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Everything posted by BobThePom

  1. BobThePom posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Hello Eurobricks! Bob is back and this time I'm here with a Venator Class Star destroyer Bridge and a little story to go with it. Story first, build later, enjoy! (Captions are below the photos) Jedi Master Bolla Ropal stood on the bridge of the Coruscant Sky and contemplated the force. Something was off. From behind him his Lieutenant called out - "Sir, there's a bit of interference on the Holo-Table" His mind slowly thought through the event and he felt a deep sense of unease settle itself in the pit of his stomach. The Trooper at the display board called out - "Sir, the interference is affecting the display too." The bridge was silent as the unease spread between troopers. Looking out the window Master Ropal realized just how silent and vast space truly was. Master Ropal felt a twinge in the force. "Can you do a scan of the hull..." - He asked of his second Lieutenant, his voice trailing off. The bridge was eerily silent. It seemed as if the whole ship was holding its breath. The scan seemed to last forever but in reality it could not have been more than twenty seconds. Master Ropal turned around slowly. "Shut the blast doors Lieutenant" - he said, though his voice was almost a whisper. "Yes Sir" came the reply. The silence was nearly palpable. It felt sacrilegious to break it so the clones remained noiseless. Even the normal, soft hum of the computers seemed to have stopped. The blast doors closed with a barely audible 'hiss'. Master Ropal raised his right hand, as if reaching out through the stifling silence, towards the blast doors. Even that small movement was lethargic and slow. Master Ropal had to use an inordinate amount of willpower to break the eerie quiet. "They are coming" His feet making small, regular, tapping noises as he made his way along the corridor, General Grievous approached the blast doors to the bridge. His journey from where his cloaked boarding craft had penetrated the hull had been thoroughly unnerving, even for him. He hadn't spoken a word, nor encountered a soul as he silently paced the hallways. His soldiers had also refrained from making a sound. The General knew from his experience on Hypori how beneficial it was to unnerve the enemy but this was different. Though he didn't know it, for a reason he couldn't pin down, he was just as unsettled as Master Ropal was. The blast doors slid aside with the same barely audible hiss, thanks to the tampering of his guards and the General advanced into the room. The troopers had their guns drawn and Master Ropal had had the foresight to ignite his light-saber. The two commanders faced each other across the Holo-Table, neither wanting to the one to break the oppressive silence. But all things must end. In the end the silence was broken, not by the Jedi or the General, but by Master Ropal's Lieutenant. He fired the first shot and the trooper on the adjacent side of the table saw this as his sign to engage, firing a brief round at the General. Two deft light-saber strokes later and soldiers were on the floor. A lithe jump onto the Holo-Table and the General had the upper ground. Following in the subtle footsteps of their general, the separatist soldiers marched into the room. They efficiently dispatched the remaining resistance. The Troopers could not even cry out. The B2's advanced purposefully into the room, their shots making soft "btew" noises. They didn't waste a single shot. As quickly as it had begun, the battle drew to a close. While sparring with Master Ropal along the catwalk the General thought of some remark to make. Normally he would say something to put his opponents off guard but not a single word came into his metal head. Odd. Unnerving. Their light-sabers connecting with subdued "ktiss" sounds the two opponents fought. Master Ropal was outmatched and he knew it, though no sound passed his green puckered lips as he struggled against his mightier foe. General Grievous could see that Master Ropal was tiring. He should have felt encouraged. He didn't. The fact Master Ropal had made no sound throughout the whole fight, not even a grunt, unnerved him. With the last of the Troopers lying forever still the room slowly filled up with metallic specters. Faceless. Silent. They represented the unyielding corporations that had commissioned them. Merciless. Cold. Knocked to his knees at last, and with a claw round his throat, Master Bolla Ropal was defeated. The General's iron grip tightened. Master Ropal cast his eyes up, into the General's face, appealing, but to no avail. The featureless face remained emotionless. The General peered down at his defeated foe. The whole bridge had fallen silent once again. The shuffling