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About YellowFrog

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    Eldorado Fortress

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  1. I only added competitions with prizes, not including themed months (because there would be a whole lot more of those).
  2. See the finished calendar here:
  3. As far as I know, it's done! Click the image to go to Flickr if you want to download it.
  4. That explains why I didn't recognise it. Great part usage.
  5. I'm making a calendar of Lego competitions that run annually (every year) at the same time. I've got: Brickscalibur CCC Iron Forge Febrovery Marchikoma May the Fourth Aquajune Summer Joust Does Classic Pirates have an annual competition? Am I missing any?
  6. The Dragon Knights have marched deep into the territory of the Fright Knights, and are met in battle at the crumbling aquaduct.Three Dragon knights and their dog are locked in combat with Basil and the Fright Knights - who will win?See if you can spot a yellow frog and a light yellow spider hidden in the build. What do you think of it?
  7. After a castle has been abandoned for many years, left to the elements, the vines have grown over it and the birds have started using it for nesting. However, the castle's story is not over. As per the guidelines of CCC (Studly Builds), no tiles nor curved slopes were used in this build.
  8. Although the build itself may be small, the dwarves' castle is enormous, filling the mountain. It towers over the lake and landscape, and can be seen from far away, like from the village on the neighbouring hill. Built for CCC XXII (Colossal Castle) and Brickscalibur 2024 (Dwarf Tales). What do you think of it?
  9. This mighty bat guards the black falcon's castle, perched in a doorway. With its massive ears, no-one can sneak past this bat! And with its sword attached to its back, any who are heard will be quickly added to the pile of remains at the side of the doorway. The wings are sails from the 10320 Eldorado Fortress, the nose is made of sausages, and the ears are capes from the DnD Halfling Druid CMF. What do you think of it?
  10. The whole ship is great, but especially the piano. What pieces were used for the black keys?
  11. Great ship. Is that water simply 1x2 light-trans-blue tiles on a blue baseplate?
  12. As always, similar Lego sets are where you could get the most inspiration. I'd reccommend taking a look at the instructions for the ship from Barracuda Bay, the Imperial Flagship, and of course, the 31109 Creator Pirate Ship.
  13. BREAKING NEWS: A forestmen has stolen a pig from a carnival market! The joust has been suspended, and the knights are on the chase! Will the nefarious forestman make his escape, or will he be caught? --- If you are wondering why I've posted three MOCs back-to-back, it's because I built three MOCs back-to-back over three days, and photographed them all on the third day. This is an entry for Brickscalibur 2024 (Perspective Matters) and CCCXXVII (Crazy Carnival).
  14. A group of wizards gather, armed for an adventure. In the centre, the leader of the pack: the wizard of the birds. Next is the wizard of the dwarves: too tall to be a normal dwarf, but too dwarf-like to be anything else. The Mongolian wizard of war, adorned with a Mongolian-inspired hat and knives to match. The poor cyclops who's been conscripted into carrying all of their supplies. And finally, the wizard of death, riding a panther. Held by chains that tie him to the underworld, this starry figure rounds out the group. --- Buillt for Brickscalibur 2024 (Adventuring Party).
  15. I can't think of a good name for this build, so I'll just call it what it is: a knight diving for treasure. After seeing the glinting of the gems at the bottom of the river, he dove in. He left his armour on the bank... ...after learning from his predecessors. A sheep watches from the bank. Birds watch curiously from the trees. The riverweed flows in the strong currents. Will the knight reach the treasure? Or will the strong currents lead him to the same fate as the others who've tried? --- Built for Brickscalibur 2024 (Capturing Character) and CCCXXII (Natural Phenomenon Vignette).
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