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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Here's a US set from 1993, the box has no pieces on it, no age range either: https://www.ebay.com/itm/325976844497?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=rkzqFcbQQhS&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=bYjiBf9hTZu&widget_ver=artemis&media=COP
  2. So if US and Canadian regulations require number of pieces to be stated, why don't older Lego sets from the 90s have this on the box?
  3. As per the title, American Lego says "X pcs/pzs" on the front, whereas "international" Lego sets don't have this. Is there any reason/explanation for this? I also noticed that older US Lego sets (from the 90s for example) don't have the pieces listed either.
  4. In 2005/2006 there were some very large City sets released, including 7900/Heavy Loader, 7294/XXL Mobile Crane, and 7905/Building Crane. Why did they release such large sets during these years only and not since then?
  5. Any idea what set this truck is that appears on the front of the 1986 catalog? https://brickresales.com.au/products/lego-1986-catalogue-2474
  6. Does anyone know what set the truck in this 1986 catalog is? https://brickresales.com.au/products/lego-1986-catalogue-2474
  7. I just noticed that Kmart have the 4207 parking garage for $99 (down from $118). Is this a good deal? Doesn't seem like much of a discount to me?
  8. Those stickers look weird. Here in Australia, most ambulances have a sort of red cross on them. I've never seen blue on an ambulance.
  9. I was at Target the other day and one of the guys working at the store was loading up a cart with Lego police station sets and wheeled them off somewhere. Any idea what he might have been doing? Old stock? Where will they go?
  10. Why would that be the case? Big W have nothing to do with Wal Mart... completely different companies.
  11. Well, I went to K-Mart over the weekend, and the 2012 sets are finally in stock!! They had the ambulance, garbage truck, car and caravan, and off-road jeep, as well as the new forest police station, and police helicopter. I was only interested in the first 3, but they seem quite expensive - $29 each. I also noticed that the new sets seem to come in much smaller/thinner boxes.
  12. There is one in the City Fire Station (7208).
  13. I never knew Costco sold Lego. Do they have any City sets?
  14. My guess is that the farm sets will all go. I never see them in stores - do they even sell? The RV will also probably go as it was introduced back in '09 and the car and camper will make it pretty much redundant. I don't see them discontinuing 7288 though, as it was only introduced this year?
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