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MisterCreators Custom MOCs

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. oh yes, I meant the smaller version of course. The power module can deliver 75A continuously. I'm pretty sure that this is enough, but all motor controllers combined can theoretically deliver 64A peak when all ports are under full load.
  2. Hello Guys, thank you very much for the positive Feedback :) Originally I planned to send out the first few test samples last year, but due to some tiny errors and assembling difficulties it had to delay that and only finished one Box for the video. I have to make some tiny adjustments and reorder the PCBs until I'm ready to sell the Handmade batches. But I really hope, that it won't take long. I'm going to be really busy in January, but I'm confident that I can start selling afterward. If you are really interested, just e-mail me at info@mistercreator.de. The planned things like lighting Modules and Brushless Modules are independent of the Box and can be added separately if needed. Yes, the Servo did not rotate full 90 degrees, but I think this is only a setting in the transmitter regarding the servo signal and this should be fixed easily. I will take a look at that problem later I will sell the Box if possible, but I won't sell the transmitter or batteries with it. For the transmitter it should be your choice to pick, but for now the Box only supports AFHDS3 remotes, which will stick you to the Paladin. But even there the "cheap" one starts at €250 while the high end one is priced at €1000 so you have to decide for yourself. Otherwise, you can buy a AFHDS3 expansion module and stick it in the expansion slot of an opentx remote or another remote you might already have. For the battery, you have to make sure that it fits your model, so I won't sell a generic battery which most people wouldn't use because it doesn't fit. Also, there would be the problems that @Mr Jos already mentioned. No, for now there is no RC Box planned which already houses the battery. Maybe I will think about this in the future. The good thing is, that the Box is (nearly) fully modular, so makeing another powermodule which houses XT plugs will not be a big deal (but not sure if a XT60 will fit the dimensions, maybe it would be a XT90 then). Having the PWM ports as they are, will not be an option for now because the ports on the RC Box provide 5V as well as 12V and some of my planned modules will require one or the other. So having an normal PWM Port which only supplies 5V BEC is not possible. It maybe makes the Box a bit more complicated because you need an extra adapter, but it also makes the Box a lot more versatile. best regards Adrian
  3. Hello Guys, after 6 months without a single post, I want to share with you the progress I made on the RC Box. I now have 10+2 channels in the same box size as before. 10 normal Power functions ports (2 with finally working servo support) and 4 dual channels. Additionally there are two PWM channels which can be used to hook up non power functions components such as Geekservos, lighting modules (WIP) and Brushless motors (WIP) bringing the maximum motor count to twelve. I made a new video which shows everything: Best Regards Adrian
  4. Hello technic friends, I have some interesting new information about the RC Box. After I tested some different electronic speed controllers, I was able to get proportional servo control to work properly. So There will be an improved or fully working Version of the 10 Ch RC Box very soon, As well as the versions with different channel amounts.
  5. I've now hooked up my multimeter to the Buwizz ports and as I already expected, the Buwizz does not output an PWM Signal, it outputs proportional voltage. That means: to get the servo turning just a little bit you need 1,6V from C1 to C2. The more voltage there is between C1 and C2 the more the servo will turn. As the PWM Signal always provides full voltage, the servo will always turn 100%. I hope this is understandable for everyone and clarifies any open questions.
  6. I now tested everything again and built a small testing rig, to make sure that it's nothing wrong with my RC Box. But same as before, the servo still only turns all the way to the left or to the right, no proportional steering possible. I used an 2S lipo to make sure that I'm not overvolting my servo.
  7. It was a original LEGO Servo which was tested on Buwizz to work properly.
  8. My servo outpouts are fully wired up, so they do have 0V, 9V, C1 and C2 thats why they are not labeled as a dual channel. But even with that, I had no luck getting the servo to turn proportionally, no matter how less PWM I applied it always went 100% left or right, that's why I thought that they might need proportional voltage input and not PWM input. So I was able to turn the servo and the connections were ok, but the servo was not able to decode the signal correct for proportional turning. I will try some more things this weekend
  9. Yes, same cable PF is using, Well thank you very much for that, then I have to take a closer look into my servo control
  10. I went with the same ribbon cable that is used in the motors and extensions.
  11. Yes I did, but the servos don't understand the PWM signal the ESCs put out. So for now servos can not be controlled proportional, but they can be controlled left or right (-90°, 0°, 90° only these 3 positions and nothing in between)
  12. These are ESCs with PWM output, and they are dual ones. Thank you very much :) The ones in the middle are wired up normally for Servo support, but while testing I discovered that LEGO servos don't take a PWM signal, so there is no promotional control yet. You can only steer fully or not, but I'm already trying to find a solution for that.
  13. Yes the remote is quite expensive, but there will be ways to use other remotes. For now you also could get an opentx remote and an AFHDS3 module and it should work fine together- Not quite sure about that but probably somewhere around 200-300€ depending on the number of channels (no guarantee for that at this time XD) Can confirm it's so high because i needed space for all the components. At first there is the receiver, then there are 10 motor controllers that output the different PWM Signals, then there is telemetry to transmit the battery voltage to the remote and there are wires in there. And they are not small. A peak current of 50A must be able to flow and need to be turned of and on. And 50A cannot be switched via the small switch, so a corresponding transistor is installed which is controlled via the switch. I still hope that i can reduce the height 1 Stud, but I'm not sure about that at the moment. Also, I'm not ready to present the internals, since there are wires everywhere and it does not look good XD
  14. That is right, but you can get the Paladin in the Basic variant for €250. Otherwise you can get an AFHDS3 Extension Module which should work with every remote that has an extension slot for about €100 I've looked into this, and it will be possible to support the AFHDS2A as well. But maybe we should continue the conversation at the RC Box thread
  15. I'm very sorry for that and didn't mean to do that. I thought that these topics are very related, and so I just posted here. But now I created my own thread about the RC Box :)
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