Everything posted by OtherRGIII
75060 - UCS Slave I MOD/MOC
Any luck addressing it?
75060 - UCS Slave I MOD/MOC
A mistake in the Studio build? I’m assuming it works in real life since you did it ha
75060 - UCS Slave I MOD/MOC
Do you have your modded Studio file uploaded anywhere?
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
It baffles me that there wasn’t a Duel of the Fates Phantom Menace diorama this year for the 25th. I realize there was a “fight” play set, but that was awhile ago and now we have the perfect theme for famous scenes. Could be the length of degobah (so slightly wider base) then a cut out halway w/ door using trans red pieces that slide, and right side is cut out of the final room. You could set up Obi Wan behind the doors, watching Qui Gon; could set him up inside the small half circle shaft (cut out so you can see in from side) using a mall rod to grip; could set it up Qui Gon meditating while Maul seethes; or could set it up w/ dead Gui Gon and Maul falling down shaft in half (use some clear rods connecting to holes in the shaft—same pieces could potentially set up Obi Wan jumping instead, using different connections for the rod). They would never give you 11 figs, but the Supremacy Praetorian Guard Duel from TLJ would be a good diorama for 2027 (or now!)
75060 - UCS Slave I MOD/MOC
I linked one earlier, but Rebrickable would be easier probably. I had been using Simon’s just cause it was easy to get.
- [MOC] Medieval bridge and water mill
- [MOC] Gyldenspir Castle
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017 MOD/MOC
Looks great. Did you ever post the AT-AT mods?
- [MOC] Darth Maul's Scimitar (aka the Sith Infiltrator) Minifig scale with full interior
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Seems like we may not get anything this year. My hope is we'll get it next year, like how this year there are Mando S3 sets coming.
UCS Venator Mods
Saw the video on YouTube before I saw it here. Such great work. Can't imagine how hyped people waiting for it were :D
75060 - UCS Slave I MOD/MOC
Awesome. Can't wait to see it.
75060 - UCS Slave I MOD/MOC
Thank you! That would be awesome. I saw your mods on Reddit as well and was trying to reverse engineer them (actually messaged you ha), but there were some pretty serious ones to other parts (including redoing the frame). Awesome work. There is one on this post. I have also used the one Simon Lenz included for his wing mods (which are referenced above). I think he changed the side walls some but nothing to the internal structure from the original ( Lenz/ucs-slave-1-modifications/#details)--his model has the whole ship within it.
75060 - UCS Slave I MOD/MOC
Would love even just a file or something for that interior. I'm trying to figure out how you got the bed area, ladder, etc. all connected behind the cockpit.
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