Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Your desire for more location based sets is completely valid and one I share. I would suggest that the fact Lego used to make more location based sets and are now making more cars and mechs tells us that over the years they have learned that cars and mechs sell better with their target demo than locations do. As much as I despise capitalism that’s just how it works. We can definitely discuss what we would like to see more of, but I don’t think we can claim to know better than LEGO what kids (parents) will buy more of.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Some great points being made about Marvel sets being creatively limited by trying to represent what’s seen on screen. To anyone complaining about repetition, try to remember LEGO superheroes are toys, not collectibles. You need to look at a theme like City and ask why do they release a new fire engine, police car, ambulance etc. every couple of years? Well it’s because there’s always new kids reaching the age where they want those things and why shouldn’t they get their version? Superheroes is very much a theme still aimed at the kids market (as opposed to something like icons or botanicals which is aimed at adult collectors). Whilst we are starting to see the odd diorama aimed at collectors, the theme as a whole isn’t designed around people collecting every set they release. As an adult collector I do wish they would make better quality figures on a theme where the characters are the main draw. I also understand that they spend far more than I earn in a year on market research which tells them they don’t need to. It’s a shame but it’s all just part of collecting a theme that isn’t really aimed at me. A final note before I get called a shill, the overall decline in quality (poor colour matching, more visible mold marks) whilst maintaining the high price point is really not acceptable. I don’t have a problem with them charging more for a premium product but it really is starting to feel less and less premium. Hopefully people will start to buy less so they can see it’s damaging their profits as unfortunately that’s the only thing that will make them change.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Quicksilver rumoured for summer wave
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
The tiles on the roof are interesting, almost looks like they might be planning to release another set at a later date that can go on top. Maybe Miles’ apartment/bedroom? The car is really nice.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
It’s all good, I’m not offended and I’m certainly not trying to cause offence. I think the point I’m just trying to make is that animation isn’t a genre, and someone saying they don’t like animation sort of implies that all animation is more or less the same. I don’t like all animated things just like I don’t like all live action things (anlthough I also thought Agatha was great). A lot of animation is aimed at kids and I can get not being into that, but lots of it isn’t and there is some really beautiful storytelling out there in the world of animation.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I’m not trying to convince you a Spiderverse cmf is a good idea (not 100% convinced myself). I just think it’s a shame someone who (presumably) likes superheroes is missing out on a really interesting and incredibly well told superhero story simply because it’s in the format of an animated movie.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
This is such an odd stance. I can understand not being into certain genres but animation really isn’t a genre. You’d be hard pressed to find a single professional critic that wouldn’t rate Into the Spiderverse as a good movie.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I know where this guy likes to get his red hot comic book movie news.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Good point!
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
There’s a good chance it could be a Fortnite CMF with some of the marvel skins included, that could be what’s causing the confusion?
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
That Jennifer Lawrence character really felt like Mystique in name and power-set only to me. I think they just wanted her star power to get people into cinemas.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
An African American taking over the role of ‘Captain America’ is quite a significant step for representation. It’s really important that children get to see people who look like them presented in a positive light in media. Fully hiding the characters skin in a toy feels like a big step backward. Imagine being a young black kid, excited to see a black person become Captain America, to then be given a toy where his skin is fully hidden. I have no problem with him having a helmet in the film or with Lego including it in the set. But it would be such an easy solve to include an extra head and hairpiece. Having said that we should really wait to see whether or not Lego has included an extra head before we start slinging mud.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I got Black Panther with mine. £6.99 though! Is this the price of them now or do they charge more for the double fig issues? If it’s the new price I think I’ll stick with Bricklink
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Anyone else think the helmet on the jet pack guy in the leaked series 27 cmf image looks suspiciously like Ultron? Probably wishful thinking but would be cool if we were getting a recolour of that for the comic-based Ultron in the new Ironman mech.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Legofancomics on insta
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