Everything posted by strangely
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
That makes more sense. I was wondering what those sections were as they were too flat to be the corridors that surround the courtyard. That definitely helps improve my opinion of the set. Seems to be a fireplace on the left. So I'm guessing it's supposed to represent the interior of the great hall.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I've found them at Walmart and Kohl's so far.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I think you're right. With the reintroduction of the Alice hairpiece and her inclusion in the treehouse, it would make sense for a minifigure set to be in the works. Too, I think it would be weird not to include her in the lineup given how well represented all the other 50's animated movies are (Cinderella has two minifigures so far, Sleeping Beauty has three and Peter Pan is likely to have three given the new Wendy Hairpiece and the unrevealed set, so Alice in Wonderland only having the Queen would be strange). Cinderella's Carriage would be welcomed. I've thought the minidoll versions were okay, but there's definitely room for a new and improved version of it.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I thought so too, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up in case the head and torso are just one piece.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I meant underperforming more so than failing, I've amended my original post to reflect that. My point is that they've had a fair share of projects that haven't lived up to expectations and haven't been the runaway successes that they could/should have been and I attribute it to exhausting existing franchises and not giving them the development time they need to actually tell those stories right. I will say I actually believe The Little Mermaid and Peter Pan remakes seem like a positive course correction, it seems like Disney has put a bit more effort into those remakes and I think they actually might be hits. I wouldn't mind more Lego sets for them if they live up to expectation.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Ah yes, where have the good ole days of Disney gone? Back when you could marry a teenage girl on the first date and have a racial stereotype sing at the reception (they can sing that classic Disney tune "what makes the red man red!). Sarcasm aside, I kind of doubt being less family friendly is the reason for the issues they're facing. That theory doesn't explain why their adult content, like Marvel and Star Wars, have also been underperforming. I think it's more likely that cheapening the brand with heartless cash grabs (that are often just poor quality movies) is probably more likely the reason these movies are doing worse and worse. I mean even the failure with Lightyear makes total sense, they had already tried to do that spin off two decades ago and it didn't work so well then either. I don't think Lego has completely left them out, there are quite a few classic Little Mermaid sets out there. For those who don't like the remake set there's still a classic Little Mermaid Castle on shelves. I mean I get that it doesn't have minifigures, but technically a classic Ariel minifigure does exist. So it's not exactly like those fans have nothing.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I would argue the franchise has stagnated already. Harry's story has been told pretty well in the form of books (there's so many editions of the books too, illustrated versions with supplemental material, and all the online content), live action movies and video games. I don't think it's too much to ask to expand the universe beyond Harry's slice of the wizarding world. And I think skepticism in deserved in this case when you look at Warner Bros and Rowling's recent work. They don't inspire much confidence.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I think they'll definitely make sets for it. I just don't see that show doing well. The movies aren't that old, many of the actors are beloved (based on how the internet works, the new cast will almost certainly get dumped on and harrassed constantly), and a book a season sounds super tedious for some of those books. And that's to say nothing about the way Rowling has been phoning it in on every one of these projects for the last few years (hopefully they don't let her write any of it as her screenplay skills on fantastic beasts were abysmal). Why couldn't they just go forward with the rumored Hogwarts Legacy show? At least that would have been new.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I agree that the classic one makes more sense for this type of set. But I'll say the remakes are kind of rule defying at times. The Beauty and the Beast remake was middling at best, but ended up making over a billion in theaters and who knows how much in merchandising. I think the nostalgia of the original carried the remake and it's possible that'll happen again with the Little Mermaid. So from Lego's vantage point, it kind of makes sense to jump into the remake merchandising pool. Even if the movie sucks, they'll still likely sell a lot of toys. And based on the amount of large sets they've been putting out, it seems like Lego is confident there's a market for these price points.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I'm glad they did the remake rather than just giving us the CMF Ariel and Ursula again (plus I love the extra details the minifigure printing gets when it's based on live action source material). The overall build is a bit funky, but I'm betting this is one of those sets that looks better in person. I actually have a pretty good feeling about the quality of the movie remake, so I think this was worth the tie-in. I actually wouldn't mind if the upcoming Peter Pan set was based on the remake as well, the last trailer looked pretty good.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I suspect it's actually supposed to be the Great Hall entrance, which has a clock, and they've just mistaken it for the clock tower.
Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
No, Grant and Hammond both have a hat band that's the same color as their hair, so being dual molded is not the reason it wasn't used in those sets. Maybe it was designed this way for a technical reason. I could imagine that there was perhaps a stability issue. Perhaps making the hair and band one piece with the rest of the hat molded around it made it less likely that the hair would potentially separate from the hat over time.
- Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
- Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
- Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I mean, the Peter Pan remake got a set, so it's certainly within the realm of possibility.
Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I fully expect DOD sets will release at some point, just not until after the movie comes out. Disney takes it's secrecy pretty seriously. I mean for No Way Home the Lego designers were given one concept image of Dr. Strange's basement and some suit concepts and nothing else until after the movie came out. I imagine for the final Indiana Jones movie they're not going to take the chance of a Lego leak spoiling anything. I mean most of the Indy merchandise seen so far for this year has been based on the previous movies with the exception of a handful of overly generic action figures.
DC Superheroes 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Perhaps this new cowl is supposed to be Batman the Animated Series inspired (hence the white eyes) and they're just opting to use it for Keaton too.
- Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
- Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
- Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I might have been mistaken, but I assumed the originals pictures leaked from that big survey leak a few weeks back. Leaked box art doesn't mean it was ever approved for production. Box art is something created before the factory ever starts producing a product. We know the set was developed by the design team, we know they created box art and that the key art was finalized. But we don't have any proof that it was ever approved for production and actually went into production. Why would they have over produced that piece? Indy's hair in Dial of Destiny is grey, not brown.
Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
There's no proof it ever went that far though. There's been no factory leaks from that set, all we got was one blurry image from a survey. So there's no evidence it actually went into production like the other sets. Just because there was a picture doesn't mean it was ever approved for production. I also doubt the whole 'brand values' theory. Lego has always used those as a rough guideline and how they interpret those values has varied on a case by case basis which is why we have Lego Stranger Things, The Simpsons and the large array of PG-13 movie tie-ins of the last 2 decades. As for the lack of announcement, I'm not particularly troubled by that either. There's a lot of factors that might have led to that. Just the constant delays may have screwed up their promotion schedule. Or they might simply be waiting on Disney to start their advertising push for the movie to start announcing everything. It's also possible that Disney is trying to keep a fair amount of secrecy surrounding this project, especially since it's Harrison Ford's last portrayal of Indy. So they might have decided to have Lego push back production on Dial of Destiny sets, especially given the heavy amount of leaks that Lego has.
Jurassic Park/World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I will say, in Legos defense, they did at least give her 3 different torso variations across her 4 appearances (clean pink shirt, muddy pink shirt and blue tank top).
Jurassic Park/World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Gotta say, I really love these. They even printed the Barbasol can, which is crazy since they probably had to license that! I'm glad to see they finally gave Ellie a better hairpiece and her shirt is now coral colored instead of pink! They finally corrected Lex's hair color. Too bad they didn't use Indy's new hair mold for Alan though. The Visitors Center turned out better than I expected, I am still anxious to see the inside. I wish they had given us smaller raptors that would better fit inside, I would have been okay with them just recoloring the Atrociraptor.
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