Everything posted by zsoltom
Acclamator-class playset (75257 alternative) + Republic Color mod
Hey there, my newest playset alternative is here, an Acclamator made of the 75257 Millennium Falcon! I made a republic colour-modification as well, it needs 200 more pieces for additional 20-25 euros Front and back interior, technic handler, lots of figs can get inside, more pictures and details are at Rebrickable:
- [MOC] 43 Alternative builds from Ahsoka Tano's T6 (75362) - and counting
[MOC] 9 alternatives from 75379 R2-D2 Malak set - and counting
The Mantis turned out so good i couldn't disassemble it for a while, but eventually it had to happen, for i have been planning a Z-95 headhunter for a while :D By default i built the cockpit for an R2 minifig, but you can swap it for a 92276 windshield and put in any minifig (all helmet sizes fit) Here are the instructions are more pictures:
Venator Playset - alternative from 75362 + 75337
Please all welcome my biggest, most, -est alt ever: a Venator playset made of Ahsoka's T6 and the recent official AT-TE! Openable frontal interior for carrying troops, or your own micro/nano fighters, and a bridge-interior under the (removable) brige section with controls, seats. A lot of unorthodox solutions have been utilized, yet it is sturdier than it should be i must admit :) More pictures and instructions at Rebrickable!
[MOC] UCS Munificent Class Star Frigate (with interior!)
[MOC] 43 Alternative builds from Ahsoka Tano's T6 (75362) - and counting
3 more done: Ebon hawk: N-1 starfighter (freebie): Imperial Police patrol gunship:
- [MOC] 43 Alternative builds from Ahsoka Tano's T6 (75362) - and counting
Jedi Bob's (75388) and Bobi-Wan's (75333+75388) Alternatives - 12 so far
n-1: A-wing: Bobi-Wan's TX-130 vs star fighter: tie striker: Mandalorian fang fighter with rotating cockpit:
- Inquisitor's Dark Destroyer playset - 75336 Scythe Alternative
Inquisitor's Dark Destroyer playset - 75336 Scythe Alternative
After the Dark Dropship alt, here's a Dark ISD for the inquisitors! 2 pilots, 4 figs, +1 throne seat for Palpatine, openable intererior, projectile shooters... Instructions at Rebrickable:
- [MOC] 43 Alternative builds from Ahsoka Tano's T6 (75362) - and counting
Mando's U-Wing - Alternative from 75292 Razor Crest
Hello there people, my second alt from the Razor Crest is here: Mando's U-Wing! 2 figs can get in the cockpit, moveable wings, you can fix them at landed and attack positions too, removable landing gears, and is overally a sturdy-playable model! What do you think? :)
- Ahsoka Tano's Nu-Class Attack Shuttle - 75362 + 75364 alternative
Ahsoka Tano's Nu-Class Attack Shuttle - 75362 + 75364 alternative
So i usually post my 75362 alternatives to a dedicated topic, but this alt turned out to be a very special one for me, it deserves it's own topic :) All the pieces are from the 75362 Ahsoka T6 jedi shuttle and 75364 but from this set only Shin Hati's figther is needed, no parts are required from the e-wing. Sturdy, playable, displayable, 2 pilots, 14 crew in the back, 2 medical-beds, 3 retractable landing gears, studshooters, and sturdy wings that keep their weight both when flying and when landed. I'm so in love with this model!! :D What do you think? More pictures and instructions available at rebrickable
Dark Dropship - 75336 Scythe alternative
I'm not sure if anyone ever wished for an all-black dropship, but i had to do it in the wake of the Dark Falcon Instructions on Rebrickable: Can carry an AT-TE (75337 - notice that the Scythe is 75336, the AT-TE is 75337, this had to happen! :D), but i couldn't add in a technic handler, thats why the body is built extra sturdy. Can stand on its own as well, 2 seater, comepletely openable cockpit, weapon holders, and projectile shooters under the wings. Since the AT-TE holder technic "frame" is 2 stud wider than it is needed, i think a wide vareity of vehicles could be attached to it, but i only have the AT-TEs.
- [MOC] 43 Alternative builds from Ahsoka Tano's T6 (75362) - and counting
Jedi Bob's (75388) and Bobi-Wan's (75333+75388) Alternatives - 12 so far
Have some new stuff: a v-wing an E(h)-wing: And an azure angel-wannabe version:
- [MOC] 43 Alternative builds from Ahsoka Tano's T6 (75362) - and counting
Jedi Bob's (75388) and Bobi-Wan's (75333+75388) Alternatives - 12 so far
The 75388 checks out as a pretty cool set, has very nice figures, awesome parts, so i'm sure we will see lots of alts from this set :) Since i missed out on the 75333 when it came out i was in my lego dark ages, but with this ship i'm having so much fun! 4 already done, some more coming later, but for know i will rest this set a bit gunship: custom starfighter: snowspeeder wannabe: and a gunship made from the bob's and obi wan's (75333) starfighters:
[MOC] 43 Alternative builds from Ahsoka Tano's T6 (75362) - and counting
3 more :)
[MOC] 9 alternatives from 75379 R2-D2 Malak set - and counting
Stinger Mantis in da house! This time i added in the fang fighter from set 75348 (nothing is needed from the tie interceptor) for the nice selection of wedge plates, which complement very well the r2's pieces. More pictures, instructions: - custom brickbuilt bd-1 - wings rotate - interior -sturdy, playable, displayable, tested irl I might do some more alts from theese 2 in the near future :)
[MOC] 43 Alternative builds from Ahsoka Tano's T6 (75362) - and counting
UPDATE TIME: 2 Pelta class display models And a Clone Wars era-ish Y-wing! instructions, more pictures available at my rebrickable :)
SW Minifigs 4/5/6
whooaaaa, awesome site, haven't heared of it, thanks for the share mate! :)
- Galactic Empire over Jedha City Diorama Instructions
[MOC] 9 alternatives from 75379 R2-D2 Malak set - and counting
thx, and whoa, love the scale of yours! Did you make instructions? would love to check it out :) thx, i think getting the set should be justified by now ;) From this set alone the arc is not doable, since the r2 set contains practicly 0 wedge plates, and thats a huge limitation especially for a ship with 6 wings :D The next model i will start working on in a few days will be a z-95 headhunter, it just might be possible and acceptable, and have some more ideas to check out, but im open for suggestions, even outside from star wars :)
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