of his soldiers had receded slowly, then ceased all together. He didn't know the being he held by the throat. He tightened his grip. He wanted to make it talk, scream, sing, anything except remain silent. But that was exactly what Master Ropal did. He remained silent. He could end it now. Slide one of his four light-sabers delicately through the Rodian's sternum. He hesitated. He could feel the emotionless gaze of his soldiers pierce right through his armor plates. He knew they couldn't possibly be judging him, but that's what it felt like. Judging him for what? "Stop" The harsh voice rang out through the motionless scene in the bridge. It was unsettling. Grating. Alien. Masking his presence, and the presence of the two Troopers with him, by using the force, Master Quinlan Vos had stealthily made his way to the bridge. Launching himself onto the Holo-Table in the same way the General had earlier, Master Vos skilfully and quickly dismantled the General's faceless soldiers. Cutting down all the soldiers that stood in his path, the grim-faced Master Vos and the two Troopers accompanying him approached the frozen scene. The General dropped Master Ropal and turned to face the new threat. The Jedi and the Cyborg held each others gaze, each belligerent unwavering. The General wondered humorlessly to himself whether Vos was coming to aid him or fight him. No-one truly knew where this rogue's loyalties ultimately lay. The General decided that today, Vos's loyalties lay with the Republic. Probably a wise choice. In a single acrobatic leap the General broke off his eye-contact with Master Vos and vaulted, across the heads of the Troopers and the bewildered Jedi, to land lightly on the Holo-Table. Jumping down he decisively departed down the corridor and passed out of sight. Master Vos let him go. As the General made his way to his ship he wondered whether he would be seeing Vos again. He came to the conclusion that he would. What he couldn't decide was whether the meeting would be on Serenno or on some backwater rim-world in opposing trenches. Master Ropal picked himself up off the smooth floor and faced Master Vos. "Thank you" - He said. "Don't" - Master Vos replied. "It was hardly a victory. Just a waste. Of good machines." Master Vos turned and, ignoring the two Troopers behind him, walked down the passage and out of sight. Master Ropal surveyed the dead and then, when he had looked his fill he turned to stare out into the darkness of space. "Sir, it obviously slipped the busy mind of Master Vos" - the first Trooper began. His companion sniggered. The first Trooper continued -"but we have a message from the Jedi High council. They want you to go to Devaron, to the temple of Eedit, and protect a Kyber crystal. Your apprentice, Tyzen Xebec is already there." Without turning around Master Ropal replied - "set the co-ordinates Trooper." Though the unease and the eerie silence had passed he was still confused as to what to think of the events that had transpired. He would meditate on it later. As the Coruscant Sky jumped to hyper-space Master Ropal reflected on how good it would be to be finally removed from the war. He had overseen the construction of the temple on Devaron and he knew just how peaceful it was there. End. Now for the build! I hope you enjoyed the story, it was fun to draft and tell. The build itself took me a day to complete and though the pictures don't show it the whole thing can be taken apart into four modular sections. I would love to make a whole Venator to go with it but my wallet says no... The build used all the light bley tiles that I own. I'm particularly proud of the way this part of it looks. The patterns on the floor were also really interesting to devise. Before anyone says it, yes I do realize two 1x2 light bley plates at the top of the forward windows, below the bar would have made it look more even. However I only noticed this after I had packed my camera and tripod away... It was really enjoyable building this and I hope you like it! Cheers, Bob
  2. Sign me up! But just for Saturday though. Now I live here it will be easy to come! (My Brother and father may be interested in coming as well).
  3. Well done, I like it, it certainly looks fit for the environment!
  4. BobThePom replied to BobThePom's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    No, no, that's fine, much appreciated. I guess the wheels may need to be bigger for the length of the tank. It may need to be taller. You've picked up on the one thing i did deliberately though I always remembered it being more elongated and when I searched for pictures it turned out to be taller but I was too lazy to go back and change the base! Though thank you for pointing it out. If I ever build it again I will be sure to make it taller for it width and length.
