Empire's security measures are bad, but... it's somehow wrong, isn't it? Also, Captain Screed may be an Intelligence officer, but why is he heading to Coruscant? Are the New Republic's defences equally bad (or even worse) as the Empire's? No offence here, I'm just curious
[MOC] - HMS Flycatcher - 14-gun sloop-of-war
Thanks! Appreciated. Since the source material was much larger than my build, my ship's details are imaginary, yet I am glad you liked them!
[MOC] Under Jolly Roger!
Very interesting background for a Lego ship MOC! Magnificent work. The ship looks absolutely splendid
[ENTRY TOPIC] Eurobricks Alt-Build Contest 2025
31109 Pirate ship alternative build (Large category, pseudo Bermuda sloop) Since it was a Creator set, I posted it in Special Lego themes, not the Pirate section
[Alt-Build Contest] - 31109 Pirate ship
31109 Pirate ship alternative build (category: large, RRP: $119.99). It's a sloop from the 18th century. Sadly, I didn't use all parts of the original. I wanted to see if I could build a sloop from the 31109 set, and I am not sure if I succeeded; nevertheless, I apply it to the contest, despite it being a very simlar concept to the original set and therefore losing Originality points. After all, I built a ship MOC out of a ship set The sloop has a rudder, that can be controlled by a minifigure on the deck: It also has a small cargo hold: Here's a bottom view of the ship to prove that it was built only out of 31109 parts: I hope you like it
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
60 years old or less by the end of the last movie, which takes place in 1751
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Yeah, you're right. The main set we have information about now is the Tumbler, which looks worse than its predecessor from 2021. An affordable Ledger Joker minifigure is always welcome, but without the leg printing it pales compared to the previous two. Harvey looks like he's from Pete Holmes' Badman. But at least, Lego DC is not dead. Not yet... Honestly, it's great that we're getting a 400$ whatever Arkham. I hope that the minifigure section won't disappoint anyone... I thought he always stays in the Batcave... And didn't we get Red Robin in 2012? Albeit the minifigure looked like a compromise
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Let's wait for Arkham images then. Then there will be something to discuss
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Please stop these invalid accusations. I may joke a little, but it's not my fault no one understands my points. Let's stop all those thread wars and discuss Lego DC
[MOC] - HMS Flycatcher - 14-gun sloop-of-war
I reworked the bowsprit sails. Replaced photos with those of better quality (I hope)
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Never mind. Aslume gone, carry on!
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
See, @Clone OPatra? I wasn't the one interested in all the nonsense.
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Please don't. I am glad you closed this insane historical-political thread. I am genuinely afraid of all that stuff. As far as I remember, it was confirmed to be fake. But it may have been a very early leak, for it looked so good. Speaking of Superman's red trunks: on one hand, they are the main reason why Lego DC should do printed legs. Legs with trunks but without printing look disgraceful. On the other hand, leg printing on TDK Batman minifigures may be a little excessive, in my opinion The guy who posted the photo said that the Superman minifigure was a custom, if I am correct
[MOC] - HMS Flycatcher - 14-gun sloop-of-war
Thanks for the kind words! I needed it. Sadly, I don't think I can cange the colour of the deck or upper hull, or add more lids on the gun ports, at least, right now - I don't have enough parts. My primary inspiration were Marshall's paintings, which "allowed" me such compromises. I think I shall try to add more furniture to the captain's cabin though. These were great suggestions, thank you @Cousarmy0001!
[MOC] - HMS Flycatcher - 14-gun sloop-of-war
Thank you so much! I've got a small white kitten, but I'm not sure if it can deal with the mice...
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
How does it prove anything? Tell me something I don't know It also matters what is shown on screen, and how it is shown. I may hate Sequels, but after seeing FO troops burn down and massacre an entire village and wondering who's financially backing those guys, I can safely assume they're fascist. Which I sadly cannot say about the OT Empire, who are mostly shown as a military dealing with an armed Rebellion. Blowing up a planet is obviously a bad thing to do, but not strictly fascist. And the Galactic population is beyond any imagination Also, the CIS are fascist - because of their origin and methods. Those two factors matter first Also, everyone calls the regime from Starship troopers fascist for some reason. But propaganda on TV and large peaked caps don't necessarily and strictly mean fascism
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
If we're touching the aesthetic, the Rebels' uniforms are directly inspired by the Wermacht, unlike the Empire's: Again and again, I don't think that anyone here understands what fascism and nazism are. It's just the goddamn Goodwin law Batman also got accused of being fascist. Because he wears a black cloak, I guess...
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
It's a DC thread, and I want to discuss Star Wars, not violently debate. The Empire wasn't inspired by the 3 Reich, despite what anyone says. As I said, the aesthetic doesn't make one a follower of some political movement I never said that the Empire were good. It's just my prsonal headcanon. My point was that being chaotic evil doesn't work for them. There are much better ways to show that someone is evil. @Renny The Spaceman, you said that the question on whether Superman is a superhero or not is next. I answer: the Homelander is also a superhero (DC wiki formerly calling him an adventurer was wrong). The problem is that he's very different from Superman. He's basically Superman, raised by a Megacorporation instead of Kansas farmers. The Joker being evil is of no debate
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
We didn't. President Truman said this only not to look dumb after his previous statement that the Russians are too stupid in general to create an atomic bomb themselves. Everything that the modern Russian intelligence is boasting of is gibberish. It's hard to argue with people who accuse me of justifying the destruction of Alderaan (which I didn't), yet think that the nuclear bombings were completely normal and totally justified - because Stalin wanted to "enslave" the entire Western Europe! Not some imaginary planet was blown up - thousands of real people were murdered, thousands wounded the most henious way possible. People who were totally not guilty of IJA's atrocious warcrimes (not remembered now anywhere in the Western world). That's what I call moral values dissonance. The aesthetic has nothing to do with morality. From that point of view, Batman is totally a fascist. When someone calls anyone a fascist, they don't understand the meaning of the word because Dimitrov's definition is unknown to anyone. Dude may wear a long black trenchcoat and do brutal things, but it doesn't make him a fascist (again, the beforementioned Batman, whom I don't like as a person, but calling him a fascist is obviously stupid). Dude may wear a nice suit and do fascist things (Lex Luthor), but that's totally different. He may in fact be the story's good guy! I desperately want to cease debating, seeing that it's utterly pointless, but I can't help myself. I just wish this thread is closed for further replies as soon as possible. DC is dead. Batman is dead. WB is dead. Long live whatever replaces them.
[D13 - DS] - Thrawn's childhood dream
[MOC] - HMS Flycatcher - 14-gun sloop-of-war
Edit: I just realised that my sails were utterly disgraceful. Replaced them with more appropriate. Pictures replaced
[MOC] - HMS Flycatcher - 14-gun sloop-of-war
Thanks for the appreciation! No, it's just 1 mm twine rope
[MOC] - HMS Flycatcher - 14-gun sloop-of-war
This is my second attempt to build a Lego redcoat ship. My first attempt was a complete, total and utter disgrace. Just like my previous ship, this one is loosely based on the 1770 British sloop-of-war HMS Kingsfisher. I decided to call her HMS Flycatcher - the flycatcher is a bird, just like the kingfisher, and it was the name of a cute Royal navy carrier-based biplane fighter. Here are some closeup photos: As a bonus - here's a picture of the ship without 'rigging' (it's only basic on the finished model) and sails: Thanks for watching! I shall gladly answer your questions in the comment section. P. S. : please forgive me for the ugly background
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