I sadly have not found any archives of it,i might just make a bounty. Nothing monetary like money ect, just a shoutout n' stuff, if you do have interest just reply to this message, thanks if anyone responds.
Roboxplotation is a brickfilm that was a runner up on BRAWL 2012, it is currently deleted.Here is the original url on youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJaEyVan-tg
Heres the wiki for more information:https://brickfilms.fandom.com/wiki/Roboxploitation?mobile-app=true&theme=dark
The creators wiki:https://brickfilms.fandom.com/wiki/"MinifTory"
If you have any leads, screenshots or footage of the brickfilms.It would be of massive help, thanks for reading this.