  5. BobThePom replied to BobThePom's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thanks, I really enjoyed building it! No I don't unfortunately, TLG version is in the build . But you are right it is definitely longer and larger. At the moment, no large spaceships or vehicles because I am building an interpretation of Dol Guldur and have been for 2 years! This was just a side project . Thanks! The commander can see from his raised chair but the other clones have screens on the inside, unfortunately they aren't visible in the photos I took . It certainly is an open position! I tried to go for as much detail as possible without sacrificing the interior. I find MOCs so much more intriguing when they have an interior. Thank you!
  6. BobThePom replied to BobThePom's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thanks Manx! It was a lot of fun incorporating all the functions into the build in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways.
  7. The tail toboggan is what does it for me, I can just imagine the clone troopers sliding down it into battle . It's great!
  8. The finished effect is great, thanks for the tutorial, I'll surely be using this later on!
  9. BobThePom posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Here it is, the product of two months work, THE JUGGERNAUT. A ten wheeled behemoth with more than 10 opening hatches, 4 firing missles and the space to hold over 20 clone troopers. The best thing though? It's fully motorized and can roll over battle droids. What more could you possibly want? All the extremities (rocket launchers, missile tower, coning tower) can all move, though they aren't motorized to do so. I didn't measure it's exact length and width but this monster is pretty darn large. There is a scale picture at the end. Plenty of opening flaps and hatches to show an interior that consists of a sleeping bay with four bunks and storage, a rear cockpit with pilots seat, a frontal cockpit with commanders seat, pilots seat and navigators seat, a troop bay to hold 10 troopers, launching rockets and easy access to the motor in case serious repairs are needed. (It was awfully hard to focus that last shot... ) Pressing down on the commander in his chair fires two missiles out the front of the Juggernaut. All will be revealed in the video at the end. Some lovely greebles and.... a hair whoops... Here's a lovely photo of your's truly holding the beast for scale. Boy is she heavy, the sheer weight of the vehicle caused serious problems as I was designing the axles , I had to use a series of short technic rods together to hold the wheels in place so nothing snapped under the strain. Now I couldn't just build a Juggernaut could I? I felt I had to have something else to go with it, so I built a clone ISP (Infantry Support Platform) commonly refered to as a "Swampspeeder". One thing I noticed about all the official lego versions of this craft is that none of them have the wings on the sides of the engines! This was a problem I felt I definitely had to address. A lovely close up of the rather exposed pilot. I wouldn't want to drive one of these... The blast shield is more to protect the valuble republic technology than the poor pilot... Now for some real action, I had to use my lesser quality camera to take these videos so apologies in advance (my normal camera can't take videos... ). Unfortunately I've just been informed that one can't embed flickr videos on Eurobricks... but if it isn't too much trouble feel free to follow on through these links to see the beast in action. The first link is all the guns firing and the second is the behemoth rolling away. https://www.flickr.c...in/photostream/ https://www.flickr.c...in/photostream/ Thanks for reading and watching, constructive criticism is always appreciated, Bob
  10. BobThePom replied to Fugazi's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    Evening, I'm about to make a rather large post in the Star Wars forum but I would like to upload a video of my creation as well. So instead of publicly embarrasing myself with my ineptitude, I thought I'd ask, how do you upload a video from flickr to Eurobricks? Is it even possible? Many Thanks.
  11. BobThePom replied to BobThePom's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    The finished model has in fact been fully dismantled now but thankfully photographed first , I went through a couple of weeks with no internet but as I have a connection now I can post the rest of the photos tonight! Edit: an unforseen work related distraction has pushed back the reveal to next Friday or Saturday. Apologies...
