Suddenly, a slightly blunt sword flew through one of the windows at the front of the hall and landed on a random table, startling almost nobody except those unfamiliar with the man who was about to make an unusual comeback! Only three- yes, THREE- pairs of eyes turned towards the door, and everyone else either sighed and carried on with their business or looked around in confusion (still the people unfamiliar!) However, this entrance came as a shock, a bundle of disappointment and a surge of anger to everybody when none other than Drake Flamerobe smashed through a window with his trusty imaginary spirit friend Dak!
"Ooh, I see new heroes raring for more adventure than I've ever had! I mean, it's not like they'll ever get more adventure than me but they've got the spirit for it!"
"Oh, Drake, with your huge ego and even bigger lack of intelligence. Oh, that reminds me. You need to fix the window and get your sword back."
"Yeah, yeah, bossyboots. Like I'll ever actually do that..."
"I heard that! And if you don't do it, then I will."
"Ugh, fine..."