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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I'm conflicted. I quite like the modules for my young son. A problem with the bigger sets is that, if you break one playing with it, it's a bit daunting having to build the whole thing again. This design makes that issue much more manageable. That said, it is very expensive for an age range that young, especially since the new HBO series will change the entire aesthetic for his demographic in a few years.
  2. Hmmmm, I will have to reserve judgment on this one til we have better pictures. I was excited about it, I think it looks good, I like the dragon. Yet somehow I feel underwhelmed.
  3. Yes, I do not understand the thought process with the cuts on this set. There is nobody buying this set who is not already a castle fan. It is expensive and has no real appeal outside of being a companion to the castle. So why do they think dedicated castle fans are willing to pay $230 for a meh product but not willing to pay $280 for a fantastic one? It makes no sense. If they were trying to keep it ~$100, ok, that is a different matter. But $230 is a lot of money. It is not "meh" money.
  4. Yes, the same for me. I was hoping this line would be the play-friendly Icons sets, since LKC has so many play features. As it is, it is certainly more playable than, say, a modular--but nothing sets it apart, playwise, from any other open-backed set. It's funny. If it was $280 and truly spectacular. it might be a Day One for me. But at this price, and with all the sacrifices clearly made...I will wait for it to go on sale.
  5. I do think the cheesemonger needs a cow. That poor goat...
  6. I quite like this set as well. I do wish it had a couple more play features (the only real ones I see are the wheel you cn wind up and the tax collector hiding place), but overall I'm happy with it. I will not purchase this right away, but will certainly put it on my list of sets to buy if I can.
  7. The shutters look like stickers to me, unfortunately.
  8. My understanding, which may be incorrect, is that in China (where this theme is being more heavily marketed), ages start at 1 rather than 0. I am not sure if that applies to anniversaries such as this, though.
  9. Oh, I'm so glad the 4+ will have Batgirl! I wish the villain was literally anyone besides Joker or Harley Quinn, though. It's not like it's an issue of this being designed for a different market than I'm in--my son is literally their target audience and already has multiples of both. Glad I waited to get a Batmobile, though, as this one (despite paying for another Harley Quinn I don't want) sounds fun.
  10. Oooh, I hadn't seen that. Wonder what it will be, then? Would they do two Batcaves at once? (I just don't see how the 4+ is anything except the Batcave+vehicle with that piece count.)
  11. It's too bad we're in different countries, or I'd say (if I'm right) we should split--you can have the minifigures, and I'll take the batcave! :-) I thought the Batwing would probably come with it, but looks like they did a 4+ Batcave and Batwing in 2019, so not sure if they'd do the exact same combo again...
  12. Do we know which one is the 8-in-1 buildable character? Judging from the current sets in that age range at that piece count, my guess would be that. ETA: Almost identical piece count, and precisely identical price, to the HP two-in-one Patronus.
  13. The 4+ sets always have some nice printed pieces as well, if there is anything you could do with those. I am very excited, though--my son loves Lego Batman. I just hope we get a new villain with it. We already have enough Jokers and Harley Quinns to last a lifetime.
  14. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but based on piece count, I'm fairly sure the Batcave is the 4+. (Which I am actually thrilled about.)
  15. How, please, can I delete my account? Would also prefer to delete my posts so as to leave minimal digital footprint, but I understand if that isn't permitted.
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