  12. BobThePom posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Transmission Begin ---zzzzzzz--- Squadron 4875323, conveniently named “Patrol 4”, of the Ringo Vinda Forest Campaign made its lonely way slowly through the night. “Halt – What's that noise?” demanded the tinny voice of the officious Patrol commander. “What noise?” came the predictable, equally robotic voice of the nearest trooper. “That noi...Uh Oh” The reply was interupted by a characteristic exclamation of dread. There was enough time for this exclamation to be unanimously repeated before squadron 4875323 of the Ringo Vinda Forest Campaign were denied the possibility of returning to base... ever. The patrol's brisk stroll through the darkness was cut short by the harsh synthetic material lining the enormous, rotund wheels of the Galatic Republic's behemoth of the land known as, THE JUGGERNAUT. (Fortunately the Grand Republic authorised the release of two teaser photographs of this vehicle to be presented to the public. Do take note that the preceding images are only meant to be a teaser for a larger anouncement, a full report of this vehicle is expected to follow at a later date.) Transmission End ---zzzzzzz--- ---beep---
  13. Another small MOC that went unposted for years... Guess the episode? BOBTHEPOM
  14. BobThePom posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    An old MOC I forgot to post of Anakin v Ventress on Yavin 4 from the Clone Wars 2D Cartoon. Enjoy BOBTHEPOM
  15. I don't know if anyone has said this or not but I think that the summer wave of sets are going to be based on the "REBELS" TV show. That would explain the ship called Ghost which was named as the main starship in said TV series
  16. I wonder if this has something to do with those extra entries I counted earlier?
  17. I made sure not to count quotes. Perhaps those people just didn't have enough fun :p
  18. I've probably made some mistake but I thought it best to check, I counted 216 entries into this raffle instead of the 165 that copmike said. Have I screwed up? If there are more than 165 entries, have the others been put into the raffle? I just thought I'd check.
  19. BobThePom replied to CopMike's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Re-live the destruction of Alderaan with this tiny Death Star Baubble to hang on your tree. Merry Christmas! It was so hard to get those pieces to stick together...
  20. BobThePom posted a post in a topic in Community
    Hi all, Not sure if this is the right place to post it, but I have a dilema. I will soon be moving overseas from my present location and I have a lot of lego to pack. My biggest concern is my castle (Dol Guldur). It is 96 studs wide by 96 studs long. Its about 30 bricks high. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could pack this and ensure the least possible damage to it? The main problem is that it doesn't easily come apart in modular peices and I would be loath to dismantle it completely. Thanks Bob
  21. It's a TIE advanced... I'd better fix that.
  22. After we came out of hyperspace the first thing I saw was the TIE Advanced's . Everywhere. Like a swarm of ants crawling through the planets sky. I could see the city in the clouds up ahead but suddenly my intercom crackled and spurted into life... I must get that fixed... "btzz..crxz..Come in Green 9...Come in Green 9" It was the general. I had better answer. "I can hear you loud and clear General, this is Green 9" They say that starfighter numbers don't mean anything and that they are just a way of identifying pilots during battle. I don't believe them. I'm pretty sure I was put 9th for a reason... and there is only 9 starfighters. The general again. "Green 9, I don't want you anywhere near city in the clouds. You and Green 8 will make a perimeter and deal with these TIE Advanced's." Ouch... "General, Sir, is my flying really that bad?" I new this wasn't the time to ask but I felt a little hard done by. "btzz...crxz...I'm sorry Green 9...I can't hear you well...We are breaking up.....btzz" I'm not an idiot. I could tell that the last radio crackle was made by the general. Avoiding the question. More ouch... The only way I could raise my reputation in the eyes of the general would be to complete his orders to perfection. Sigh... Look out TIE Advanced's here I come... I can see Green 8 out of the corner of my eye. He's having better luck. He's actually in pursuit of an Imperial. All the Imperials seem to be staying away from me. I'd like to think it is because I'm so fearsome. In reality my eratic flying is probably scaring them away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breaking the 4th wall. A little side note, the lack of cockpit glass on the minifigure scale A-wing is so you can see the pilot. Not because the pilot is actually flying without any cockpit glass. Photos with cockpit glass on make it so that you can't see the pilots face.
  23. Cool. However I might just get you to have a look at my entry when I post it. Before the episode closes just to check if it is alright. Thanks, (it will be in about a week or so).
  24. What scale is this build? Is there a scale? Because I plan to have part of it in mini-scale and part in maxi fig scale.
  25. Can the episode be told in story form? As in alternating shots of my fig in his cockpit in minifig scale, then the battle in microscale, and back and forth as such?
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